Farmhouse Soap

At the Soap Barn Farmhouse…

We have formulated a 100% pure soap especially for you:
• Our soap is chemical free – made only with coconut oil and clay.
• Our soap has no added chemicals and is SLES free.
• Our soap is 100% vegan – and vegetarian.
• Our soap is hypoallergenic, excellent for all types of skins.
• Our soap is delicate enough for babies and skin disorders.
• Our soap lathers, moisturises and washes beautifully.
• Our soap is great to work with, easy to melt and pour.

Click here to download and print Soap Making Instruction Sheet

Melting, Pouring, Un-Moulding & Packaging Instructions

Melting your Farmhouse Soap – 100% Pure Soap Base
Un-mould your soap out of the bucket and chop it onto large pieces.
You can melt your soap two different ways:
Gently melt it in a pot directly on the stove on a low heat. Once your soap has melted pour it into a plastic jug and leave it to cool.
Wait till it forms a thick skin on top, then you know it is a good pouring temperature.
OR : Gently melt your kilo of soap in a plastic jug in the microwave, three minutes at a time. Pour the melted soap into a second jug next to the microwave so you don’t keep reheating soap that is already melted. When all the soap is melted and poured into the second jug leave it to cool till a thick skin forms on top, then you know it is a good pouring temperature.
DO NOT pour your soap into a mould before it has cooled substantially or you will damage your mould. You can reheat and melt your soap as many times as you like providing you do not burn it. If it gets a bit thick after numerous melts then add a tablespoon of water to thin it down again.

Instructions:  Pouring your soap:
Once a thick skin has formed on the soap it is ready to pour. Move the skin aside (I use a kebab stick) and pour your soap into a mould. Pour as close to the mould as you can to prevent bubbles. If you see steam forming on the sides of your mould your soap is still too hot to pour and it will damage your mould. Spray each soap with spraying alcohol immediately after pouring.

Instructions:  Un-moulding your soap:
Leave your soap on the counter to set for two hours or until it feels cold against your skin. Put gentle pressure all around the mould to release the soap from the mould. When the soap has separated from the mould you can tap it gently in your hand till the soap falls out. If you treat your moulds with respect they will have a long and productive lifespan. The general rule is that if the soap does not want to come out of the mould, it is not yet ready. Leave it longer to set and then try again.

Instructions:  Packaging your soap:
Farmhouse soaps like to stand and dry before being packaged. The longer you can leave them to stand the more they dry, the harder they get, the better they lather and the longer they last. Once they have had some time to dry (2 days are fine but two weeks are better) they can be wrapped. I prefer to wrap my soaps in cellophane or butter paper. I find that cling wrap only looks good for one day. After that is starts looking tatty and unprofessional. Once I have wrapped them in cellophane or butter paper I can then wrap them in attractive soap wrapping paper or other fancy paper.

Farmhouse Soap – What’s it all about?
Finally before we move onto some fun soap ideas I would like to chat to you about the 100% pure melt and pour base offered to you at The Soap Barn. It is the only melt and pour base in South Africa that is 100% natural and chemical free. It is made with coconut oil and clay and is hypoallergenic. It is recommended for all skin types from babies with eczema to teenagers with acne to adults suffering from thrush. Use it and you will immediately discover how kind and gentle it is on your skin.
The Farmhouse Soap comes in a huge variety of fragrances and colours. They all work wonderfully and smell heavenly. There are four bases especially recommended for people with troubled skin, even if it just dryness in winter: Goats’ Milk and Honey, Myrrh, Patchouli and the Pure White Unfragranced. All four of those are miracle soaps for problem skin types.

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Requirements for Cleopatra Milk Soap:
1kg White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Rectangle soap mould SB45 (Soap Barn)
Butter paper (Chocolate Den)
Milk powder

Gently melt your soap (1kg farmhouse soap) in the microwave or in a pot over a very low heat. Once the soap has melted add 1 teaspoon milk powder, 20 ml fragrance and stir well and leave to cool till a thick layer has set on top. Pour the soap mixture into the moulds and leave to set. The soaps are stunning wrapped in butter paper and labelled. I like to leave my Farmhouse soaps at least two days after moulding before I wrap them.

Requirements for Classic French Country Soap:
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
20ml White Tea Flower fragrance (Soap Barn)
Hand Made rectangle mould (Soap Barn)
Classic French Country – Handmade Soap wrapping paper (Soap Barn)

Gently melt your soap in the microwave or in a pot on the stove. Once the soap has melted add 20ml fragrance. Pour your soap into the moulds. Spray with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles. Leave your soaps about two hours to set and then un-mould them. Wrap your soaps in cellophane and then in the Classic French Country Handmade Soap wrapping paper.

Requirements for Soap Crayons:
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fruity fragrances (Soap Barn)
Neon paste colours (Soap Barn)
Crayon mould (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips (Soap Barn)
Clear cellophane (Soap Barn)
Crayon labels (Soap Barn)
Small drawstring bag (Soap Barn)

Cut the crayons out of the mould with half a centimetre border around the side. Also cut out the flat, bottom part of each crayon (not the point!). Clip the two sides of the crayon together with bulldog clips. Stand the mould point down in a mug or jug. Melt your white Farmhouse soap and colour it with neon/luminous colour paste. Let me warn you that the yellow one smells absolutely terrible and you need to add lots of fragrance to cover that smell. I would leave it out altogether but it makes the most amazing neon yellow and green colours. The yellow mixes with a little blue to make a gorgeous green and the pink mixes with a tiny bit of blue to make a stunning purple. The pink and orange pastes are fabulous by themselves and unlike the yellow they don’t smell bad. Pour the melted, coloured and fragranced soap into the crayon moulds and leave to set. Leave for two hours and when the soap in the mould feels cold you can take off the bulldog clips and pop the soap crayon out. The crayons will feel wet immediately after you un-mould them. Leave them for an hour and they will feel dry. Wrap the body of the crayon in cellophane and then stick on your soap crayon label. You can then put three crayons in a small drawstring bag as a wonderful gift.

Requirements for Fresh Coconut and Lime Soaps:
1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Coconut fragrance (Soap Barn)
Lime fragrance (Soap Barn)
Grated peel from one fresh lime
3 Tablespoons finely grated fresh ginger
5 Heaped tablespoons dried coconut (Chocolate Den)
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)

Gently melt your pure white Farmhouse soap. Finely grate the peel off the outside of one whole lime. Also finely grate 3 tablespoons of fresh ginger. Put the grated lime, fresh ginger and desiccated coconut into your melted soap. Add 10ml coconut fragrance and 5ml lime fragrance to the mixture and stir through well till the fruit and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap. Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould. When the soap is cold to the touch put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps. Leave the soaps a few days to dry and the wrap them in cellophane and then brown paper and raffia. This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

Requirements for Citronella Soap Balls:
1kg white un-fragranced farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
1kg white un-fragranced soap noodles (Soap Barn)
Dried lemongrass + Citronella essential oil (Soap Barn)

Put one handful of soap noodles into a small bowl. Gently melt the farmhouse soap in the microwave or on the stove. Add 20ml citronella essential oil to the melted farmhouse soap and mix through well. Add a cup of the melted soap to a cup of soap noodles (just enough to cover the noodles) and stir it through till you get a thick porridge consistency. Now you can take this mixture and roll it into a beautiful soap ball. Roll the warm ball in dried lemongrass. Decorate your soap balls with organza ribbon and paper roses. Place in white paper cups when complete. These decorative soaps can be kept in the bathroom to keep away mosquitoes and flies.

Requirements for Soap Puzzle Pieces:
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fruity fragrances (Soap Barn)
Neon paste colours (Soap Barn)
Puzzle mould (Soap Barn)

Melt your white Farmhouse soap. Colour the soap with neon colour paste. Fragrance it with matching fruity fragrances. Pour into the puzzle mould and leave to set. Leave the soaps for a couple of days to dry. Package your soap puzzles in a large two row box for a wonderful gift. I leave the box flat and not made up so the pieces fit in nicely. I punched holes at the ends of the box and I threaded ribbon through.

Strawberry and Lime Farmhouse Soap

1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Strawberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Lime fragrance (Soap Barn)
Grated peel from one fresh lime
8 Large strawberries
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)
RBS Box Square Natural no lid (Soap Barn)
Straw + Raffia + Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tag Label download here

This recipe uses The Soap Barn’s wonderful Farmhouse Soap. This soap is formulated by Jackie to be absolutely pure, has no added chemicals and has a coconut oil base. It is great to work with, easy to melt, easy to colour, easy to fragrance, easy to pour, easy to un-mould and FABULOUS to wash with. It is a smooth, white, creamy soap that lathers well, washes well and moisturises at the same time. Once you have worked with this soap you will never want to use any other soap, it really is lovely.
Chop your whole kilo of soap into chunks and melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave for six or seven minutes. Or melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat till it runs like water. Farmhouse soap works just the same way as glycerine soap but it takes a few minutes longer to melt.
Finely grate the peel off the outside of one whole lime. Chop your strawberries into quarters and cook them in the microwave for two minutes. Drain away their juice and then add the cooked strawberries and the lime peel to your melted soap. Add 5ml strawberry fragrance and 5ml lime fragrance to the mixture and stir through well till the fruit and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap.
Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould, spray the top with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles (if there are any) and then leave the soap to set.
When the soap is cold to the touch (within about two hours) put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps.
Package them in the RBS Box Square Natural with straw. Then cover the box with cellophane. Tie a raffia bow over the box and add the label you have downloaded from the website.
This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

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Banana and Vanilla Farmhouse Soap

1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Banana fragrance (Soap Barn)
Vanilla fragrance (Soap Barn)
Grated vanilla pod
1 Large banana
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)
RBS Box Square Natural no lid (Soap Barn)
Straw + Raffia + Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tag Label download here

This recipe uses The Soap Barn’s wonderful Farmhouse Soap. This soap is formulated by Jackie to be absolutely pure, has no added chemicals and has a coconut oil base. It is great to work with, easy to melt, easy to colour, easy to fragrance, easy to pour, easy to un-mould and FABULOUS to wash with. It is a smooth, white, creamy soap that lathers well, washes well and moisturises at the same time. Once you have worked with this soap you will never want to use any other soap, it really is lovely.
Chop your whole kilo of soap into chunks and melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave for six or seven minutes. Or melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat till it runs like water. Farmhouse soap works just the same way as glycerine soap but it takes a few minutes longer to melt.
Finely grate the vanilla pod. Chop your banana in pieces, mash it and cook it in the microwave for two minutes and then another two minutes. Add the cooked banana and the vanilla pod to your melted soap. Add 5ml banana fragrance and 10ml vanilla fragrance to the mixture and stir through well till the fruit and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap.
Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould, spray the top with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles (if there are any) and then leave the soap to set.
When the soap is cold to the touch (within about two hours) put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps.
Package them in the RBS Box Square Natural with straw. Then cover the box with cellophane. Tie a raffia bow over the box and add the label you have downloaded from the website.
This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

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Kiwi and Jasmine Farmhouse Soap

1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Honeysuckle fragrance (Soap Barn)
Grated fresh kiwi
3 Heaped tablespoons dried Jasmine flowers (Soap Barn)
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)
RBS Box Square Natural no lid (Soap Barn)
Straw + Raffia + Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tag Label download here

This recipe uses The Soap Barn’s wonderful Farmhouse Soap. This soap is formulated by Jackie to be absolutely pure, has no added chemicals and has a coconut oil base. It is great to work with, easy to melt, easy to colour, easy to fragrance, easy to pour, easy to un-mould and FABULOUS to wash with. It is a smooth, white, creamy soap that lathers well, washes well and moisturises at the same time. Once you have worked with this soap you will never want to use any other soap, it really is lovely.
Chop your whole kilo of soap into chunks and melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave for six or seven minutes. Or melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat till it runs like water. Farmhouse soap works just the same way as glycerine soap but it takes a few minutes longer to melt.
Finely grate the kiwi fruit and cook it in the microwave for two minutes. Drain away the juice and then add the cooked kiwi and the dried jasmine flowers to your melted soap. Add 10ml honeysuckle fragrance to the mixture and stir through well till the fruit, flowers and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap.
Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould, spray the top with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles (if there are any) and then leave the soap to set.
When the soap is cold to the touch (within about two hours) put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps.
Package them in the RBS Box Square Natural with straw. Then cover the box with cellophane. Tie a raffia bow over the box and add the label you have downloaded from the website.
This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

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Pineapple and Pawpaw Farmhouse Soap

1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Papaya fragrance (Soap Barn)
Mango fragrance (Soap Barn)
Half a pineapple grated
Half a small pawpaw grated
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)
RBS Box Square Natural no lid (Soap Barn)
Straw + Raffia + Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tag Label download here

This recipe uses The Soap Barn’s wonderful Farmhouse Soap. This soap is formulated by Jackie to be absolutely pure, has no added chemicals and has a coconut oil base. It is great to work with, easy to melt, easy to colour, easy to fragrance, easy to pour, easy to un-mould and FABULOUS to wash with. It is a smooth, white, creamy soap that lathers well, washes well and moisturises at the same time. Once you have worked with this soap you will never want to use any other soap, it really is lovely.
Chop your whole kilo of soap into chunks and melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave for six or seven minutes. Or melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat till it runs like water. Farmhouse soap works just the same way as glycerine soap but it takes a few minutes longer to melt.
Finely grate half your pineapple and half a small papaya. Cook them in the microwave for two minutes and then another two minutes. Drain away their juice and then add the cooked fruit to your melted soap. Add 5ml papaya fragrance and 10ml mango fragrance to the mixture and stir through well till the fruit and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap.
Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould, spray the top with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles (if there are any) and then leave the soap to set.
When the soap is cold to the touch (within about two hours) put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps.
Package them in the RBS Box Square Natural with straw. Then cover the box with cellophane. Tie a raffia bow over the box and add the label you have downloaded from the website.
This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

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Blueberry and Lime Farmhouse Soap

1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Blueberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Lime fragrance (Soap Barn)
Grated peel from one fresh lime
20 fresh blueberries
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)
RBS Box Square Natural no lid (Soap Barn)
Straw + Raffia + Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tag Label download here

This recipe uses The Soap Barn’s wonderful Farmhouse Soap. This soap is formulated by Jackie to be absolutely pure, has no added chemicals and has a coconut oil base. It is great to work with, easy to melt, easy to colour, easy to fragrance, easy to pour, easy to un-mould and FABULOUS to wash with. It is a smooth, white, creamy soap that lathers well, washes well and moisturises at the same time. Once you have worked with this soap you will never want to use any other soap, it really is lovely.
Chop your whole kilo of soap into chunks and melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave for six or seven minutes. Or melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat till it runs like water. Farmhouse soap works just the same way as glycerine soap but it takes a few minutes longer to melt.
Finely grate the peel off the outside of one whole lime. Chop your blueberries into half and cook them in the microwave for two minutes and maybe even another two minutes. Add the cooked blueberries and the lime peel to your melted soap. Add 5ml blueberry fragrance and 5ml lime fragrance to the mixture and stir through well till the fruit and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap.
Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould, spray the top with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles (if there are any) and then leave the soap to set.
When the soap is cold to the touch (within about two hours) put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps.
Package them in the RBS Box Square Natural with straw. Then cover the box with cellophane. Tie a raffia bow over the box and add the label you have downloaded from the website.
This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

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Rosemary and Orange Farmhouse Soap

1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Orange fragrance (Soap Barn)
Dried orange scrub (Soap Barn)
Dried rosemary (Soap Barn)
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)
RBS Box Square Natural no lid (Soap Barn)
Straw + Raffia + Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tag Label download here

This recipe uses The Soap Barn’s wonderful Farmhouse Soap. This soap is formulated by Jackie to be absolutely pure, has no added chemicals and has a coconut oil base. It is great to work with, easy to melt, easy to colour, easy to fragrance, easy to pour, easy to un-mould and FABULOUS to wash with. It is a smooth, white, creamy soap that lathers well, washes well and moisturises at the same time. Once you have worked with this soap you will never want to use any other soap, it really is lovely.
Chop your whole kilo of soap into chunks and melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave for six or seven minutes. Or melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat till it runs like water. Farmhouse soap works just the same way as glycerine soap but it takes a few minutes longer to melt.
Crush your dried rosemary so the pieces are small and fine. Put a handful of dried rosemary and 4 heaped tablespoons of dried orange scrub into your melted soap. Add 10ml orange fragrance to the mixture and stir through well till the fruit and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap.
Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould, spray the top with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles (if there are any) and then leave the soap to set.
When the soap is cold to the touch (within about two hours) put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps.
Package them in the RBS Box Square Natural with straw. Then cover the box with cellophane. Tie a raffia bow over the box and add the label you have downloaded from the website.
This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

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Ginger, Coconut and Lime Farmhouse Soap

1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Coconut fragrance (Soap Barn)
Lime fragrance (Soap Barn)
Grated peel from one fresh lime
3 Tablespoons finely grated fresh ginger
5 Heaped tablespoons dried coconut (Chocolate Den)
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)
RBS Box Square Natural no lid (Soap Barn)
Straw + Raffia + Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tag Label download here

This recipe uses The Soap Barn’s wonderful Farmhouse Soap. This soap is formulated by Jackie to be absolutely pure, has no added chemicals and has a coconut oil base. It is great to work with, easy to melt, easy to colour, easy to fragrance, easy to pour, easy to un-mould and FABULOUS to wash with. It is a smooth, white, creamy soap that lathers well, washes well and moisturises at the same time. Once you have worked with this soap you will never want to use any other soap, it really is lovely.
Chop your whole kilo of soap into chunks and melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave for six or seven minutes. Or melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat till it runs like water. Farmhouse soap works just the same way as glycerine soap but it takes a few minutes longer to melt.
Finely grate the peel off the outside of one whole lime. Also finely grate 3 tablespoons of fresh ginger. Put the grated lime, fresh ginger and desiccated coconut into your melted soap. Add 5ml coconut fragrance and 5ml lime fragrance to the mixture and stir through well till the fruit and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap.
Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould, spray the top with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles (if there are any) and then leave the soap to set.
When the soap is cold to the touch (within about two hours) put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps.
Package them in the RBS Box Square Natural with straw. Then cover the box with cellophane. Tie a raffia bow over the box and add the label you have downloaded from the website.
This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

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Apple and Cinnamon Farmhouse Soap

1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Apple fragrance (Soap Barn)
Cinnamon fragrance (Soap Barn)
1 Grated apple
2 Tablespoons cinnamon powder (Soap Barn)
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)
RBS Box Square Natural no lid (Soap Barn)
Straw + Raffia + Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tag Label download here

This recipe uses The Soap Barn’s wonderful Farmhouse Soap. This soap is formulated by Jackie to be absolutely pure, has no added chemicals and has a coconut oil base. It is great to work with, easy to melt, easy to colour, easy to fragrance, easy to pour, easy to un-mould and FABULOUS to wash with. It is a smooth, white, creamy soap that lathers well, washes well and moisturises at the same time. Once you have worked with this soap you will never want to use any other soap, it really is lovely.
Chop your whole kilo of soap into chunks and melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave for six or seven minutes. Or melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat till it runs like water. Farmhouse soap works just the same way as glycerine soap but it takes a few minutes longer to melt.
Finely grate the apple and cook it in the microwave for two minutes. Drain away the juice and then add the cooked apple and cinnamon powder to your melted soap. Add 10ml apple fragrance and 2ml cinnamon fragrance to the mixture and stir through well till the fruit and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap.
Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould, spray the top with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles (if there are any) and then leave the soap to set.
When the soap is cold to the touch (within about two hours) put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps.
Package them in the RBS Box Square Natural with straw. Then cover the box with cellophane. Tie a raffia bow over the box and add the label you have downloaded from the website.
This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

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Zucchini and Thyme Farmhouse Soap

1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Forest Fern fragrance (Soap Barn)
Grated 3 zucchinis
2 heaped tablespoons heaped fresh thyme
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)
RBS Box Square Natural no lid (Soap Barn)
Straw + Raffia + Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tag Label download here

This recipe uses The Soap Barn’s wonderful Farmhouse Soap. This soap is formulated by Jackie to be absolutely pure, has no added chemicals and has a coconut oil base. It is great to work with, easy to melt, easy to colour, easy to fragrance, easy to pour, easy to un-mould and FABULOUS to wash with. It is a smooth, white, creamy soap that lathers well, washes well and moisturises at the same time. Once you have worked with this soap you will never want to use any other soap, it really is lovely.
Chop your whole kilo of soap into chunks and melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave for six or seven minutes. Or melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat till it runs like water. Farmhouse soap works just the same way as glycerine soap but it takes a few minutes longer to melt.
Finely grate the three zucchinis and cook them in the microwave for two minutes and then maybe another two minutes. Drain away their juice and then add the cooked zucchinis and the fresh thyme to your melted soap. Add 10ml forest fern fragrance to the mixture and stir through well till the fruit and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap.
Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould, spray the top with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles (if there are any) and then leave the soap to set.
When the soap is cold to the touch (within about two hours) put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps.
Package them in the RBS Box Square Natural with straw. Then cover the box with cellophane. Tie a raffia bow over the box and add the label you have downloaded from the website.
This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

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Pear and Camomile Farmhouse Soap

1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Pear fragrance (Soap Barn)
Dried camomile flowers (Soap Barn)
Grated pear
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)
RBS Box Square Natural no lid (Soap Barn)
Straw + Raffia + Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tag Label download here

This recipe uses The Soap Barn’s wonderful Farmhouse Soap. This soap is formulated by Jackie to be absolutely pure, has no added chemicals and has a coconut oil base. It is great to work with, easy to melt, easy to colour, easy to fragrance, easy to pour, easy to un-mould and FABULOUS to wash with. It is a smooth, white, creamy soap that lathers well, washes well and moisturises at the same time. Once you have worked with this soap you will never want to use any other soap, it really is lovely.
Chop your whole kilo of soap into chunks and melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave for six or seven minutes. Or melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat till it runs like water. Farmhouse soap works just the same way as glycerine soap but it takes a few minutes longer to melt.
Finely grate the pear and cook it in the microwave for two minutes and then another two minutes. Drain away the juice and then add the cooked pear and a handful of dried camomile flowers to your melted soap. Add 10ml pear fragrance to the mixture and stir through well till the fruit and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap.
Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould, spray the top with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles (if there are any) and then leave the soap to set.
When the soap is cold to the touch (within about two hours) put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps.
Package them in the RBS Box Square Natural with straw. Then cover the box with cellophane. Tie a raffia bow over the box and add the label you have downloaded from the website.
This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

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Pumpkin, Carrot + Cinnamon Farmhouse Soap

1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Cinnamon fragrance (Soap Barn)
Coconut fragrance (Soap Barn)
1 large grated carrot
1 handful grated pumpkin
2 tablespoons cinnamon powder (Soap Barn)
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)
RBS Box Square Natural no lid (Soap Barn)
Straw + Raffia + Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tag Label download here

This recipe uses The Soap Barn’s wonderful Farmhouse Soap. This soap is formulated by Jackie to be absolutely pure, has no added chemicals and has a coconut oil base. It is great to work with, easy to melt, easy to colour, easy to fragrance, easy to pour, easy to un-mould and FABULOUS to wash with. It is a smooth, white, creamy soap that lathers well, washes well and moisturises at the same time. Once you have worked with this soap you will never want to use any other soap, it really is lovely.
Chop your whole kilo of soap into chunks and melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave for six or seven minutes. Or melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat till it runs like water. Farmhouse soap works just the same way as glycerine soap but it takes a few minutes longer to melt.
Finely grate the carrot and about 100g pumpkin and cook them in the microwave for two minutes and then another two minutes. Then add the cooked carrot and pumpkin to your melted soap as well as the two tablespoons powdered cinnamon. Add 10ml coconut fragrance and 3ml cinnamon fragrance to the mixture and stir through well till the fruit and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap.
Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould, spray the top with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles (if there are any) and then leave the soap to set.
When the soap is cold to the touch (within about two hours) put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps.
Package them in the RBS Box Square Natural with straw. Then cover the box with cellophane. Tie a raffia bow over the box and add the label you have downloaded from the website.
This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

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Grapefruit, Carrot + Ginger Farmhouse Soap

1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Pink grapefruit fragrance (Soap Barn)
1 large grated carrot
3 heaped tablespoons finely grated fresh ginger
1 grated grapefruit)
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)
RBS Box Square Natural no lid (Soap Barn)
Straw + Raffia + Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tag Label download here

This recipe uses The Soap Barn’s wonderful Farmhouse Soap. This soap is formulated by Jackie to be absolutely pure, has no added chemicals and has a coconut oil base. It is great to work with, easy to melt, easy to colour, easy to fragrance, easy to pour, easy to un-mould and FABULOUS to wash with. It is a smooth, white, creamy soap that lathers well, washes well and moisturises at the same time. Once you have worked with this soap you will never want to use any other soap, it really is lovely.
Chop your whole kilo of soap into chunks and melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave for six or seven minutes. Or melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat till it runs like water. Farmhouse soap works just the same way as glycerine soap but it takes a few minutes longer to melt.
Finely grate the carrot and ginger. Also grate your grapefruit – I know this is a messy job. Basically you want to keep the pulp and drain away the juice. Cook the carrot in the microwave for two minutes. Then add the cooked carrot, the fresh ginger and the grapefruit pulp to your melted soap. Add 10ml grapefruit fragrance to the mixture and stir through well till the fruit and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap.
Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould, spray the top with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles (if there are any) and then leave the soap to set.
When the soap is cold to the touch (within about two hours) put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps.
Package them in the RBS Box Square Natural with straw. Then cover the box with cellophane. Tie a raffia bow over the box and add the label you have downloaded from the website.
This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

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Coffee and Vanilla Farmhouse Soap

1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Vanilla fragrance (Soap Barn)
Instant coffee powder
1 finely chopped or grated vanilla pod
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)
RBS Box Square Natural no lid (Soap Barn)
Straw + Raffia + Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tag Label download here

This recipe uses The Soap Barn’s wonderful Farmhouse Soap. This soap is formulated by Jackie to be absolutely pure, has no added chemicals and has a coconut oil base. It is great to work with, easy to melt, easy to colour, easy to fragrance, easy to pour, easy to un-mould and FABULOUS to wash with. It is a smooth, white, creamy soap that lathers well, washes well and moisturises at the same time. Once you have worked with this soap you will never want to use any other soap, it really is lovely.
Chop your whole kilo of soap into chunks and melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave for six or seven minutes. Or melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat till it runs like water. Farmhouse soap works just the same way as glycerine soap but it takes a few minutes longer to melt.
Finely grate the vanilla pod. Add three heaped tablespoons of instant coffee, the grated vanilla pod and 10ml vanilla fragrance to the melted soap and stir through well till the fruit and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap.
Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould, spray the top with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles (if there are any) and then leave the soap to set.
When the soap is cold to the touch (within about two hours) put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps.
Package them in the RBS Box Square Natural with straw. Then cover the box with cellophane. Tie a raffia bow over the box and add the label you have downloaded from the website.
This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

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Blueberry and Oats Farmhouse Soap

1kg Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Blueberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Coconut fragrance (Soap Barn)
Handful of oat bran
20 fresh blueberries
Organic Bean mould (Soap Barn)
RBS Box Square Natural no lid (Soap Barn)
Straw + Raffia + Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tag Label download here

This recipe uses The Soap Barn’s wonderful Farmhouse Soap. This soap is formulated by Jackie to be absolutely pure, has no added chemicals and has a coconut oil base. It is great to work with, easy to melt, easy to colour, easy to fragrance, easy to pour, easy to un-mould and FABULOUS to wash with. It is a smooth, white, creamy soap that lathers well, washes well and moisturises at the same time. Once you have worked with this soap you will never want to use any other soap, it really is lovely.
Chop your whole kilo of soap into chunks and melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave for six or seven minutes. Or melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat till it runs like water. Farmhouse soap works just the same way as glycerine soap but it takes a few minutes longer to melt.
Chop your blueberries in half and cook them in the microwave for two minutes and then again maybe for another two minutes. Add the cooked blueberries and the oat bran to your melted soap. Add 5ml blueberry fragrance and 5ml coconut fragrance to the mixture and stir through well till the fruit and the fragrance are evenly distributed throughout the melted soap.
Now pour the soap into the Organic Bean mould, spray the top with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles (if there are any) and then leave the soap to set.
When the soap is cold to the touch (within about two hours) put gentle pressure on the mould and release the soaps.
Package them in the RBS Box Square Natural with straw. Then cover the box with cellophane. Tie a raffia bow over the box and add the label you have downloaded from the website.
This is a wonderful gift for anyone. It is easy and very inexpensive to make but looks like a million bucks! The soap will be a great treat to anyone’s skin and the fresh fruit will add colour, texture and nutrients.

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Classic French Country Natural Soap

White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
White Tea Flower fragrance (Soap Barn)
Hand Made rectangle mould (Soap Barn)
Spraying alcohol in spray bottle (Soap Barn)
Classic French Country – Handmade Soap wrapping paper (Soap Barn)
Clear cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Classic French Country RBS box (Soap Barn)

Cut your soap into chunks and place it in a plastic jug. Gently melt your soap in the microwave or in a pot on the stove. Once the soap has melted add your fragrance. Pour your soap into the moulds right to the top. Spray with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles on top. Leave your soaps about two hours to set and then un-mould them. Wrap your soaps in cellophane and then in the Classic French Country Handmade Soap wrapping paper. Tie and organza ribbon around each soap and place in a matching Classic French Country RBS box.

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Golden Amber Soaps

Tag Label download here

Splash of Gold Amber Soaps:
I melted pure white farmhouse soap and fragranced it with amber fragrance. I took about 100ml of melted soap aside and mixed in gold powder. I put a splash of gold into the bottom of each rectangle mould (SB45). I left the gold a few minutes to set and then I poured the white amber soap into the mould to the top.

Golden Amber Flower Soaps:
I made soap flowers from white farmhouse soap fragranced with amber fragrance. (See recipe No 50 in Soap Barn Book 2 for step by step details how to make the soap flowers). I found that I did not need to mix flexine into the farmhouse soap to make the flowers - which saves a whole lot of money! I dusted the flowers with gold dust. Then I sprinkled some mother of pearl glitter into the bottom of each mould and placed the flower face down. I pour clear glycerine soap fragranced with amber over each flower filling the mould to the top. Unfortunately my picture does not do justice to this very beautiful soap. Come into the shop to see the real thing on display.

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Farmhouse Christmas Tree Soap

Step-by-step instructions:
Remove your badedas farmhouse soap from the bucket and place a tree template on the top of the soap.

Using a non-serrated knife cut the tree shape out of your bucket shaped soap.

Place the green soap tree back in the bucket

Melt white farmhouse soap and fragrance it with forest fern fragrance. Pour it into the bucket to completely surround and cover the green tree. leave to set. When the soap is set remove it from the bucket and slice. You will have lovely Christmas tree soaps to share with family and friends.

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More Soaps in a Bucket - Recipe 107

Star Soaps for Christmas
The star soap is made the same way as the Christmas tree soap above. I removed the Lemongrass and Sugarcane soap from the bucket and cut the star out of the soap. I placed it back in the bucket when cut and poured melted farmhouse liquorice soap around it. When it was set I cut it into slices.

Curls and Swirls Soap
I cut 3cm slices out of each bucket of farmhouse soap: lemongrass and sugarcane, pure white and liquorice. With a potato peeler I peeled thin strips from each slice and then rolled them up. I placed all the rolled soaps back in the bucket (upright) and poured melted clear glycerine soap over them. I fragranced the clear soap with lemon fragrance. When it was set I removed the soap from the bucket, and cut it into slices. I cut the sides off the rounds so I could have square soaps.

Polka Dot Blue Soaps
I removed the blueberry and lime farmhouse soap from the bucket. I cut long tubes out of the blueberry and lime farmhouse soap with and apple corer and placed them back in the bucket - standing upright. I then poured melted blue ocean mist glycerine soap into the bucket right to the top. When the soap was set I unmoulded it from the bucket and cut it into slices. I then cut off the sides to make lovely polka dot blue squares.

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Marbled Loaf Farmhouse Soap

2kg White Farmhouse (Soap Barn)
Mica colours or luminous paste colours (Soap Barn)
Potato Peeler / Chip Cutter/ Grater

I used big open curls of coloured soap to get this marbled soap. I filled the loaf tin with big soap curls right to the top. Then I poured my white soap over. The white soap melted the curls and they all dropped to fill only half the tin. I waited for that to set and then I refilled the loaf tin with more curls. Again I poured white soap over and the curls melted into the soap and produced the marbled effect.

Melt 1kg Farmhouse soap and then fragrance it. Use 10ml fragrance per kg.
Divide the soap into small bowls and colour each bowl of soap with either mica colours or luminous paste colours (see website: for colour prices and details). We use these particular colours for the soap loaves because they don’t bleed.
Pour your coloured soaps into square moulds and leave to set. They will be the colour blocks you need to work with when you make your various loaves.
Take your coloured blocks and chop them with a chip cutter, or peel curls with a potato peeler or grate them finely with a vegetable grater.
Fill your loaf tin with the soap chunks/ peels or gratings one colour on top of the next for a layered effect
Melt your second kg of Farmhouse soap and fragrance it. Pour it hot over the coloured chunks/ curls/ gratings right to the top of the tin
Leave your soap four to five hours to set and then knock the soap out of the tin
Cut the soap into a brick by slicing off the slanted sides. Then slice the loaf into thick chunky soaps for washing. Leave the rough edges of the top layer because that adds texture and interest to your soap slice.
The Farmhouse soap feels wet when it is first unmoulded but leave it for an hour and it will dry. I like to leave the slices two days to cure before I wrap them, that way they will be harder and lather wonderfully.

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Bath Time Puzzle

White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fruity fragrances (Soap Barn)
Neon paste colours (Soap Barn)
Puzzle mould (Soap Barn)
Large two row box(Soap Barn)

Melt your white Farmhouse soap, fragrance and colour it and then pour it into the puzzle mould.
Colour the soap with neon/luminous colour paste. Let me warn you that the yellow one smells absolutely terrible and you need to add lots of fragrance to cover that smell. I would leave it out altogether but it makes the most amazing neon yellow and green colours. The yellow mixes with a little blue to make a gorgeous green and the pink mixes with a tiny bit of blue to make a stunning purple. The pink and orange pastes are fabulous by themselves and unlike the yellow they don’t smell bad. Leave to set. Leave for two hours and when the soap in the mould feels cold you can pop it out of the mould. It will feel wet immediately after you unmould it. Leave the soaps for an hour and they will feel dry.
Package your soap puzzles in a large two row box for a wonderful gift. (I leave the box flat and not made up so the pieces fit in nicely. I punched holes at the ends of the box and I threaded ribbon through.

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Pink + Purple Farmhouse Soap

2kg White Farmhouse (Soap Barn)
Mica colours or luminous paste colours (Soap Barn)
Loaf Tin
Potato Peeler / Chip Cutter/ Grater

I coloured the melted Farmhouse soap and fragranced it with Energy perfume. I find that fragrance works really well in the soap. I coloured the soap with pink and purple mica colours. I filled the loaf tin with thick curls of both colour soaps. I then poured my white soap over.

Melt 1kg Farmhouse soap and then fragrance it. Use 10ml fragrance per kg.
Divide the soap into small bowls and colour each bowl of soap with either mica colours or luminous paste colours. We use these particular colours for the soap loaves because they don’t bleed.
Pour your coloured soaps into square moulds and leave to set. They will be the colour blocks you need to work with when you make your various loaves.
Take your coloured blocks and chop them with a chip cutter, or peel curls with a potato peeler or grate them finely with a vegetable grater.
Fill your loaf tin with the soap chunks/ peels or gratings one colour on top of the next for a layered effect.
Melt your second kg of Farmhouse soap and fragrance it. Pour it hot over the coloured chunks/ curls/ gratings right to the top of the tin.
Leave your soap four to five hours to set and then knock the soap out of the tin.
Cut the soap into a brick by slicing off the slanted sides. Then slice the loaf into thick chunky soaps for washing. Leave the rough edges of the top layer because that adds texture and interest to your soap slice.
The Farmhouse soap feels wet when it is first unmoulded but leave it for an hour and it will dry. I like to leave the slices two days to cure before I wrap them, that way they will be harder and lather wonderfully.

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Farmhouse Soap Cupcakes

White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fruity fragrances (Soap Barn)
Neon paste colours (Soap Barn)
Cupcake mould (Soap Barn)
Large pyramid box (Soap Barn)

Melt your white Farmhouse soap, fragrance it and pour it into the bottom half of the cupcake mould. Then colour the remaining soap with neon/luminous colour paste. Let me warn you that the yellow one smells absolutely terrible and you need to add lots of fragrance to cover that smell. I would leave it out altogether but it makes the most amazing neon yellow and green colours. The yellow mixes with a little blue to make a gorgeous green and the pink mixes with a tiny bit of blue to make a stunning purple. The pink and orange pastes are fabulous by themselves and unlike the yellow they don’t smell bad.
Pour the melted, coloured and fragranced soap into the top part of the cupcake mould and leave to set. Leave for two hours and when the soap in the mould feels cold you can pop it out of the mould. It will feel wet immediately after you unmould it. Leave the soaps for an hour and they will feel dry. Then melt a little left over soap and pour about a teaspoon of soap onto the bottom half of each cupcake. Quickly put the top half over so that it is glued with the melted soap.
Package your soap cupcakes in the large pyramid box for a wonderful gift.

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Candy Farmhouse Soap Loaf

2kg White Farmhouse (Soap Barn)
Mica colours or luminous paste colours (Soap Barn)
Loaf Tin
Potato Peeler / Chip Cutter/ Grater

I used mica colours in white Farmhouse soap to make the orange (rubin), purple, gold and brown soap. I cut the coloured soap up with a chip cutter so I had lots of small chunks. I filled the loaf tin with the coloured chunks in layers, colour by colour. I then poured melted white Farmhouse soap over the chunks.

Melt 1kg Farmhouse soap and then fragrance it. Use 10ml fragrance per kg.
Divide the soap into small bowls and colour each bowl of soap with either mica colours or luminous paste colours. We use these particular colours for the soap loaves because they don’t bleed.
Pour your coloured soaps into square moulds and leave to set. They will be the colour blocks you need to work with when you make your various loaves.
Take your coloured blocks and chop them with a chip cutter, or peel curls with a potato peeler or grate them finely with a vegetable grater.
Fill your loaf tin with the soap chunks/ peels or gratings one colour on top of the next for a layered effect.
Melt your second kg of Farmhouse soap and fragrance it. Pour it hot over the coloured chunks/ curls/ gratings right to the top of the tin.
Leave your soap four to five hours to set and then knock the soap out of the tin.
Cut the soap into a brick by slicing off the slanted sides. Then slice the loaf into thick chunky soaps for washing. Leave the rough edges of the top layer because that adds texture and interest to your soap slice.
The Farmhouse soap feels wet when it is first unmoulded but leave it for an hour and it will dry. I like to leave the slices two days to cure before I wrap them, that way they will be harder and lather wonderfully.

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Soap Crayons for Christmas

White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fruity fragrances (Soap Barn)
Neon paste colours (Soap Barn)
Crayon mould (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips (Soap Barn)
Clear cellophane (Soap Barn)
Crayon labels (Soap Barn)
Small drawstring bag (Soap Barn)

Cut the crayons out of the mould with half a centimetre border around the side. Also cut out the flat, bottom part of each crayon (not the point!). Clip the two sides of the crayon together with bulldog clips. Stand the mould point down in a mug or jug.
Melt your white Farmhouse soap and colour it with neon/luminous colour paste. Let me warn you that the yellow one smells absolutely terrible and you need to add lots of fragrance to cover that smell. I would leave it out altogether but it makes the most amazing neon yellow and green colours. The yellow mixes with a little blue to make a gorgeous green and the pink mixes with a tiny bit of blue to make a stunning purple. The pink and orange pastes are fabulous by themselves and unlike the yellow they don’t smell bad.
Pour the melted, coloured and fragranced soap into the crayon moulds and leave to set. Leave for two hours and when the soap in the mould feels cold you can take off the bulldog clips and pop the soap crayon out. The crayons will feel wet immediately after you unmould them. Leave them for an hour and they will feel dry.
Wrap the body of the crayon in cellophane and then stick on your soap crayon label. You can then put three crayons in a small drawstring bag as a wonderful gift.

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Swirls Farmhouse Soap Loaf

2kg White Farmhouse (Soap Barn)
Mica colours or luminous paste colours (Soap Barn)
Loaf Tin
Potato Peeler / Chip Cutter/ Grater

I used both mica colours and neon paste colours for this project. I curled the peeled soap up into tight curls and filled the loaf tin with the curls in layers, colour by colour. I then poured the melted white Farmhouse soap over.

Melt 1kg Farmhouse soap and then fragrance it. Use 10ml fragrance per kg.
Divide the soap into small bowls and colour each bowl of soap with either mica colours or luminous paste colours. We use these particular colours for the soap loaves because they don’t bleed.
Pour your coloured soaps into square moulds and leave to set. They will be the colour blocks you need to work with when you make your various loaves.
Take your coloured blocks and chop them with a chip cutter, or peel curls with a potato peeler or grate them finely with a vegetable grater.
Fill your loaf tin with the soap chunks/ peels or gratings one colour on top of the next for a layered effect.
Melt your second kg of Farmhouse soap and fragrance it. Pour it hot over the coloured chunks/ curls/ gratings right to the top of the tin.
Leave your soap four to five hours to set and then knock the soap out of the tin.
Cut the soap into a brick by slicing off the slanted sides. Then slice the loaf into thick chunky soaps for washing. Leave the rough edges of the top layer because that adds texture and interest to your soap slice.
The Farmhouse soap feels wet when it is first unmoulded but leave it for an hour and it will dry. I like to leave the slices two days to cure before I wrap them, that way they will be harder and lather wonderfully.

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Confetti Farmhouse Soap Loaf

2kg White Farmhouse (Soap Barn)
Mica colours or luminous paste colours (Soap Barn)
Loaf Tin
Potato Peeler / Chip Cutter/ Grater

I used both mica colours and neon paste colours for this project. I curled the peeled soap up into tight curls and filled the loaf tin with the curls in layers, colour by colour. I then poured the melted white Farmhouse soap over.

Melt 1kg Farmhouse soap and then fragrance it. Use 10ml fragrance per kg.
Divide the soap into small bowls and colour each bowl of soap with either mica colours or luminous paste colours. We use these particular colours for the soap loaves because they don’t bleed.
Pour your coloured soaps into square moulds and leave to set. They will be the colour blocks you need to work with when you make your various loaves.
Take your coloured blocks and chop them with a chip cutter, or peel curls with a potato peeler or grate them finely with a vegetable grater.
Fill your loaf tin with the soap chunks/ peels or gratings one colour on top of the next for a layered effect.
Melt your second kg of Farmhouse soap and fragrance it. Pour it hot over the coloured chunks/ curls/ gratings right to the top of the tin.
Leave your soap four to five hours to set and then knock the soap out of the tin.
Cut the soap into a brick by slicing off the slanted sides. Then slice the loaf into thick chunky soaps for washing. Leave the rough edges of the top layer because that adds texture and interest to your soap slice.
The Farmhouse soap feels wet when it is first unmoulded but leave it for an hour and it will dry. I like to leave the slices two days to cure before I wrap them, that way they will be harder and lather wonderfully.

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Chunky Heart Soaps

1 Roasting Pan (Chocolate Den)
2kg Red strawberry glycerine (Soap Barn)
2kg White farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
20ml Cherry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Heart cookie cutter (Chocolate Den)

The first thing you need to do is cut your red soap into 1cm slices. Then cut a red heart out of each slice with your cookie cutter. Place your red hearts on the bottom of the roasting pan and press them down firmly so they don’t move. You can check if they are properly stuck down by holding your pan upside down. Those hearts that fall out – weren’t properly stuck! Please them down again firmly. Take all the red soap left from the slices and put it in a plastic jug for melting or in a small pot.
Melt your white Farmhouse soap in the microwave or in a pot on the stove. When it is melted you can add the cherry fragrance.
Pour the white soap over the red hearts till the roasting pan is filled and the hearts are covered. Leave this layer to set.
When the first layer is set melt your red strawberry soap. It must be very hot when you pour it over the first layer to don’t wait for it to cool. If you pour it too cool the two layers won’t stick. The strawberry soap needs to melt the first layer a tiny bit for them to stick properly. This can only happen if the soap is hot (not boiling!)
When the red layer has set melt your white soap again. Then pour the white soap into the tin over the red layer. Again, this soap needs to be hot enough to melt the red layer just a little so they stick together. Leave the soap about 6 hours to set.
When the soap is set and cold un-mould it onto the counter and cut into lovely thick Valentines’ chunks with a large non-serrated knife.

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Laced Soap Hearts

1 heart mould (Soap Barn)
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Add your fragrance and stir through well. Leave it to cool till if forms a skin on top. Pour it in your heart moulds right to the top. Leave your soaps two hours to set and then un-mould them.
Make holes in your moulded soaps with a kebab stick. Then thread your ribbon through the holes for a fabulous laced effect.

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Painted Heart Soaps

1 heart mould (Soap Barn)
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Red soap colouring (Soap Barn)

Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Add your fragrance and stir through well. Leave it to cool till if forms a skin on top. Pour it in your heart moulds right to the top. Leave your soaps two hours to set and then un-mould them.
Pour some soap colouring into a saucer. Then draw patterns on your soaps by dipping a toothpick into the colouring. The colouring will eventually spread and you will have beautiful red and white patterned soaps.

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Heart Wrapping

1 rectangular soap mould (Soap Barn)
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Heart patterned plastic sheets (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Add your fragrance and stir through well. Leave it to cool till if forms a skin on top. Pour it into your moulds right to the top. Leave your soaps two hours to set and then un-mould them.
Wrap your soaps with gorgeous heart patterned plastic sheets. Then tie organza ribbon around them to complete the gift. You can also use the plastic heart wrapping to cover your bubble bath and hand wash bottles for Valentine’s gifts

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Citronella Soap Balls

1kg white un-fragranced farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
1kg white un-fragranced soap noodles (Soap Barn)
Dried lemongrass (Soap Barn)
Citronella essential oil (Soap Barn)
Lime organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Paper roses - different colours (Soap Barn)
Large white paper cups (Soap Barn)

Put one handful of soap noodles into a small bowl. Gently melt the farmhouse soap in the microwave or on the stove. Add 20ml citronella essential oil to the melted farmhouse soap and mix through well. Add a cup of the melted soap to a cup of soap noodles (just enough to cover the noodles) and stir it through till you get a thick porridge consistency. Now you can take this mixture and roll it into a beautiful soap ball. Roll the warm ball in dried lemongrass. Decorate your soap balls with organza ribbon and paper roses. Place in white paper cups when complete. These decorative soaps can be kept in the bathroom to keep away mosquitoes and flies.

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Citronella Soap

1 Soap mould (Soap Barn)
Citronella Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Green liquid colouring (Soap Barn)
Yellow liquid colouring (Soap Barn)
Soap dish (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Add your colouring and stir through well. Leave it to cool till if forms a skin on top. Pour it into your moulds right to the top. Leave your soaps two hours to set and then un-mould them. Wrap them in cellophane and present them on a soap dish as a lovely gift. Use farmhouse 100% pure citronella soap (made with essential oil and marigolds) to wash with in summer. Your skin will smell lovely and fresh to you but horrible to all mosquitoes and bugs.

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Pink Marshmallow Soap Bunnies

1 Bunny Mould (Soap Barn)
White farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Neon pink colouring (Soap Barn)
Marshmallow fragrance (Soap Barn)
Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips(Soap Barn)
Soap Paints (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Cut your bunnies out of the mould with a 1cm boarder around each edge. Remember to cut out their bottoms so you can fill them Clip your bunny moulds together with bulldog clips. Place them in a jug or jar - heads down and open bottoms up. Gently melt your soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave. When it is melted you can add your colouring and fragrance – as much as you like! Leave it in the jug to cool till it forms a skin on top. Then you know it's a good pouring temperature. Move the skin back and pour soap into the mould. Fill the mould right to the top. Spray your soap immediately with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles that come to the top. When your soaps have cooled and set (leave them for two hours to set in their own good time) you can un-mould them. Now you can decorate them with soap paint, ribbon and paper roses. These soaps make a very happy gift for anyone at Easter time.

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Little Lamb Soaps

1 Lamb Mould (Soap Barn)
White farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Nougat fragrance (Soap Barn)
Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips(Soap Barn)
Soap Paints (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Cut your lambs out of the mould with a 1cm boarder around each edge. Remember to cut out their bottoms so you can fill them Clip your lamb moulds together with bulldog clips. Place them in a jug or jar - heads down and open bottoms up. Gently melt your soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave. When it is melted you can add your colouring and fragrance – as much as you like! Leave it in the jug to cool till it forms a skin on top. Then you know it's a good pouring temperature. Move the skin back and pour soap into the mould. Fill the mould right to the top. Spray your soap immediately with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles that come to the top. When your soaps have cooled and set (leave them for two hours to set in their own good time) you can un-mould them. Now you can decorate them with soap paint, ribbon and paper roses. These soaps make a very happy gift for anyone at Easter time.

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Real Chocolate/Soap Eggs

1 Mould (Soap Barn)
White farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Brown soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Chocolate fragrance (Soap Barn)
Dark chocolate 70% cocoa (Chocolate Den)
Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips(Soap Barn)
Soap Paints (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Cut your eggs out of the mould with a 1cm boarder around each edge. Remember to cut out a small round hole (50c piece size) at the bottom so you can fill them. Clip your egg moulds together with bulldog clips. Place them in a jug or jar - with small opening facing up. Gently melt your soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave. When it is melted you divide it into two separate jugs. One you can leave white and fragrance it with chocolate fragrance and the other you can add your brown colouring and fragrance. Into the brown soap you can add a teaspoon of dark chocolate chips to one cup of melted chocolate. Stir through well till all the chocolate is dissolved. Leave it in the jug to cool. When you know it's a good pouring temperature pour soap into the mould. Fill the mould right to the top. Spray your soap immediately with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles that come to the top. When your soaps have cooled and set (leave them for two hours to set in their own good time) you can un-mould them. Now you can decorate them with soap paint, ribbon and paper roses. These soaps make a very happy gift for anyone at Easter time and of course have added cocoa butter and all other delicious ingredients to make them extra special!

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More Chocolate/Soap Eggs

1 Mould (Soap Barn)
White farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Brown soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Chocolate fragrance (Soap Barn)
Dark chocolate 70% cocoa (Chocolate Den)
Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips(Soap Barn)
Soap Paints (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Cut your bunny out of the mould with a 1cm boarder around each edge. Remember to cut out the bottom so you can fill them. Clip your bunny moulds together with bulldog clips. Place them in a jug or jar - with opening facing up. Gently melt your soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave. When it is melted you divide it into two separate jugs. One you can leave white and fragrance it with chocolate fragrance and the other you can add your brown colouring and fragrance. Into the brown soap you can add a teaspoon of dark chocolate chips to one cup of melted chocolate. Stir through well till all the chocolate is dissolved. Leave it in the jug to cool. When you know it's a good pouring temperature pour soap into the mould. Fill the mould right to the top. Spray your soap immediately with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles that come to the top. When your soaps have cooled and set (leave them for two hours to set in their own good time) you can un-mould them. Now you can decorate them with soap paint, ribbon and paper roses. These soaps make a very happy gift for anyone at Easter time and of course have added cocoa butter and all other delicious ingredients to make them extra special!
You can also make Soap Lollies on sticks with the left over mixture from your bunnies.

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Nougat Easter Soap Eggs

1 Egg Mould (Soap Barn)
White farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Nougat fragrance (Soap Barn)
Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips(Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Cut your eggs out of the mould with a 1cm boarder around each edge. Remember to cut out a small round hole at the bottoms so you can fill them. Clip your egg moulds together with bulldog clips. Place them in a jug or jar - round side down with small hole facing up. Gently melt your soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave. When it is melted you can add your fragrance – as much as you like! Leave it in the jug to cool till it forms a skin on top. Then you know it's a good pouring temperature. Move the skin back and pour soap into the mould. Fill the mould right to the top. Spray your soap immediately with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles that come to the top. When your soaps have cooled and set (leave them for two hours to set in their own good time) you can un-mould them. Now you can decorate them with ribbon and paper roses. These soaps make a very happy gift for anyone at Easter time

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Cleopatra Milk Soap

1kg White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Venus fragrance (Soap Barn)
10ml Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Milk powder (Soap Barn)
Sleeping Woman mould (Soap Barn)
Rectangle soap mould SB45 (Soap Barn)
Butter paper (Chocolate Den)
Gold organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
PVC 2 row box (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Gently melt your soap (1kg farmhouse soap) in the microwave or in a pot over a very low heat. Once the soap has melted add 1 teaspoon milk powder, 20 ml Venus perfume and 10ml the lustre sparkle. Stir well and leave to cool. Pour the soap mixture into the moulds and leave to set. The sleeping lady soaps are lovely three in a 2 row PVC box. The rectangle soaps are stunning wrapped in butter paper and labelled. I like to leave my Farmhouse soaps about two days after moulding to dry before I wrap them. This way they lather more and last longer. This soap is a glorious, smooth, nourishing delight for moms on Mothers' Day.

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Soap Pop Swirl

Farmhouse rose soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse lavender soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse olive oil soap (Soap Barn)
Thick kebab sticks (Chocolate Den)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Organza ribbon or coloured raffia (Soap Barn and Chocolate Den)

Start by melting your soap. This is how I like to melt my farmhouse soap: I turn the bucket upside down, put a little pressure on the back and un-mould the 1kg soap out of the bucket. Then I chop the soap up into chunks and I either melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat or in the microwave. I put the entire kilo into a plastic jug and I put that in the microwave on high for three minutes. I then pour out what is melted and return the rest to the microwave for another three minutes to melt. Then I add all the melted soap together and stir through well so I have an even temperature throughout.

Once your soap is melted you are ready to make your Soap Pop Swirl. Pour your first colour (it doesn't matter which) out onto the clean counter. I pour from one spot and let it run and spread into a big circle. Then I leave that to set. Once that has set I pour the second colour on top of that. Again, pouring in the middle of the circle allowing it to spread out and cover the first circle. Leave the second colour to set and then repeat the steps with the third colour.

When all layers are set gently lift one edge with a knife and slowly roll that side up like a swiss roll all the way to the end of the circle. It is a bit slippery but you need to persevere and keep at it because it is well worth it in the end.

When your scroll is all rolled up you can take a smooth edge knife and slice through it making nice thick slices. Then you can thread a thick kebab stick through to make it into a soap lollipop.

I leave it for a day or two to dry out nicely and then I wrap it in cellophane with a ribbon.

This fun soap makes a fab gift for your mom on Mothers' day.

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Soap Flower Cracker

Farmhouse rose soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse lavender soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse olive oil soap (Soap Barn)
Thick kebab sticks (Chocolate Den)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Organza ribbon or coloured raffia (Soap Barn and Chocolate Den)

Start by melting your soap. This is how I like to melt my farmhouse soap: I turn the bucket upside down, put a little pressure on the back and un-mould the 1kg soap out of the bucket. Then I chop the soap up into chunks and I either melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat or in the microwave. I put the entire kilo into a plastic jug and I put that in the microwave on high for three minutes. I then pour out what is melted and return the rest to the microwave for another three minutes to melt. Then I add all the melted soap together and stir through well so I have an even temperature throughout.

Once your soap is melted you are ready to make your Soap Flower Cracker. Pour your first colour (it doesn't matter which) out onto the clean counter. I pour from one spot and let it run and spread into a big circle. Then I leave that to set. While the first colour sets I pour the second colour and while that one sets I pour the third.

When each colour is set gently lift one edge with a knife and slowly roll that side up like a swiss roll all the way to the end. It is a bit slippery but you need to persevere and keep at it because it is well worth it in the end.

When your scroll is all rolled up you can take a smooth edge knife and cut through it making nice 4cm long little tubes. Then you can thread a thin kebab stick through each 4cm tube about 1/2cm up. Now on the opposite side (where there is no kebab stick) slick down the tube with a smooth edge knife almost to the kebab stick, but not quite. Now slice again perpendicular to that. Your tube is now divided into four. Slice down again twice in opposite directions so that you have your tube divided into eight equal parts.

Put your finger into the middle of the cuts and gently fold down each of the eight parts opening your flower and separating all the petals.

When you have made all your flowers leave them a day or two to dry and harden. Then remove each one from its stick and thread them together onto another kebab stick to make a gorgeous soap flower cracker.

Then wrap it in cellophane with a ribbon. Another fantastic gift for your mom on Mothers' Day!

This fun soap makes a fab gift for your mom on Mothers' day.

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Soap Rose Candies

Farmhouse rose soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse lavender soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse olive oil soap (Soap Barn)
Mother of pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Soap rose mould (Soap Barn)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Organza ribbon or coloured raffia (Soap Barn and Chocolate Den)

Start by melting your soap. This is how I like to melt my farmhouse soap: I turn the bucket upside down, put a little pressure on the back and un-mould the 1kg soap out of the bucket. Then I chop the soap up into chunks and I either melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat or in the microwave. I put the entire kilo into a plastic jug and I put that in the microwave on high for three minutes. I then pour out what is melted and return the rest to the microwave for another three minutes to melt. Then I add all the melted soap together and stir through well so I have an even temperature throughout. Leave the soap to cool till it has formed a thick skin on top. Then you know it is a good pouring temperature. Remember that Farmhouse soap is made with clay and because of that it retains a lot of heat. So your soap needs to cool a lot before you pour it into a mould otherwise you will damage your mould.

Once your soap had been melted and cooled you are ready to make your Soap Rose Candies. Sprinkle a little mother-of-pear glitter into each rose. Then pour one colour soap into the mould, filling it one third, then the second colour filling it two thirds and then the final colour to the top. This way you will get a gorgeous marbled rose soap. Remember to pour right to the top of your mould or it will be difficult to un-mould it later.

Leave your soap rose at least two hours to set. When it feels cold to the touch you can turn your mould upside down, put gentle pressure on the top and pop it out.

I like to leave them a couple of days to dry and harden. Then I wrap them like candies with cellophane and ribbon. Give your mom a bowl of these soap rose candies for Mothers' Day, I am sure she will love them!

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Mixed Soap Stick

I take all various soaps I have shown you in this E-Mag and I put them together on a stick to make a FABULOUS mixed soap stick. They are colourful and fun and happy. I love them and I am sure your mom would love getting a bunch of these from you for Mothers' Day!

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Soap Flower Pops

Farmhouse rose soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse lavender soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse olive oil soap (Soap Barn)
Thick kebab sticks (Chocolate Den)
Soap flower mould (Soap Barn)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Organza ribbon or coloured raffia (Soap Barn and Chocolate Den)

Start by melting your soap. This is how I like to melt my farmhouse soap: I turn the bucket upside down, put a little pressure on the back and un-mould the 1kg soap out of the bucket. Then I chop the soap up into chunks and I either melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat or in the microwave. I put the entire kilo into a plastic jug and I put that in the microwave on high for three minutes. I then pour out what is melted and return the rest to the microwave for another three minutes to melt. Then I add all the melted soap together and stir through well so I have an even temperature throughout. Leave the soap to cool till it has formed a thick skin on top. Then you know it is a good pouring temperature. Remember that Farmhouse soap is made with clay and because of that it retains a lot of heat. So your soap needs to cool a lot before you pour it into a mould otherwise you will damage your mould.

Once your soap had been melted and cooled you are ready to make your Soap Flower Pops. Pour one colour soap into the mould, filling it one third, then the second colour filling it two thirds and then the final colour to the top. This way you will get a gorgeous marbled flower soap. Remember to pour right to the top of your mould or it will be difficult to un-mould it later.

Leave your soap flowers at least two hours to set. When they feel cold to the touch you can turn your mould upside down, put gentle pressure on the top and pop them out.

You can then thread thick kebab sticks through them to make them into soap flower lollipops.

I like to leave them a couple of days to dry and harden. Then I wrap them with cellophane and ribbon. Give your mom a bunch of these soap flower pops for Mothers' Day, I am sure she will be delighted.

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Soap Heart Pop

Farmhouse rose soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse lavender soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse olive oil soap (Soap Barn)
Thick kebab sticks (Chocolate Den)
Soap heart mould (Soap Barn)
Chocolate daisy mould (Chocolate Den)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Organza ribbon or coloured raffia (Soap Barn and Chocolate Den)

Start by melting your soap. This is how I like to melt my farmhouse soap: I turn the bucket upside down, put a little pressure on the back and un-mould the 1kg soap out of the bucket. Then I chop the soap up into chunks and I either melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat or in the microwave. I put the entire kilo into a plastic jug and I put that in the microwave on high for three minutes. I then pour out what is melted and return the rest to the microwave for another three minutes to melt. Then I add all the melted soap together and stir through well so I have an even temperature throughout. Leave the soap to cool till it has formed a thick skin on top. Then you know it is a good pouring temperature. Remember that Farmhouse soap is made with clay and because of that it retains a lot of heat. So your soap needs to cool a lot before you pour it into a mould otherwise you will damage your mould.

Once your soap had been melted and cooled you are ready to make your Soap Heart Pops. Fill your heart and daisy moulds with the three different colour soaps. Remember to pour right to the top of your mould or it will be difficult to un-mould your soaps later.

Leave your soaps at least two hours to set. When they feel cold to the touch you can turn your moulds upside down, put gentle pressure on the top and pop them out.

Then thread heart soaps and daisy soaps onto a kebab stick. Alternate your colours so that when you make a bunch of soap heart pops they all look different.

I like to leave them a couple of days to dry and harden. Then I wrap them like with cellophane and ribbon. Give your mom a bunch of these soap heart pops for Mothers' Day. They will go down a treat!

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Fathers' Day Soap Gifts

Four Fathers' Day Gifts from a Bucket in 5 quick steps:

Step 1 - Un-mould the soap out of the bucket

Step 2 - Slice the soap (with a non serrated knife) into four thick slices

Step 3 - Make a hole in the first slice and thread some rope through for a soap-on-a-rope

Step 4 - Cut the sides off the second slice to make it square. Tie it onto a pumice bar with some raffia

Step 5 - Slice the two last slices in half and wrap each half moon soap in lovely handmade paper.
Tie up with ribbon or raffia


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Lemongrass and Rose Soap Wedges

1kg Lemongrass and Sugar Cane Farmhouse soap (The Soap Barn)
Fresh Roses and leaves
Raffia (The Chocolate Den)
Large pyramind boxes (The Soap Barn)

Knock the soap out of the bucket and slice it into three thick round soaps. Then cut the rounds into quarters so you have 12 chunky cake slices of soap. Cut your fresh roses off their stems leaving about 1cm at the bottom. Gently push the 1cm rose stem into the soft, freshly cut soap (don't leave this to the next day because then the soap will be too hard) Press a fresh rose leaf on etiher side of the cut soap. Tie some raffia around the soap to keep the leaves in place. Package in a large PVC pyramid box. The roses will stay fresh for quite some days and will eventually dry out and become dried roses.


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Cinnamon + Honey Christmas Pudding Soap

1kg white unfragranced Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
1kg cinnamon and honey Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Berries of the Forest tea (Soap Barn)
Blackcurrant fragrance (Soap Barn)
Clam shell container for moulding (Chocolate Den)

Melt your Famhouse soaps in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave Add 20ml blackcurrant fragrance to the melted white soap and mix through well. Leave it to cool till it forms a skin on top and then pour it into the bottom of the clam shell container - filling 1cm-2cm. Leave that to set.

Then pour the melted cinnamon and honey soap over the first layer and leave that to set. I added some berries of the forest tea to my cinnamon and honey soap as you can see in the pic. You can also do that if you like but I wasn't delighted with the result. (Better just on top for decoration)

Once the soap in the clam shell has set you can un-mould it.

Then re-melt your white soap and pour it over the top of the Christmas pudding soap so it runs down the sides. While the soap is still liquid quickly sprinkle some berries of the forest tea over the top for decoration.

You can later slice your Christmas pudding soap into nice thick chuncks and package each one individually.

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Berries of the Forest Soap Ball

1kg white unfragranced Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
1kg soap noodles (Soap Barn)
Berries of the Forest tea (Soap Barn)
Blackcurrant fragrance (Soap Barn)
Large white paper cups and PVC boxes for presentation

Put one handful of soap noodles into a small bowl. Gently melt the white farmhouse soap in the microwave or in a pot on the stove. Add 20ml blackcurrant fragrance to the melted soap and mix through well. Add some melted soap to the handful of soap noodles in the bowl (just enough to cover the noodles) and stir it through till you get a thick porridge consistency. Now you can take this mixture out in your hands and roll it into a beautiful smooth soap ball. Pour some more melted soap over the ball to get a smooth finish. Sprinkle the berries of the forest tea over the newly poured soap so that they stick to the ball while the soap is still liquid.

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Bath Soap Crayons

1kg white bubblegum farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Crayon mould (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips (Chocolate Den)
Soap powder dyes (Soap Barn)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Medium long PVC boxes (Soap Barn)
Small drawstring bag (Soap Barn)
Download label 1 here
Download label 2 here

Cut the crayon shapes out of your mould with a 1cm boarder all the way around. Cut out the flat bottom of each crayon. Clip two sides of the crayon together all the way around with bulldog clips to make a 3-D crayon. Place your crayon mould in a large cup with point facing down and open bottom facing up. Gently melt the soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave in a plastic jug. You will always get the very best results from soap that has been melted slowly over a low heat. The cooler your melted soap, the better your end result. Divide your melted soap into separate pots or jugs for all the colours you intend to make. Dissolve your powder dyes in a little water and then add them to the melted soap. Stir through well till the soap is dark with colour. We make these crayons dark so they can be used for drawing on the bath and drawing on the body in the bath. Leave the soap to cool and thicken. When it is cool pour it in to the mould right to the top. Leave for two hours to set. Remove the clips from around the mould and un-mould your crayon soap. Leave your soap a day or two to dry and harden. Then wrap the crayon (not the point, just the body) with cellophane and then complete your product with the label you have downloaded from the website. You can either package each crayon separately in a medium long PVC box or you can pack three crayons in a drawstring bag.

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Father Christmas Soap Puzzle


1kg white candyfloss farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
1 large puzzle mould (Soap Barn) OR
1 small puzzle mould (Soap Barn)
Soap Glaze (Soap Barn)
Drawstring bag for packaging large puzzle (Soap Barn)
Oblong PVC box for packaging small puzzle (Soap Barn)
Download Puzzle template here
Download Father Christmas design small here
Download Father Christmas design large here
Download Father Christmas label here

Gently melt the soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave in a plastic jug. You will always get the very best results from soap that has been melted slowly over a low heat. The cooler your melted soap, the better your end result. Leave the soap to cool till it has formed a thick skin on top and then pour it in to the mould right to the top. Leave for two hours to set and then un-mould your soaps. Leave your puzzle pieces two or three days to dry and harden. You will need nine puzzle pieces for each puzzle if you want to use the templates and designs you have downloaded from the website. Stick the puzzle template on to the back of the Father Christmas design – sellotape it around the edges. Then cut out the whole design according to the template. Make sure you keep all piece in the right order! Stick each piece of the design onto the puzzle using the soap glaze. Only a thin layer is required. When the design is complete leave to dry before packaging. Complete your product with the label you have downloaded from the website. These puzzles are a win! They will provide hours of entertainment in the bath and very clean children too!

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Christmas Bear Soap Puzzle


1kg white candyfloss farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
1 large puzzle mould (Soap Barn) OR
1 small puzzle mould (Soap Barn)
Soap Glaze (Soap Barn)
Drawstring bag for packaging large puzzle (Soap Barn)
Oblong PVC box for packaging small puzzle (Soap Barn)
Download Puzzle template here
Download Christmas Bear design small here
Download Christmas Bear design large here
Download Christmas Bear label here

Gently melt the soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave in a plastic jug. You will always get the very best results from soap that has been melted slowly over a low heat. The cooler your melted soap, the better your end result. Leave the soap to cool till it has formed a thick skin on top and then pour it in to the mould right to the top. Leave for two hours to set and then un-mould your soaps. Leave your puzzle pieces two or three days to dry and harden. You will need nine puzzle pieces for each puzzle if you want to use the templates and designs you have downloaded from the website. Stick the puzzle template on to the back of the Christmas Bear design – sellotape it around the edges. Then cut out the whole design according to the template. Make sure you keep all piece in the right order! Stick each piece of the design onto the puzzle using the soap glaze. Only a thin layer is required. When the design is complete leave to dry before packaging. Complete your product with the label you have downloaded from the website. These puzzles are a win! They will provide hours of entertainment in the bath and very clean children too!

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Snowman Soap Puzzle


1kg white candyfloss farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
1 large puzzle mould (Soap Barn) OR
1 small puzzle mould (Soap Barn)
Soap Glaze (Soap Barn)
Drawstring bag for packaging large puzzle (Soap Barn)
Oblong PVC box for packaging small puzzle (Soap Barn)
Download Puzzle template here
Download Snowman design small here
Download Snowman design large here
Download Snowman label here

Gently melt the soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave in a plastic jug. You will always get the very best results from soap that has been melted slowly over a low heat. The cooler your melted soap, the better your end result. Leave the soap to cool till it has formed a thick skin on top and then pour it in to the mould right to the top. Leave for two hours to set and then un-mould your soaps. Leave your puzzle pieces two or three days to dry and harden. You will need nine puzzle pieces for each puzzle if you want to use the templates and designs you have downloaded from the website. Stick the puzzle template on to the back of the Snowman design – sellotape it around the edges. Then cut out the whole design according to the template. Make sure you keep all piece in the right order! Stick each piece of the design onto the puzzle using the soap glaze. Only a thin layer is required. When the design is complete leave to dry before packaging. Complete your product with the label you have downloaded from the website. These puzzles are a win! They will provide hours of entertainment in the bath and very clean children too!

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Loaves of Soap

2 Different Fragranced Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Loaf Tin (Chocolate Den)
Crinkle-Cut Soap Cutters (Chocolate Den)
Sharp Non-Serrated Knife (Your Kitchen)
Potato Peeler (Your Kitchen)

Gently melt 1kg of your farmhouse soap in a pot on the stove over a low heat or in a plastic jug in the microwave. You DO NOT want your soap to boil. steam or bubble. So don't overheat it. While the one fragranced soap is melting you can cut up the other fragrance soap. You can chop it with a crinkle cutter or a plain knife into small blocks or you can even peel it with a potato peeler. Fill your loaf tin with all the chopped up squares or peels. Pour your melted soap over the chopped up pieces to fill the loaf tin to the top. If you are pouring over soap peels rather than soap pieces you should let your soap cool a bit before your pour it otherwise the peels will melt. Leave the soap 6-8 hours to set. Un-mould and slice

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Soap Loaf Step-by-Step

Farmhouse Soap: Cinnamon and Honey, Lemongrass and Sugarcane, Rooibos and Lemon (Soap Barn)
Loaf Tin (Chocolate Den)
Crinkle-Cut Soap Cutters (Chocolate Den)
Sharp Non-Serrated Knife (Your Kitchen)
Potato Peeler (Your Kitchen)

Gently melt your cinnamon and honey farmhouse soap in a pot on the stove over a low heat or in a plastic jug in the microwave. You DO NOT want your soap to boil. steam or bubble. So don't overheat it. While your soap is melting you can chop up the other two fragranced soaps. Fill your loaf tin with all the chopped up squares or chunks. Pour your melted soap over the chopped up pieces to fill the loaf tin to the top. Leave the soap 6-8 hours to set and then un-mould

Cut off the sides of the soap loaf so you have square edges all around. I like the texture of the chunky bit on top so I leave it like that. You can cut it down square if you prefer.


Slice your loaf with a sharp non serrated knife or with a crinkle cutter. Slice the entire loaf but leave a thick 3cm slice at the end.

Use a potato peeler to peel curls off the last (thick) remaining slice. Roll the peels into little curls.

Keep a bowl of soap curls at your basin or in your guest bathroom. These gorgeous soaps are fantasic for a once-off handwash.

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Lavender and Olive Oil Soap Loaf


Lavender Farmhouse Soap and Olive Oil Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Loaf Tin (Chocolate Den)
Crinkle-Cut Soap Cutters (Chocolate Den)
Sharp Non-Serrated Knife (Your Kitchen)
Potato Peeler (Your Kitchen)

Gently melt your olive oil farmhouse soap in a pot on the stove over a low heat or in a plastic jug in the microwave. You DO NOT want your soap to boil. steam or bubble. So don't overheat it. While the soap is melting you can cut up the lavender soap. You can chop it with a crinkle cutter or a plain knife into small blocks or you can even peel it with a potato peeler. Fill your loaf tin with all the chopped up squares or peels. Pour your melted soap over the chopped up pieces to fill the loaf tin to the top. If you are pouring over soap peels rather than soap pieces you should let your soap cool a bit before your pour it otherwise the peels will melt. Leave the soap 6-8 hours to set. Un-mould and slice. Soap Slices and curls from Olive Oil and Lavender Soap Loaf using a peeler for design in tin

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Fenjal and Venus Soap Loaves


Fenjal Farmhouse Soap and Venus Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Loaf Tin (Chocolate Den)
Crinkle-Cut Soap Cutters (Chocolate Den)
Sharp Non-Serrated Knife (Your Kitchen)
Potato Peeler (Your Kitchen)

Gently melt your venus farmhouse soap in a pot on the stove over a low heat or in a plastic jug in the microwave. You DO NOT want your soap to boil. steam or bubble. So don't overheat it. While the soap is melting you can cut up the fenjal soap. You can chop it with a crinkle cutter or a plain knife into small blocks or you can even peel it with a potato peeler. Fill your loaf tin with all the chopped up squares or peels. Pour your melted soap over the chopped up pieces to fill the loaf tin to the top. If you are pouring over soap peels rather than soap pieces you should let your soap cool a bit before your pour it otherwise the peels will melt. Leave the soap 6-8 hours to set. Un-mould and slice. Soap Slices and curls from Venus and Fenjal Soap Loaf using a peeler for design in tin.

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Baby Powder and Rose Soap Loaf

Baby Powder Farmhouse Soap and Rose Geranium Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Loaf Tin (Chocolate Den)
Crinkle-Cut Soap Cutters (Chocolate Den)
Sharp Non-Serrated Knife (Your Kitchen)
Potato Peeler (Your Kitchen)

Gently melt your Baby Powder farmhouse soap in a pot on the stove over a low heat or in a plastic jug in the microwave. You DO NOT want your soap to boil. steam or bubble. So don't overheat it. While the soap is melting you can cut up the fenjal soap. You can chop it with a crinkle cutter or a plain knife into small blocks or you can even peel it with a potato peeler. Fill your loaf tin with all the chopped up squares or peels. Pour your melted soap over the chopped up pieces to fill the loaf tin to the top. If you are pouring over soap peels rather than soap pieces you should let your soap cool a bit before your pour it otherwise the peels will melt. Leave the soap 6-8 hours to set. Un-mould and slice.


Soap Slices and curls from Baby Powder and Rose Geranium Soap Loaf using a peeler or crinkle cutter for design in tin

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Cinnamon + Honey/Papaya + Lime Soap Loaves

Cinnamon and Honey Farmhouse Soap and Papaya and Lime Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Loaf Tin (Chocolate Den)
Crinkle-Cut Soap Cutters (Chocolate Den)
Sharp Non-Serrated Knife (Your Kitchen)
Potato Peeler (Your Kitchen)

Gently melt your Cinnamon and Honey farmhouse soap in a pot on the stove over a low heat or in a plastic jug in the microwave. You DO NOT want your soap to boil. steam or bubble. So don't overheat it. While the soap is melting you can cut up the fenjal soap. You can chop it with a crinkle cutter or a plain knife into small blocks or you can even peel it with a potato peeler. Fill your loaf tin with all the chopped up squares or peels. Pour your melted soap over the chopped up pieces to fill the loaf tin to the top. If you are pouring over soap peels rather than soap pieces you should let your soap cool a bit before your pour it otherwise the peels will melt. Leave the soap 6-8 hours to set. Un-mould and slice.


Soap Slices and curls from Cinnamon+Honey and Papaya+Lime Soap Loaf using a peeler or crinkle cutter for design in tin

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Soap Loaf Combinations Farmhouse Soap

2 Different Fragranced Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Loaf Tin (Chocolate Den)
Crinkle-Cut Soap Cutters (Chocolate Den)
Sharp Non-Serrated Knife (Your Kitchen)
Potato Peeler (Your Kitchen)

Gently melt 1kg of your farmhouse soap in a pot on the stove over a low heat or in a plastic jug in the microwave. You DO NOT want your soap to boil. steam or bubble. So don't overheat it. While the one fragranced soap is melting you can cut up the other fragrance soap. You can chop it with a crinkle cutter or a plain knife into small blocks or you can even peel it with a potato peeler. Fill your loaf tin with all the chopped up squares or peels. Pour your melted soap over the chopped up pieces to fill the loaf tin to the top. If you are pouring over soap peels rather than soap pieces you should let your soap cool a bit before your pour it otherwise the peels will melt. Leave the soap 6-8 hours to set. Un-mould and slice

Bamboo+Loofah with Cucumber+Mint

Goats' Milk+Honey with Cinnamon+Honey

Lemongrass+Sugarcane with Rooibos+Lemon

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Soaps with Fresh Roses for Mothers' Day


1 Bucket Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
1 Bunch Fresh Roses
Organza Ribbon to match the Roses
Large Pyramid PVC boxes (Soap Barn)

Un-mould the soap out of the bucket and slice it so you have 3-4 thick round soap discs. Divide those discs in half and half again so you have 12-16 soap hand cut soap chunks. Cut the fresh roses off their stems leaving 1/2cm. Make a hole in the middle of each soap chunk with a kebab stick. Insert the fresh rose. The rose will remain fresh for about one day. After that it will dry beautifully in your soap. This means you can either present your soap when the rose is fresh or later when it has dried. Package the soap in a large pyramid box. These gorgeous soaps make for wonderful corporate gifts on Mothers' Day. All the ladies at your workplace deserve a lovely gift on Mothers' day.

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Soaps with Dried Roses for Mothers' Day


1 Bucket Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
1 Bunch Dried Roses
Dried herbs and flowers (Soap Barn
Small Pyramid PVC boxes (Soap Barn)

Un-mould the soap out of the bucket and slice it so you have 3-4 thick round soap discs. Cut the sides off the discs so you have 3-4 thick square soaps. Divide those squares in half and half again so you have 12-16 soap hand cut soap chunks. Cut the dried roses off their stems leaving 1/2cm. Roll the sides in dried herbs or flowers. I used lavender, marigold, hibiscus, lemongrass, rosemary, rooibos and jasmine. Make a hole in the middle of each soap chunk with a kebab stick. Insert the dried rose. Package the soap in a small pyramid box. These gorgeous soaps make for wonderful corporate gifts on Mothers' Day. All the ladies at your workplace deserve a lovely gift on Mothers' day.

Drying your roses:
I used two methods when drying the roses for these soaps. The first ones I dried by cutting the roses off the stems, leaving about 10cm stems. I removed all the leaves. Then I tied the rose stems together and I strung them up, hanging them upside down to dry. It took 10 days for them to be perfectly dry. They kept their shape and their colour. The second batch I dried by cutting the roses off the stems leaving only 1cm stems. I then stood them upright, using chicken wire over a container. It took 10 days for them to be perfectly dry. They kept their shape and their colour. Both methods had the same perfect results. So use which ever one suits you best. I posted the process of drying (day by day) on my facebook page - so you can see it there in pics.



You can cut your big squares into two large triangles (instead of four small squares) and make these,
or if you like glitter, you can roll the sides of your soaps in glitter rather than dried flowers or herbs.

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Soaps with Soap Roses for Mothers' Day

There are two methods for making roses out of soap. One is by cutting the soap using a cookie cutter and the other is by folding the soap as you would fold a ribbon rose. On my website you can watch a live video of making soap roses using the cookie cutter method. Or you can click here to view

For folding the soap like you would fold a ribbon rose you can see step by step pics on my website in 'Recipe Archives 2009' or you can click here

One important thing to note: if you are using Farmhouse Soap to make your roses you need to add 50% boiled water to your melted soap (1/2 cup boiled water to 1 cup melted soap) and if you are using glycerine soap to make your roses you need to use 50% flexine (from The Soap Barn) to make your roses.

1 Bucket Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Soap Roses that you have made yourself
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Un-mould the soap out of the bucket and slice it so you have 4 thick round soap discs. Cut the sides off the discs so you have 4 thick square soaps. Pour some melted soap onto the square soap and QUICKLY place your soap rose on top. Put some matching organza ribbon around the sides of the rose. These gorgeous soaps make for wonderful corporate gifts on Mothers' Day. All the ladies at your workplace deserve a lovely gift on Mothers' day. I think your mom would love a box of these soaps from you on Mothers' Day.

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Bunches of Soap Roses for Mothers' Day


Soap Roses that you have made yourself
Organza Ribbon (Soap Barn)
Vase or Container
Dried rose stems with leaves
Fairy Hair (Soap Barn)
Natural Flower Fillers, eg Babies Breath

One day after you have made your soap roses they will be ready to attach to a dried rose step. They will be hard enough to hold their shape but soft enough to have the stem inserted. When the soaps have dried properly after about four days you can put them in an arrangement in a vase or container. They will make a gorgeous gift for your Mother on Mothers' Day.


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Rose Soap Gift for Mothers' Day

1 Bucket Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
1 Bunch Dried Roses
Download label here

Un-mould the soap out of the bucket and slice it so you have 4 thick round soap discs. Cut three roound discs out of each thick slice - I used a cookie cutter and a knife. Put some cellophane around the sides of your small discs. Make three holes in the top of each disc and insert a dried rose stem in each hole. Wrap the label around the disc. Stick it at an angle so that it is narrow at the bottom and wider at the top, sort of bucket shaped. That way the soap will drop into the label holder but not through it. These gorgeous soaps make for wonderful corporate gifts on Mothers' Day. All the ladies at your workplace deserve a lovely gift on Mothers' day. I think your mom would love a box of these soaps from you on Mothers' Day.


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Chocolate-Orange Soaps

Rectangle mould (Soap Barn)
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Brown soap colour (Soap Barn)
Orange soap colour (Soap Barn)
Tissue paper wrapping (Soap Barn)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Hessian String (Soap Barn)
Soap stickers (Soap Barn)

Melt your soap gently in the microwave or in a pot on the stove. Separate it out in two parts and colour two parts brown and orange. Fragrance each half accordingly. Pour the soap into moulds and leave to set. Un-mould the soaps when set set. Leave them for a day to dry out. Then you can wrap them first in cellophane. After that you can wrap them in attractive tissue paper. Place a soap sticker on to complete the packaging.

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