Recipe Tutorials 2009

All recipes are originated by Jackie and protected by copyright.
You are welcome and encouraged to use any or all of the recipes but copying them or publishing
them in any form and in any media will be an infringement of copyright law and legal action will be taken.

All photographs belong to Jackie at The Soap Barn and copying them or publishing them in any
form or in any media will constitute an infringement of copyright law and legal action will be taken.

Click on any recipe to go direct to the tutorial

Soap Making

1 Milk & Honey Soaps
2 Honey & Rooibos Soaps
3 Fresh Mango, Honey & Rooibos Soaps
16 Shaving Soap for Dad
17 Scrubbing Soap for Dad
19 Soap-on-a-Rope
21 The Big Five - Amber and Gold
24 The Big Five - Gold Hologram Soaps
25 Painting on Soap
26 Soap Roses
31 Old Fashioned Soap Balls
32 Decoupage on Soap
36 Soap Chocolates for You
39 Christmas Soap Mobiles
43 Hologram Ice Soaps
44 Christmas Tree Hangings
46 Bath Art Soap Crayons
48 'Bug-Off' Citronella Soap
54 Handmade Soaps Wrapped

Bath and Shower Products

4 Milk & Honey Liquid Soap
11 Custard and Pear Soap Clouds
12 Fabulous Bath Confetti
15 Bath Salts in a Grinder
20 Fabulous Bubble Balls
27 Bath Butters in Soap Box
29 Bath Milkshakes
30 Rainbow Shower Cremes
38 Soap Snow Drops
40 Bath Jelly Icicles
42 Sparkling Bath Snow
45 Snowy Shower Gel
47 Beautiful Bath and Shower Mousse
50 'Bug-Off' Citronella Salts


5 Bubble-Doh Introduction
6 Magical Bubble-Doh Hearts for Valentines' Day
7 Gorgeous Bath Fondant
9 Magical Bubble-Doh Eggs for Easter
10 Stunning Bubble-Doh Ideas for Mothers' Day
14 Stunning Bubble-Doh Cakes for Mothers' Day
28 Stunning Bubble-Doh shells for your Soap Box
37 Bubble-Doh Christmas Tree

Lotions and Others

8 Brand New Lip Balms
13 Body Butter Candles
18 Wood Spice Aftershave Lotion for Dad
22 Lemon and Honey Lotion for Chapped Hands
23 Orange and Cinnamon Potion for Cracked Heels
33 Cocktail Candles
34 Refreshing Summer Mist
35 Hand Wash Pencil Pumps
41 Hand-wash and Lotion Gifts
49 ‘Bug-Off' Citronella Lotion
51 'Bug-Off' Citronella Spray
52 'Bug-Off' Citronella Candle
53 'Bug-Off' Citronella Gel Travel Candle

All Recipes Index

1 Milk & Honey Soaps
2 Honey & Rooibos Soaps
3 Fresh Mango, Honey & Rooibos Soaps
4 Milk & Honey Liquid Soap
5 Bubble-Doh Introduction
6 Magical Bubble-Doh Hearts for Valentines' Day
7 Gorgeous Bath Fondant
8 Brand New Lip Balms
9 Magical Bubble-Doh Eggs for Easter
10 Stunning Bubble-Doh Ideas for Mothers' Day
11 Custard and Pear Soap Clouds
12 Fabulous Bath Confetti
13 Body Butter Candles
14 Stunning Bubble-Doh Cakes for Mothers' Day
15 Bath Salts in a Grinder
16 Shaving Soap for Dad
17 Scrubbing Soap for Dad
18 Wood Spice Aftershave Lotion for Dad
19 Soap-on-a-Rope
20 Fabulous Bubble Balls
21 The Big Five - Amber and Gold
22 Lemon and Honey Lotion for Chapped Hands
23 Orange and Cinnamon Potion for Cracked Heels
24 The Big Five - Gold Hologram Soaps
25 Painting on Soap
26 Soap Roses
27 Bath Butters in Soap Box
28 Stunning Bubble-Doh shells for your Soap Box
29 Bath Milkshakes
30 Rainbow Shower Cremes
31 Old Fashioned Soap Balls
32 Decoupage on Soap
33 Cocktail Candles
34 Refreshing Summer Mist
35 Hand Wash Pencil Pumps
36 Soap Chocolates for You
37 Bubble-Doh Christmas Tree
38 Soap Snow Drops
39 Christmas Soap Mobiles
40 Bath Jelly Icicles
41 Hand-wash and Lotion Gifts
42 Sparkling Bath Snow
43 Hologram Ice Soaps
44 Christmas Tree Hangings
45 Snowy Shower Gel
46 Bath Art Soap Crayons
47 Beautiful Bath and Shower Mousse
48 'Bug-Off' Citronella Soap
49 ‘Bug-Off' Citronella Lotion
50 'Bug-Off' Citronella Salts
51 'Bug-Off' Citronella Spray
52 'Bug-Off' Citronella Candle
53 'Bug-Off' Citronella Gel Travel Candle
54 Handmade Soaps Wrapped

Milk & Honey Soaps - Recipe 1

Make your own heavenly milk and honey soaps with our new organic honey: Mix 2 tablespoons of skim milk powder into 2 tablespoons of organic honey and then add 10ml Milk and Honey Fragrance. Stir this mixture very well into 1kg melted glycerine soap. Leave a while to cool before pouring into your mould to set. Leave for 3 hours to set. This is the softest, smoothest soap you will ever use.

Honey & Rooibos Soaps - Recipe 2

Make your own organic rooibos and honey soaps with our new organic honey: Mix the contents of two rooibos teabags into 2 tablespoons of organic honey and then add 10ml Milk and Honey Fragrance. Stir this mixture very well into 1kg melted glycerine soap. Leave a while to cool before pouring into your mould to set. Leave for 3 hours to set. This soap with soften your skin and exfoliate at the same time. A wonderful washing experience!

Fresh Mango, Honey & Rooibos Soaps - Recipe 3

Make your own organic mango, rooibos and honey soaps with our new organic honey: Peel and grate a fresh mango. Place the grated mango in the microwave for two minutes so you have a thick mango puree. Mix the contents of two rooibos teabags into 2 tablespoons of organic honey and then add 10ml mango fragrance. All the mango puree to the honey and rooibos and stir this mixture very well into 1kg melted glycerine soap. Leave a while to cool before pouring into your mould to set. Leave for 3 hours to set. This soap with soften your skin and exfoliate at the same time. The honey and mango leave your skin feeling brand new!

Milk & Honey Liquid Soap - Recipe 4

Make your own milk and honey liquid soap (for hand wash or shower gel) with our new organic honey: Mix 2 tablespoons of powdered skim milk 2 tablespoons of organic honey and then add 10ml Milk and Honey Fragrance. Stir this mixture very well into 1lt liquid soap - clear or pearly. Pour the mixture into pump action bottles for the softest smoothest nicest wash you ever had!

Organic Honey is good for you!

Natural beauty is easy to attain with pure organic honey. Used by itself or with a combination of ingredients, honey can help moisturize, ward off unwanted bacteria and help give your skin an all-over natural glow. Not only is honey a humectant, it also contains antimicrobial properties, making it one of the more natural ways to indulge your skin.

Honey has a hygroscopic nature, which means when exposed to air, it naturally absorbs moisture in from the air. Honey’s hygroscopic properties also make it an ideal ingredient in a lot of cosmetics as it helps keep skin hydrated and fresh and prevents drying. Thus, some people call honey a natural "humectant" as it attracts and retains moisture. When used in skin and hair treatments, honey trap and seal in the moisture leaving skin soft and supple, and hair glossy and healthy.

Researchers began to document the healing. This ceased with the development of antibiotics but recently the prohibits the growth of certain bacteria. It contains an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide which is believed to be the main reason for the antimicrobial activity of honey. As such, honey is a useful treatment for wounds and scalds. Cuts, abrasions and scalds can be covered in honey to prevent bacteria from entering the wound and promote healing. Honey can help treat minor acne by attacking the bacteria that cause the outbreaks while moisturizing the skin to aid rejuvenation.

Honey contains natural antioxidant properties that can destroy biologically destructive chemical agents which have been linked to many diseases such as cancer. Not only could honey’s antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals in the body, they are also part of the nutrient supply for growth of new tissue. These precious honey properties help protect the skin under the sun and help the skin to rejuvenate and stay young-looking.

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For the first time ever in the history of Soap Crafting
The one and only
The most amazing and exciting thing ever to happen in the world of soap
Let me introduce the Soap Barn's New


Colour it, fragrance it, mould it, model it, shape it and set it.

This is the bubbliest bubble bath ever. You only need 25g of Bubble-Doh for the greatest bubble bath. Crumble your Bubble-Doh cookie under the hot running water. Your bath will fill right up with loads of bubbles. These bubbles will stay around for hours ... if you let them!


Why am I so excited by the new Bubble-Doh?
Well, firstly it has taken me seven years to perfect the recipe and I wasn't going to offer it to you until I knew it was perfect. Secondly, Bubble-Doh is a crafter's delight. There is almost nothing you can't do with it. You can colour it any colour, you can fragrance it with any fragrance, you can roll it, and scroll it, mould it in a plastic mould, mould it in a silicone mould, cut it with a cookie cutter and hand model it. You can now have the bubbliest bubble bath in ANY shape, colour or form that you would like it.

For Valentine's Day we can have Bubble-Doh heart cookies, for Easter Bubble-Doh eggs or bunnies, for Mothers' Day and Women's Day we can have Bubble-Doh rose cookies. We can have teddies for little girls and cars for little boys, fish Bubble-Doh cookies for Fathers' Day and Father Christmas Bubble-Doh cookies for Christmas. The sky is the limit and anything you can imagine can be made with this amazing new product.

Lucious Lavender Bubble-Doh Cookies for Mothers' Day

Bubble-Doh is a great activity for children's parties and a wonderful novelty for school market days. It is easy to work with and it is really very in-expensive. 1kg costs you R55.00. Out of this you can make 20 (50g) Bubble-Doh cookies - big enough for one fabulous bubble bath. This means that 1 bubble bath costs you R2.75!

And even more exciting than that is the fact that you can make a variety of different shaped and fragranced Bubble-Doh cookies, pack them in a clear box and present all your friends and family with the most exciting gift they ever received.

All wrapped up and ready to go

These same gift boxes cost you very little to make up and can be sold at a great profit. So, if you are feeling a little squeezed by the credit squeeze or crunched by the credit crunch why don't you start up your own Bubble-Doh business and help easy the burden on your salary.

Oh well, I guess you can see that I am more than just a little bit excited about my new Bubble-Doh. Try it out and see why!

Magical Bubble-Doh Hearts for Valentines' Day - Recipe 6

1kg Bubble-Doh
Pink powder colouring
Raspberry fragrance
Mother of pearl glitter
Heart cookie cutter
Paper muffin cups
Clear PVC box for packaging

Remove some of your Bubble-Doh from the sealed bag. (Always keep your Bubble-Doh in a tightly sealed bag to keep it from drying out.) I work with smallish quantities at a time (about 200g) so the Bubble-Doh always stays fresh. Use the plastic gloves provided because working long with very this very soapy mixture will dry your hands.
Sprinkle 1 quarter teaspoon of pink powder colouring over the Bubble-Doh and 40 drops of raspberry fragrance. Knead the Bubble-Doh well till the fragrance and colour are evenly mixed through. Flatten the pink raspberry Bubble-Doh on the counter and dust the top with glitter. Now use your cookie cutter to cut out heart shapes.
Leave the hearts on an old towel (or anything absorbent) to dry out. Leave for one day to dry on the top and a second day to dry upside-down on the bottom.
Then you can place each heart in a brown or white paper muffin cup. Place heart in a box and tie with a beautiful soft organza ribbon.

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Gorgeous Bath Fondant - Recipe 7

1kg Bubble-Doh
Orange powder colouring
Mango fragrance
Gap jar
Wooden scoop

Please click here to print out Mango Bath Fondant labels
Please click here to print out Raspberry Bath Fondant labels
Please click here to print out Strawberry Bath Fondant labels
Please click here to print out Vanilla Bath Fondant labels

Remove your Bubble-Doh from the sealed bag. (Always keep your Bubble-Doh in a tightly sealed bag to keep it from drying out.) Use plastic gloves because working long with very this very soapy mixture will dry your hands. Sprinkle 1 quarter teaspoon of orange powder colouring over the Bubble-Doh and 10ml of mango fragrance. Knead the Bubble-Doh well till the fragrance and colour are evenly mixed through. Press the orange mango Bubble-Doh into your jar, filling it tightly to the top. Seal the jar with the lid. Then you can stick a wooden scoop on the lid with some double side tape. A nice label with instructions how to use the fondant will finish it off beautifully.

Using Bath Fondant:
Place two scoops of heavenly smelling fondant under the hot water stream as you run your bath. Fill your bath with the best bubbles ever.

Brand New Lip Balms - Recipe 8

500ml lip balm (Soap Barn R39.95)
50 10ml lip balm pots (Soap Barn R125.00)

Melt the lip balm in a pot on the stove over a low heat.
Pour the melted lip balm into a jug.
Have all 50 lip balm pots open and ready.
Fill the pots with melted balm. Leave ten minutes to set and seal with lids.

We provide matching labels for all balms. Buy the lip balm of your choice and we will give you the matching labels. Cut them out and stick them on with broad sellotape.

These fabulous lip balms smell divine and make your lips soft and smooth.
They are easy to market and sell - each lip balm costs you only R3.30 to make.
You can sell them for as little as R6.50 each (almost doubling your money) or for as much as R10.00 each.
They sell at any price and are a wonderful side line for making extra money in trying times.

Other Lip Balms also in stock:
Vanilla, Strawberry, Cherry, Cocoa Butter,
Ice-Cream, Apricot, Passion Fruit,
Bubble Gum and Pina Colada

Magical Bubble-Doh Eggs for Easter - Recipe 9

1kg Bubble-Doh (Soap Barn)
Vanilla fragrance (Soap Barn)
Mother of pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Easter egg mould (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Bubble bath stickers (Soap Barn)
Egg Box (Soap Barn)
Paper flowers (Chocolate Den)

Remove some of your Bubble-Doh from the sealed bag. (Always keep your Bubble-Doh in a tightly sealed bag to keep it from drying out.) I work with smallish quantities at a time (about 200g) so the Bubble-Doh always stays fresh. You can use plastic gloves because working long with very this very soapy mixture will dry your hands.
Mix your fragrance into your Bubble-Doh as much or as little as you like. I think your Bubble-Doh should always smell heavenly and the more fragrance the better! Knead the Bubble-Doh well till the fragrance is mixed through.
Lightly dust your mould with bicarbonate of soda to help the Bubble-Doh release easily. Fill half your egg mould with Bubble-Doh and then gently knock the egg shape out of the mould into your hand. Place the half egg on a thick wad of old newspaper covered in paper towelling. Now, make the second half of the egg in the same way. When the second half is ready you can brush the first half very lightly with some water to help stick the second half on top.
Smooth the edges of the seam with your fingers so that the join line disappears. I lkie to put the entire egg back into the mould now just to reshape it. It will release easily. Then you can brush the top of the egg (again, very lightly) with water to sprinkle the glitter.
Leave the eggs to set for 24 hours. Decorate them by tying organza ribbon around their middles and sticking in paper roses. Place the eggs in an egg box with ‘bubble bath’ stickers on the inside.

More Bubble-Doh eggs for Easter

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Stunning Soap Clouds!

Blueberry Cheesecake Soap Clouds                     Milk and Honey Soap Clouds
Custard and Pear Soap Clouds                     Avocado and Cucumber Soap Clouds
Choca-Mocha Soap Clouds                     Strawberries and Cream Soap Clouds

Stunning Bubble-Doh Roses for Mothers' Day - Recipe 10

1kg Bubble-Doh (Soap Barn)
Rose fragrance (Soap Barn)
Mother of pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Pink Mother of pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Rose mould (Chocolate Den)
Long rose sticks (Chocolate Den)
Rose bouquet cellophane wrapping (Chocolate Den)

Remove some of your Bubble-Doh from the sealed bag. (Always keep your Bubble-Doh in a tightly sealed bag to keep it from drying out.) I work with smallish quantities at a time (about 200g) so the Bubble-Doh always stays fresh. You can use plastic gloves because working long with very this very soapy mixture will dry your hands

Mix your fragrance into your Bubble-Doh as much or as little as you like. I think your Bubble-Doh should always smell heavenly and the more fragrance the better! Knead the Bubble-Doh well till the fragrance is mixed through.

Lightly dust your mould with bicarbonate of soda to help the Bubble-Doh release easily. Fill half your rose mould with Bubble-Doh and then gently knock the rose shape out of the mould into your hand. Place the half rose on a thick wad of old newspaper covered in paper towelling. Now, make the second half of the rose in the same way. When the second half is ready you can brush the first half very lightly with some water, press the long stick in and stick the second half of the rose on top.

Smooth the edges of the seam with your fingers so that the join line disappears. I like to put the entire rose back into the mould now just to reshape it. Before you do that sprinkle some glitter (either white or pink) in both sides of the mould. Press the rose back into the mould and it will release easily.

Leave the roses to set till they are hard. Wrap them in floral cellophane and tie an organza ribbon around the bouquet.

To use: Hold a Bubble-Doh rose under the hot running water as you run your bath. You will have a fantastic bubble bath.

More Bubble-Doh Ideas for Mothers' Day

Bubble-Doh balls decorated with flowers - hanging on organza ribbon. Hang the Bubble-Doh ball over the tap and let the hot water dissolve the ball. Fill your bath with mighty bubbles

Bubble-Doh hearts cut out with a cookie cutter. Sprinkle glitter on top for some glitz

Bubble-Doh hearts decorated with flowers - hanging on organza ribbon. Hang the Bubble-Doh hearts over the tap and let the hot water dissolve them. Fill your bath with mighty bubbles

Bubble-Doh meringues - add 1 cup of water to 1kg Bubble- Doh. Colour and fragrance your Bubble-Doh. Put the soft paste into a piping bag with a big star piping nozzle. Pipe out your Bubble-Doh meringues. Place a red bead on top for a cherry and sprinkle glitter and hundreds and thousands. Leave these to set for about 5-6 days.

Custard and Pear Soap Clouds - Recipe 11

500ml clear bubble bath/liquid soap and 500ml Soap Gel (Soap Barn)
Pear fragrance (Soap Barn)
Yellow soap colouring (Soap Barn)
500ml pump action bottle and 500ml squeeze bottle (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out Antartic Ice Hand Wash labels
Please click here to print out Antartic Ice Shower Gel labels
Please click here to print out Avo-Cucumber Hand Wash labels
Please click here to print out Avo-Cucumber Shower Gel labels
Please click here to print out Baked Apple Pie Hand Wash labels
Please click here to print out Baked Apple Pie Shower Gel labels
Please click here to print out Banana & Cream Hand Wash labels
Please click here to print out Banana & Cream Shower Gel labels
Please click here to print out Blackcurrant & Ice Cream Hand Wash labels
Please click here to print out Blackcurrant & Ice Cream Shower Gel labels
Please click here to print out Blueberry Cheescake Hand Wash labels
Please click here to print out Blueberry Cheescake Shower Gel labels
Please click here to print out Choca-Mocha Hand Wash labels
Please click here to print out Choca-Mocha Shower Gel labels
Please click here to print out Custard & Pear Hand Wash labels
Please click here to print out Custard & Pear Shower Gel labels
Please click here to print out Milk & Honey Hand Wash labels
Please click here to print out Milk & Honey Shower Gel labels
Please click here to print out Strawberries & Cream Hand Wash labels
Please click here to print out Strawberries & Cream Shower Gel labels

Mix a couple of drops of yellow soap colouring into the clear bubble bath and fifty drops of pear fragrance. Stir though well till the colour and fragrance are equally distributed throughout the soap. Mix fifty drops of pear fragrance into your white soap gel. Fill 1/4 of your bottle first with your yellow soap - using a funnel. Now fill the second quarter with soap gel - using a funnel. Repeat this process once more so that your bottle is full. Although you have poured your soaps into your bottles in 4 layers they will mingle to form gorgeous soap clouds. Use your soap clouds as hand wash at the basin or as shower gel.

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Bath Confetti - Recipe 12

1kg soap noodles (Soap Barn)
Pink soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Purple colouring (Soap Barn)
Gold glitter (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Boxes for packaging (Soap Barn)
Cookie cutter (Soap Barn + Chocolate Den)

Place your noodles in a large pot on the stove and add five litres of water. Leave on a very low heat (1-2) for about two hours till all the noodles have dissolved in the water. Now add colouring and fragrance of your choice. Always use loads of fragance in your confetti mixture because you want your end product to be very fragrant. Mix well. Lay sheets of cellophane on the floor and pour your melted soap noodles directly onto the cellophane. Leave for 20 minutes to set. Now take your cookie cutter and cut out the entire sheet of soap. The soap that is not confetti should be pulled away from the cellophane and put back into the pot to melt for a second round. Leave the cut out confetti to dry overnight. When the confetti is dry the cellophane will be all puckered up. Pull the sides of the cellophane straight and the dried confetti will pop off. Place the confetti in an attractive box.

Using Bath Confetti:
Sprinkle confetti into the bath. It will fragrance and soap your water. You will feel heavenly with gorgeous smelling soap flowers swirling around you.

Raspberry Body Butter Candle for Mothers' Day - Recipe 13

4 Tablespoons cocoa butter (Soap Barn)
4 Tablespoons shea butter (Soap Barn)
2 Tablespoons avocado oil (Soap Barn)
2 Tablespoons avocado butter (Soap Barn)
2 Tablespoons beeswax (Soap Barn)
Red oil colouring (Soap Barn)
Raspberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
1 Glass Bowl (Soap Barn)
Candle Wick (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out Body Butter Candle labels
Please click here to print out Body Butter Candle Instructions

Melt the cocoa butter, shea butter, avocado oil, avocado butter and beeswax in a pan directly on the stove over a low heat. When melted add 10 drops of red oil colouring and 10ml raspberry fragrance. Leave the mixture to cool a while and then pour into the glass bowl. Position your wick in the middle of the bowl and make sure it stays staight up.

The Magic of Body Butter Candles:
Light the candle when you go into the bathroom to bath or shower. Your bathroom will be filled with stunning ambient light and gorgeous aroma. When you are bathed and dry blow out the candle. The warm melted body butter should now be rubbed all over your body for the softest, smoothest skin.

The candles are a true delight.

Stunning Bubble-Doh Cakes for Mothers' Day - Recipe 14

1kg Bubble-Doh (Soap Barn)
Rose fragrance (Soap Barn)
Mother of pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Pink mother of pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Round mould (Soap Barn)
Paper flowers (Chocolate Den)
Heart pearls (Chocolate Den)

Remove some of your Bubble-Doh from the sealed bag. (Always keep your Bubble-Doh in a tightly sealed bag to keep it from drying out.) I work with smallish quantities at a time (about 200g) so the Bubble-Doh always stays fresh. You can use plastic gloves because working long with very this very soapy mixture will dry your hands.

Mix your fragrance into your Bubble-Doh as much or as little as you like. I think your Bubble-Doh should always smell heavenly and the more fragrance the better! Knead the Bubble-Doh well till the fragrance is mixed through.

Lightly dust your mould with bicarbonate of soda to help the Bubble-Doh release easily. Fill your round mould with Bubble-Doh and then gently knock the shape out of the mould into your hand. Place the round cake on a thick wad of old newspaper covered in paper towelling.

Sprinkle some glitter onto the cake. Now decorate it with organza ribbon, paper flowers and heart pearls.

Leave the cakes to set till they are hard. could make your Mom a box of Bubble-Doh Roses for Mothers' Day

More Ideas for Mothers' Day

Bath Salts in a Grinder - Recipe 15

1kg Bath Crystals (Soap Barn)
40 Drops lavender fragrance (Soap Barn)
40 Drops rose fragrance (Soap Barn)
Petals from two fresh roses
Fresh lavender leaves and flowers from your garden (or dried lavender from Soap Barn)
Bath salt stickers (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Place your salts, rose petals and fresh lavender in a big bowl. Add your fragrances and mix through really well so that the rose petals and lavender are equally distributed in the coarse salt. Leave the mixture stand for two days so the flowers can dry out in the salts. Now fill your grinders with your gorgeous bath salts. Place a bath salt sticker on the grinder and tie an attractive organza bow around the neck. These funky bath salt grinders are sure to be a huge hit this Mothers' Day.

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Soccer Cup on the Way!

Now's the time to start your soccer business

Every Guest House, Hotel and Curio shop wants your new range!



Make Your Dad something stunning for Father's Day!

Cedarwood Shaving Soap with Bentonite - Recipe 16

Bentonite is a natural medicinal clay, which can swell more than five times its normal volume when placed in water. We put it in glycerine soap to harden the soap and make it lather more. Soap with bentonite is smooth and lasts longer than plain glycerine soap.

250g White glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Cedarwood Fragrance (Soap Barn)
1 teaspoon bentonite (Soap Barn)
Jar or 100ml bottle (Soap Barn)

Chop your soap into chunks and place it in a plastic jug. Put one teaspoon of bentonite over the soap. Gently melt your soap in the microwave. Once the soap has melted add 40 drops of cedarwood fragrance. Stir well till the bentonite and fragrance are mixed into the soap. Now leave the soap a while to cool. I have found that the bentonite helps retain heat and that means you need to wait longer for the soap to cool before you pour it. You can pour the cooled soap into a 100ml bottle and leave it to set. Once set you can cut the plastic off the top half of the bottle. This leaves you with a shaving soap stick (seen above). Or you can pour the cooled soap into a jar and leave it to set (seen below). This shaving soap is wonderful for sensitive skins and allows for a soft smooth shave. Use with a shaving brush.

Scrubbing Wood Spice Soap with Pumice - Recipe 17

Pumice is volcanic rock that quickly solidifies from frothy lava. It has been used throughout time as an exfoliant. Ground pumice in soap is great for a nice hard scrub. It leaves the skin tingling and smooth. Pumice soap is wonderful to use after gardening or fixing the car engine! You can also use it to scrub away all the hard skin on your heels.

250g Clear glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Wood Spice fragrance (Soap Barn)
2 Tablespoons ground pumice and 1 teaspoon bentonite(Soap Barn)
Square or rectangle mould (Soap Barn)

Chop your soap into chunks and place it in a plastic jug. Put one teaspoon of bentonite over the soap. Gently melt your soap in the microwave. Once the soap has melted add 40 drops of wood spice fragrance and two tablespoons of ground pumice. Now, in order for the pumice to be evenly distributed throughout you need to stir the soap till it is cool. When you see the soap starting to thicken pour it quickly into the mould. Timing is essential. If you pour too early all the pumice will sink to the bottom of the mould and you will only have pumice on one side of the soap. These soaps take a bit more effort than your usual soap but they are well worth it. The bentonite helps harden the soap which makes it last longer and lather better.

Wood Spice Aftershave Lotion for Dad - Recipe 18

250ml Spray Lotion (Soap Barn)
Wood Spice fragrance (Soap Barn)
Spray Bottle (Soap Barn)

Mix 40 drops of wood spice fragrance into your spray lotion. Pour into a spray bottle and your aftershave lotion is ready to use. Just spray onto the face after shaving and rub in. Spray lotion is beautifully moisturising without being oily or sticky. Your skin is immediately nourished and remains soft and smooth all day.

Cedarwood and Loofah Soap-on-a-Rope - Recipe 19

250g Clear un-fragranced glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Loofah (Soap Barn)
Round mould (Soap Barn)
Cedarwood fragrance (Soap Barn)
Soap Rope (Soap Barn)

Cut 1cm slices of loofah with a big serrated knife. Place the slices of loofah into your round soap mould. Gently melt the clear soap in a small pot over the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Add 40 drops of cedarwood fragrance to the melted soap. Pour the soap into a soap mould over the loofah and leave to set. When the soap is set and out of the mould you can make a hole in the soap through which to tie your rope.

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Bubble Balls Soap - Recipe 20


Gelatine (Soap Barn)
Powder colourings and glitter (Soap Barn)
Fragrances (Soap Barn)
Clear liquid soap (Soap Barn)
Ball moulds (Soap Barn)

Cut the half round shapes out of your mould, leaving about 1cm around the edges. Also cut a small half moon (size of 10c piece) out of the one side at the edge. Clip the moulds together with bulldog clips. You will have a complete ball shape with a small hole on the one side for filling.

Measure 8 level dessert spoons of gelatine. Put them in a jug and add a pinch of powder colouring. Now add 5ml of fragrance because you want your bouncing bubble bath balls to be very fragrant. Add half a cup of just boiled water over the gelatine and stir very well till all the gelatine has dissolved. You can put the mixture into the microwave for 30 seconds - this will help it dissove further. Now add one cup of clear bubble bath to your mixture. Again, mix this through very well till you have a smooth, even mixture. Add your glitter. Pour this mixture into the ball moulds you assembled earlier. You can either stand them upright on their bulldog clips or place them in a bowl so they remain upright with the entry hole on top. Leave them to stand for about half an hour and then place them in the fridge to set. They should be fully set within half an hour. Remove them from the moulds and have loads of fun!

Leave the balls to air dry for a day or two before you package them. Package them in PVC boxes so that they can don't dry out and harden but can still breathe.

Using Bubble Bath Balls :
These gorgeous, wonderful smelling balls make the best bathtime toys. Throw one into the bath as you run your hot water. The ball will slowly dissolve and your bath will be filled with beautiful smelling bath foam. Your children (and the child in you) will love playing with these balls in the bath.

The Big Five - Amber and Gold - Recipe 21



1kg Sandalwood glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Big Five mould mould (Soap Barn)
Amber fragrance (Soap Barn)
Gold dust (Soap Barn)

Gently melt the soap in a small pot over the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Add 5ml amber fragrance to the melted soap. Pour the soap into a big five mould and leave to set. When the soap is set and out of the mould dust it all over with gold dust. You can package your soap in a half-cube box with corrugated cardboard and raffia for effect.

Lemon and Honey Lotion for Chapped Hands - Recipe 22

1000ml aqueous cream (Soap Barn)
100ml glycerine (Soap Barn)
100ml urea (Soap Barn)
100ml rose water (Soap Barn)
200ml shea butter (Soap Barn)
Tottles (Soap Barn)
5ml lemon fragrance and 5ml honey fragrance

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

In a blender place your aqueous cream and your glycerine. Blend together.
Dissolve the urea in the rose water and add that mixture to the aqueous in the blender.
Melt your shea butter and add that also to the ingredients in the blender. Add your fragrances
Blend well and then decant into pump bottles.
Use in the morning and the evening to heal your chapped hands this winter.

Orange and Cinnamon Potion for Cracked Heels - Recipe 23

500ml Super Aqueous Cream (Soap Barn)
50ml Glycerine (Soap Barn)
100ml Urea (Soap Barn)
100ml Shea Butter (Soap Barn) 5ml Camphor Essential Oil (Soap Barn)
5ml Orange Essential Oil and 3 drops cinnamon fragrance (Soap Barn)
Jars (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Place your super aqueous cream in your blender. Mix the urea in the glycerine and add that solution to the aqueous. Melt the shea butter and add that also into the blender. Finally add your essential oils and blend all ingredients well. Use in the morning and in the evening all throughout the winter. The cracks in your heels will heal quickly. Keep your feet soft and healthy with continued use.

The Big Five - Gold Hologram Soaps - Recipe 24


See how beautiful they look in a boxed set of five

See how lovely they look individually packed in corrugated cardboard boxes

250g Sandalwood glycerine soap and 1kg rooibos glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
1 big five mould (Soap Barn)
1 rectangle soap mould (Soap Barn)
Gold dust(Soap Barn)
PVC box (Soap Barn)
Corrugated cardboard box (Soap Barn)

Gently melt your soap over a low heat on the stove or on defrost in the microwave. Pour the melted soap into the big five mould and leave to set. When your big five soaps have set dust them with gold dust, only on the front. Then half fill your rectangle mould with not-too-hot rooibos soap. Drop your big five soap into the melted soap (upside down) and then top your mould up with more soap. This is a process that needs to be done very quickly. You pour your rooibos - drop in your big five insert and pour more rooibos. That should take no more than three seconds. Leave to set. Package five big five soaps in a PVC box or pack them individually in corrugated cardboard boxes.

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Painting on Soap!

Painting on Soap - Recipe 25

1kg white glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Oakleaf mould (Soap Barn)
Rosewood fragrance (Soap Barn)
All New! Soap paints and cornstarch (Soap Barn)

Gently melt the soap in a small pot over the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Add 5ml rosewood fragrance (or any other fragrance of your choice) to the melted soap. Pour your soap into the oakleaf mould (or any other mould of your choice) and leave to set. When the soap is set and out of the mould dust it very lightly all over with corn starch. This helps the paint adhere to the soap and not slide down the angles. Paint one section at a time. The paints can be mixed to get the colours you want and lightened with either 'white' paint or 'plain' paint. The paints dry in about ten minutes and your soaps can then be packaged.

Our New Paints
We have 13 colours of soap paint: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink, purple, brown, black, gold, white, plain, glitter. All the soap paints are R15.50 (10ml pot) with the exception of glitter paint which is R20.50 and gold paint that is R25.50.

Soap Roses - Recipe 26

1kg clear glycerine soap
250g white glycerine soap
250g lavender glycerine soap
50ml soap flexine
Rose fragrance
A loaf tin

Melt 250g white glycerine soap and 250g lavender glycerine soap separately in pots on the stove over a very low heat or in a plastic jugs in the microwave. When melted add 40 drops of rose fragrance to your white soap as well as 25ml (10%) soap flexine and stir through well. The soap flexine will help make your soap more pliable and easier to work with when you are folding your roses. Add three drops of purple colouring to your melted lavender soap (for greater contrast) and 25ml soap flexine.

Step 1
Now that the soaps are ready, hold a jug in either hand and simultaneously pour them both onto the counter so they merge and blend in the middle. Try to pour a long narrow strip along the counter.

Step 2
Leave the soap about five minutes to set on the counter and then cut it into strips - about 60cm long and 2cm wide.

Step 3
The roses are most easily made when the soap is still warm so don’t leave the soap to go cold. Lift a strip of soap and turn the end around a couple of times to make a centre core.

Step 4
Now fold the strip backwards to form and petal and turn it around the core

Step 5
Keep folding back and turning, folding back and turning till your rose is big enough or you have run out of soap strip.

Step 6
Cut the end of the soap strip at the back of the rose and smooth it down with a hot knife. Then gently rub the bottom side of the rose on the counter to make smooth and solid.

You can package your soap roses just as they are. They make a beautiful and attractive gift. However, what I like to do is to make big chunky soaps with my soap roses.
This is how: Gently melt your clear glycerine soap in a pot on the stove over a low heat or in a plastic jug in the microwave. When the soap is melted add 10ml rose fragrance and stir through well. Leave your soap to cool.

Step 7
Place your roses (I fit three) into a loaf tin; face down, next to each other.

Step 8
When your clear soap has cooled substantially you can remove the skin from the top of the jug and pour the soap over the roses into the tin. I pour the soap so that it covers the roses completely.

Step 9
Leave the soap loaf to set for a couple of hours. When the soap has set remove it from the loaf tin and cut it up into three chunky soaps each with their own beautiful soap rose inside. I think these make the most beautiful soap gifts you will ever give or receive.

Vanilla-Cinnamon Bath Butters - Recipe 27

4 Tablespoons cocoa butter (Soap Barn)
4 Tablespoons shea butter (Soap Barn)
2 Tablespoons sweet almond oil (Soap Barn)
2 Tablespoons avocado butter (Soap Barn)
2 Tablespoons beeswax (Soap Barn)
1 small heart mould (Soap Barn)
Vanilla fragrance and cinnamon fragrance (Soap Barn)

Melt the cocoa butter, shea butter, sweet almond oil, avocado butter and beeswax in a pan directly on the stove over a low heat. When melted add 10ml vanilla fragrance and 5 drops cinnamon fragrance. Leave the mixture to cool a while and then pour into your mould. Leave your butters to stand for about 20 minutes and then put them in the freezer for 5 - 10 minutes to set hard. Once set, unmould them and package them in paper cups in your beautiful box made of soap.

To make your soap box all you need is a soap box mould, a soap box lid mould and glycerine soap.

Stunning Bubble-Doh shells for your Soap Box - Recipe 28

1kg Bubble-Doh (Soap Barn)
Ocean Mist fragrance (Soap Barn)
Blue powder colouring (Soap Barn)
Baking soda (Soap Barn)
Shell mould (Chocolate Den)
Mother-of-pearl glitter (Soap Barn)

Remove some of your Bubble-Doh from the sealed bag. (Always keep your Bubble-Doh in a tightly sealed bag to keep it from drying out.) I work with smallish quantities at a time (about 200g) so the Bubble-Doh always stays fresh. You can use plastic gloves because working long with very this very soapy mixture will dry your hands.

Mix your ocean mist fragrance into your Bubble-Doh - lots of it! I think your Bubble-Doh should always smell heavenly and the more fragrance the better! Divide it in half and colour the one half with blue powder colouring. Knead the Bubble-Doh well till the fragrance and colour are well mixed through.

Lightly dust your mould with bicarbonate of soda to help the Bubble-Doh release easily. Fill half your shell mould with blue ocean mist Bubble-Doh and the other half with white ocean mist Bubble- Doh. Press in tightly.

Then gently knock the shell out of the mould onto a piece of cardboard. Sprinkle glitter over your shell.

Leave your shells two days to airdry. Then you can pack them in paper cups into your beautiful ocean mist soap box.

To make your soap box all you need is a soap box mould, a soap box lid mould and glycerine soap.

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Bath Milkshakes - Recipe 29

250ml clear un-fragranced bubble bath (Soap Barn)
250ml clear un-fragranced technical oil (Soap Barn)
Liquid soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
500ml Flip lid bottle (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out Bubblegum labels
Please click here to print out Chocolate labels
Please click here to print out Lime labels
Please click here to print out Mango labels
Please click here to print out Strawberry labels
Please click here to print out Vanilla labels

Mix a couple of drops of soap colouring into the bubble bath and forty drops of fragrance also. Stir though well till the colour and fragrance are equally distributed throughout the soap. Add forty drops of fragrance to your technical oil. Mix through really well. Pour your bath oil into the bottle, half filling the bottle. Add the prepared bubble bath to the oil and fill the bottle to the top. Seal the bottle and shake very well for five minutes. This emulsifies the oil, and the entire contents of your bottle will appear thick and creamy. Leave to stand. The bubble bath and bath oil will separate and stay that way if you have shaken the mixture properly. Use this lovely Bath Milkshake for a luxurious moisturising foam bath

Lime Bath Milkshake, Vanilla Bath Milkshake, Mango Bath Milkshake

Bubblegum Bath Milkshake, Chocolate Bath Milkshake, Strawberry Bath Milkshake

Rainbow Shower Cremes - Recipe 30

500ml clear bubble bath, 500ml soap gel and 500ml technical oil (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Liquid soap colouring (Soap Barn)
300ml flip lid bottles (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out Bubblegum labels
Please click here to print out Cedarwood labels
Please click here to print out Lemon labels
Please click here to print out Rose labels

Mix a couple of drops of liquid soap colouring into the clear bubble bath and forty drops of fragrance. Stir though well till the colour and fragrance are equally distributed throughout the liquid soap.

Mix a couple of drops of liquid soap colouring into the soap gel and forty drops of fragrance. Stir though well till the colour and fragrance are equally distributed throughout the soap gel.

Fill 1/3 of your bottle first with your coloured and fragranced liquid soap - using a funnel. Now fill the second third of the bottle with coloured and fragranced soap gel - using a funnel. Fill the final third of the bottle with clear, unfragranced and un-coloured technical oil.

You can use any colour and fragrance you like. I made rainbows with one layer of rose and another layer of lavender. Another had one layer of orange and a second layer of cedarwood. My favourite for children had one layer of bubblegum and a second layer of marshmallow. And my best rainbow shower creme for my bathroom had one layer of lemon and a second layer of grapefruit. (See pics above: There are 'Before' and 'After' pics of all the rainbow shower cremes. In rainbow form and all shaken up and ready for use)

To use your rainbow shower creme - shake your bottle very well so that the layers mix. You now have a gorgeous, moisturising soap creme for the shower.

Old Fashioned Soap Balls - Recipe 31


500g white unfragranced glycerine soap
1kg white unfragranced soap noodles
Dried lavender, dried chamomile, glitter
Soap fragrance
Organza ribbon – different colours
Paper roses - different colours
Large white paper cups and PVC boxes for presentation

Put one handful of soap noodles into a small bowl. Gently melt the glycerine soap in the microwave on defrost. Add 50 drops of fragrance to the melted glycerine soap and mix through well. Add the melted glycerine soap to the handful of soap noodles (just enough to cover the noodles) and stir it through till you get a thick porridge consistency. Now you can take this mixture and roll it into a beautiful smooth soap ball. Roll the warm ball in dried lavender flowers or dried chamomile or glitter. Decorate your soap balls with organza ribbon and paper roses. Place in white paper cups when complete.

Decoupage on Soap - Recipe 32

Flat Soap Mould
Glycerine Soap
Soap Glaze for Decoupage
Decoupage Sheets

Start by making the soaps themselves. For decoupage you need very plain, simple soaps. It doesn’t matter if the soaps are opaque or transparent or even what colour they are. What is important is the shape of the soap. I like to use soap colours to match the pictures I am going to use. For example I make very light yellow soaps for lemon design decoupage.

Put your soap in a pot on the stove over a very low heat and allow it to melt very gently. Or melt it in a plastic jug in the microwave on defrost. When your soap has melted leave it too cool till it forms a skin on top. Then you know it is a good pouring temperature. Now you can pour it into your moulds. Fill them right to the top and leave the soap to set. This could take between one and two hours depending on the depth of the soap you have poured. When the soap feels solid and cold to the touch turn the mould right side up and place gentle pressure on each soap till it falls out of the mould.

While you wait for you soaps to set you can start preparing your cut-outs. Cut designs out of decoupage sheets, wrapping paper and serviettes carefully and neatly. Think also about pictures or designs that will work well together either on the same soap or on a set of matching soaps.

Once all your soaps are out of their moulds and the pictures and designs are cut out and prepared, you are ready to start your decoupage on soap.

Take a thick, soft haired paintbrush and dip it into the soap glaze. Brush it on the back of the picture and place the picture onto one of your soaps. With the palm of your hand you can flatten the pic on the soap. Then you can brush soap glaze over the picture to protect it. Sprinkle some glitter over the picture now if you like. Leave it to set. The glaze will set clear and your decoupage soaps will be beautiful and ready for use.

Never Seen Before! - New Moulds at the Soap Barn!

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Gel Candles Cocktails - Recipe 33

1lt Gel Wax and 1kg powder wax (Soap Barn)
Attractive glasses
Pre-waxed wicks (Soap Barn)
Candle colours (Soap Barn)
Fragrances (Soap Barn)

Melt the gel wax in a pot directly on the stove over a very low heat. When the gel is melted it will run like water. Separate your gel into small holders so you can make different colours. Use one or two drops of colouring to each holder. You can fragrance the melted gel with a matching fragrance – eg red cherry, yellow lemon, green mint… Dip the sustainer end of the wick into the melted gel and position the wick upright in the middle of the glass. Then pour one colour of melted gel into the glass. Leave to set. Then pour a layer of powder wax over the gel. Now pour another colour of melted wax over the layer of powdered wax. Continue this way till you fill the glass. Make a big mound of powder wax at the top of the glass. Very gently, warm your powder wax with your hairdryer. Start from far and come in closer and closer till the wax is warm and melting. Once the top of your candle is set your candle is ready to use. These candles make wonderful gifts and are stunning on a party table.

Resfreshing Summer Mist - Recipe 34

Summer Mists: Grapefruit-Rose, Mint-Grapefruit, Rose-Mint

100ml Fragrance emulsifier (Soap Barn)
20ml Fragrance – 10ml + 10ml (Soap Barn)
500ml Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Glass spray bottle or pencil spray (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out Mint Grapefruit labels
Please click here to print out Rose Grapefruit labels
Please click here to print out Rose Mint labels

Combine the fragrances and the fragrance emulsifier and mix very well till the fragrances are completely emulsified. I have combined two different fragrances each time to make three different light, fresh sprays for hot summer days: Rose and mint, mint and grapefruit and rose and grapefruit. You can use any fragrance combination you like. Add the emulsified fragrances to your spraying alcohol and mix through well. Now bottle your mixture in a spray bottle or a spray pencil. Glass bottles are lovely for your bathroom or dressing table. Pencil sprays are wonderful for your handbag and make lovely gifts for your friends.

Gorgeous 15ml Pencil Sprays - Now in Stock!

Hand Wash Pencil Pumps - Recipe 35

500ml silky un-fragranced liquid soap (Soap Barn)
Fragrances (Soap Barn)
Soap colourings (Soap Barn)
Hand wash stickers and pencil pumps (Soap Barn)

Mix a couple of drops of soap colouring into the liquid soap and fifty drops of fragrance. Stir through well till the colour and fragrance are equally distributed throughout the soap. Now you can pour your hand wash into a pencil pump. Put a hand wash sticker on the outside of your pencil pump and you are ready to go! These pumps are fabulous. Carry a hand wash pencil pump in your bag wherever you go – no more suffering in public places without soap. These pencil hand wash pumps make wonderful gifts for all your friends and family.

Soap Chocolates - Recipe 36

Beige vanilla soap (Soap Barn)
Brown soap colour (Soap Barn)
Chocolate mould (Chocolate Den)
Paper cups (Chocolate Den)
PVC boxes and Pure Glycerine Soap Stickers (Soap Barn)

Gently melt the soap in a small pot over the stove or in the microwave on defrost. When melted, add brown colouring to half your mixture till it is dark brown. Pour the brown soap into the chocolate mould and leave to set. If you want marbled shell chocolate soaps (like praline chocolate shells) you must pour the dark brown soap and the vanilla soap both into the mould at the same time. Once set, remove the soaps from the mould and place them in cookie cups. Place in a PVC box with a lovely satin ribbon and a Pure Glycerine Soap sticker. These soaps look so much like the real thing you must mark them as soap!

New Lip Gloss from The Soap Barn

Four Flavours: Cherry, Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry (R49.95 500ml) Roller bottles R4.50 each


Bubble Bath Crayons to colour your water!

Make Bubble-Doh Crayons with loads of colouring and fragrance... Have a pink strawberry bubble bath!

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Bubble-Doh Christmas Tree - Recipe 37

1kg Bubble-Doh (Soap Barn)
Snowflake fragrance (Soap Barn)
Mother of pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Christmas tree mould (Soap Barn/Chocolate Den)
Bubble-Doh labels (Soap Barn)
Soap Glaze (Soap Barn)
PVC cylinder for packaging (Chocolate Den)
Fairy hair (Soap Barn)

Remove some of your Bubble-Doh from the sealed bag. (Always keep your Bubble-Doh in a tightly sealed bag to keep it from drying out.) I work with smallish quantities at a time (about 200g) so the Bubble-Doh always stays fresh. You can use plastic gloves because working long with very this very soapy mixture will dry your hands.

Mix your fragrance into your Bubble-Doh as much or as little as you like. I think your Bubble-Doh should always smell heavenly and the more fragrance the better! Knead the Bubble-Doh well till the fragrance is mixed through.

Cut each section of the mould out with about half a centimetre border around the sides. Fill each section with a teaspoon of baking soda and shake it around to dust your mould. Then empty it out. This helps the Bubble-Doh release easily. Fill each section with Bubble-Doh and then gently knock the shape out of the mould onto a thick wad of old newspaper covered in paper towelling. Now, brush the sections lightly with water and sprinkle your glitter over them.

Leave the parts to set for 24-48 hours. When they are set and hard you can assemble your tree using a bit of soap glaze to stick each section. Package in a PVC cylinder with a Bubble-Doh label and fairy hair.

Crumble your Bubble-Doh Christmas tree under hot running bath water for the bubbliest Christmas bath ever!

Soap Snow Drops - Recipe 38

1kg Soap Noodles(Soap Barn)
Snowflake fragrance (Soap Barn)
Mother of pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Baking soda (Soap Barn)
Soap Bar Box (Soap Barn)
Handcrafted label (Soap Barn)
Ribbon and decorations (Soap Barn/Chocolate Den)

Throw your soap noodles into a large plastic bag. Pour your snowflake fragrance over the noodles and shake the bag till the noodles are all covered with fragrance. Put a handful of baking soda into the bag and shake over the noodles to absorb the fragrance. Now empty your tub of mother-of-pearl glitter over the noodles and shake well.

The soap snow drops can now be packaged into clear boxes. Remember to decorate the boxes beautifully because packaging is what makes your gift extra special.

Throw some snow drops into your bath for a soapy, fragrant and luxurious bath

Christmas Soap Mobiles - Recipe 39

White glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Snowflake fragrance (Soap Barn)
Teddy bear mould (Soap Barn)
Mother-of-pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Beads, charms and string (Soap Barn)

Gently melt the soap in a small pot over the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Add your fragrance. Leave to cool till a skin forms on the melted soap. Now you know it is a good pouring temperature. Sprinkle your glitter into your mould. Now pour the soap into the mould right to the top. Leave to set. When un-moulded make a hole through the teddy bear with a kebab stick. Thread the beads and soap onto the cord finishing with a chunky charm. Hang this mobile in your bathroom or anywhere eles in the house over Christmas time to keep the rooms fresh and fragrant. Who said we couldn’t do Christmas decorations in the bathroom!

Bath Jelly Icicles - Recipe 40

Gelatine (Soap Barn)
Snowflake fragrance (Soap Barn)
500ml liquid soap (Soap Barn)
Lustre powder and mother-of-pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Pyramid box (Soap Barn)
Bubble bath sticker (Soap Barn)

Prepare your pyramid box by sealing all possible leaks with sellotape. Measure 4 level tablespoons of gelatine and put them into your jug. Add one teaspoon of glitter and a quarter teaspoon of lustre power to the cellulose. Also add 50 drops of snowflake fragrance. Now pour half a cup of just boiled water over the gelatine and stir very well till all the gelatine has dissolved. Now add one cup of clear bubble bath to your mixture. Again, mix this through very well till you have a smooth, even mixture. Leave to cool and thicken. Pour your jelly into an upside down pyramid box and leave to set. You can also place it in the fridge to set. Seal the bottom of the pyramid. This is now the top of your icicle. Place a bubble bath sticker at the top and snowflake stickers around the sides. Bath jelly is wonderful bubble bath. Place some scoops of jelly into the bath under the running hot water for a fabulous bubble bath.

Handwash and Lotion Gifts - Recipe 41

500ml un-fragranced liquid soap (Soap Barn)
Snowflake fragrance (Soap Barn)
10ml pencil pumps and PVC envelopes (Soap Barn)
Hand wash stickers (Soap Barn)

Mix fifty drops of fragrance into your liquid soap. Stir through well. Now you can pour your hand wash into a pencil pump. Put a hand wash sticker on the outside of your pencil pump and you are ready to go!

Requirements for hand lotion pumps
500ml lotion spray (Soap Barn)
Snowflake fragrance (Soap Barn)
10ml pencil pumps (Soap Barn)
Hand lotion stickers (Soap Barn)

Mix fifty drops of fragrance into your spray lotion. Stir through well. Now you can pour your lotion into a pencil pump. Put a hand lotion sticker on the outside of your pencil pump. Place both pumps into a PVC envelope. These sets make wonderful gifts for all your friends and family. Place the set in your bag and you will never find yourself in a nasty place without soap and lotion!

Sparkling Bath Snow - Recipe 42

500g bath snow (Soap Barn)
Snowflake fragrance (Soap Barn)
Mother-of-pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Attractive jar or bottle (Soap Barn)

Shake all ingredients together in a packet till the glitter and the fragrance are evenly mixed through. Bath snow is an amazing bubble bath and is great for a cleansing relaxing bath after a long hard day. Put a handful of bath snow under the hot water tap as you run your bath. Relax in a wonderful bubble bath that has all the added qualities of bath salts too!

Hologram Ice Soaps - Recipe 43

Clear glycerine soap and white glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Small Christmas moulds (Chocolate Den)
Rectangle soap mould (Soap Barn)
Snowflake fragrance and Hologram powder (Soap Barn)
Half cube PVC box (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Pure glycerine soap stickers (Soap Barn)

Gently melt your white soap over a low heat on the stove or on defrost in the microwave. Add your fragrance. Pour the melted soap into a small Christmas mould and leave to set. When your small soap has set dust it with hologram powder on the front side. Melt your clear soap, add your fragrance and leave it to cool a quite a bit. Then half fill the rectangle mould with not-too-hot clear soap. Drop your Christmas soap into the melted soap (upside down) and then top your mould up with more clear soap. Leave to set. When set these soaps look like blocks of ice with designs inside. Package in two in a half cube PVC box and decorate with stickers and ribbon.

Christmas Tree Hangings - Recipe 44

Clear glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Snowflake fragrance (Soap Barn)
Small Christmas moulds (Chocolate Den)
Mother-of-pearl glitter and lustre powder (Soap Barn)
Silver string (Chocolate Den)

Gently melt the soap in a small pot over the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Add lots of fragrance! Leave to cool till a skin forms on top of the melted soap. Now you know it is a good pouring temperature. Dust sections of your mould with lustre powder. Sprinkle your glitter into your mould. Pour the soap into the mould right to the top. Leave to set. When un-moulded make a hole through the soap with a kebab stick. Thread the silver string through the soap and tie a knot. Hang these very fragrance soaps on your Christmas tree to keep it fresh and fragrant.

Snowy Shower Gel - Recipe 45

500ml un-fragranced silky liquid soap (Soap Barn)
Snowflake fragrance (Soap Barn)
Shower gel bottles (Soap Barn)
Shower gel and decorative stickers (Soap Barn)

Mix fifty drops of fragrance into your liquid soap. Stir through well. Now you can pour your shower gel into a shower hook bottle. Decorate with shower gel and snowflake stickers. This makes a wonderful Christmas gifts for men and women.

Bath Art Soap Crayons - Recipe 46

White glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Fruity fragrances (Soap Barn)
Crayon dyes (Soap Barn)
Crayon mould (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips (Soap Barn)
Clear cellophane (Soap Barn)
Crayon labels (Soap Barn)
Medium long PVC boxes (Soap Barn)

Cut the crayons out of the mould with half a centimetre border around the side. Also cut out the flat, bottom part of each crayon (not the point!). Clip the two sides of the crayon together with bulldog clips. Stand the mould point down in a mug or jug.

You can make bath art soap crayons by mixing in different matching colours and fragrances eg: Red dye and raspberry fragrance, yellow dye and banana fragrance, blue dye and blueberry fragrance, green dye and apple fragrance, orange dye and mango fragrance, pink dye and strawberry fragrance and purple dye with black cherry fragrance.

Melt your kilo of white glycerine soap gently in a pot on the stove over a low heat, or in the microwave in a plastic jug on defrost. Then add 10ml of fragrance and half a tub of dye to 200ml flexine (to1kg soap). Stir well till the dye has dissolved and the flexine is a bright, even colour. Add your coloured flexine to the soap and stir through well. The colour of the soap should be very intense. Leave your soap to cool a bit. Then pour the soap into the crayon moulds and leave to set. Leave for two hours and if the soap in the mould feels cold you can take off the bulldog clips and pop the bath art soap crayon out.

Wrap the body of the crayon in cellophane and then stick on your soap crayon label. You can then put a crayon in a medium long PVC box as a wonderful gift.

These crayons draw on the bath, on the tiles and on the children. Then they wash off! Best not to draw on non porous surfaces (like grout) because the colour may stain.

Get your children into the bath – keep them in the bath and teach them art!

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Beautiful Bath and Shower Mousse - Recipe 47

500ml Bath/Shower mousse base
Liquid colouring
Plastic Jars
Bath/Shower mousse sticker

Please click here to print out Grapefruit & Green Tea labels
Please click here to print out Honeybush & Orange labels
Please click here to print out Lemon & Apple labels
Please click here to print out Pearberry labels

Take the lid off the mousse base and place the container of mousse in the microwave on high for one and a half minutes. Then empty the contents into a mixing bowl. Add the colour and fragrance of your choice to the melted mousse base. Mix the mousse with an electric hand beater till the mousse is thick and creamy. Place the mousse in the freezer for 15 minutes to set and then beat again till it is very rich and smooth. You can then spoon the mousse into a jar or you can pipe it in through a piping bag and big star nozzle.

This is the most heavenly bath/shower product. Cover yourself with this luxurious, soap creme and have the most delicious wash you have ever had in your whole life.

Lemon and Apple Bath/Shower Mousse

Pink Grapefruit and Green Tea Bath/Shower Mousse

Pearberry Bath/Shower Mousse

Honeybush and Orange Bath/Shower Mousse

'Bug-Off' Citronella Soap - Recipe 48

1kg Yellow lemongrass glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Citronella essential oil (Soap Barn)
1 Soap Mould (Soap Barn)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)

Gently melt your soap in the microwave or in a pot over a very low heat. Once the soap has melted add 20ml citronella essential oil. Leave the soap to cool till it has formed a skin on top. The you know it is a good pouring temperature. Pour the soap into the mould and leave to set. Once the soap is un-moulded you can wrap it in cellophane. Use this soap in summer to protect yourself from mosquitoes and flies.

'Bug-Off' Citronella Lotion - Recipe 49

Gel Lotion(Soap Barn)
Yellow liquid colouring (Soap Barn)
Citronella essential oil (Soap Barn)
Attractive bottle or jar (Soap Barn)

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Mix 10ml citronella essential oil and a few drops of yellow colouring into your gel lotion. Blend well. You can now put the lotion into an attractive bottle or jar for use. Use regularly during summer to keep away the mosquitoes. The gel lotion is light, it spreads easily and is non greasy. ‘Bug-Off’ citronella lotion is essential for all your outdoor evening activities in summer.

'Bug-Off' Citronella Salts - Recipe 50

1kg bath rocks (Soap Barn)
Dried lemon verbena
10ml citronella essential oil Soap Barn)
Attractive jar (Soap Barn)
Yellow powder colouring (Soap Barn)

Place your bath rocks (large salt crystals) into a bag. Add dried lemon verbena leaves, 10ml citronella essential oil and a pinch of yellow powder colouring. Shake the bag well till the bath rocks are thoroughly coloured and fragranced. Package in a jar. I love to leave a jar of ‘Bug-Off’ citronella salts open in my bedroom at night. The room is permeated with the smell of citronella and the mosquitoes are kept away. If after some time the citronella has lost its strength you can just pour a little more citronella essential oil over the salt rocks to revitalise them.

'Bug-Off' Citronella Spray - Recipe 51

100ml fragrance emulsifier (Soap Barn)
20ml citronella essential oil (Soap Barn)
500ml distilled water
3 x 200ml spray bottle (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Combine the citronella oil and emulsifier in a jug and stir through well. Add the distilled water and stir through well again. Your ‘Bug-Off’ spray is now ready to be sprayed EVERYWHERE! On your body, on your clothes, on your linen, in the room, on the curtains and every place you think mosquitoes will be hiding. I even use this spray in my kitchen, on the counters, to keep away the ants. Citronella spray keeps away mosquitoes, flies, ants and all other uninvited guests in summer.

'Bug-Off' Citronella Candle - Recipe 52

1kg candle wax (Soap Barn)
Metal core wick (Soap Barn)
1 PVC cylinder and corrugated cardboard (Chocolate Den)
Citronella essential oil and yellow candle colouring(Soap Barn)

Melt your wax gently in a pot on the stove. When melted add your citronella essential oil and your yellow candle colouring. Cut a piece of corrugated cardboard to fit the bottom of the cylinder and a piece to fit around the inside. This protects the PVC from the hot wax and gives your candle a lovely textured feel and look. Place your pieces of corrugated cardboard in the PVC cylinder so the corrugated side faces in. Position your wick in the container and pour in your melted wax, leaving aside 1/5 of the wax. Leave your candle to set. Once it has set you will notice that it has set with a hole in the middle. This is usual when working with wax because it shrinks when it sets. Now melt the 1/5 left over wax and top up the candle where it has shrunk. Leave the candle now to cool and set completely. Then remove the PVC cylinder and corrugated cardboard from the candle and you have a gorgeous ‘Bug-Off’ citronella candle. Use your ‘Bug- Off’ citronella candle all summer (day and night) to keep away flies and mosquitoes and other undesirable creatures.

'Bug-Off' Citronella Gel Travel Candle - Recipe 53

1lt Gel Wax (Soap Barn)
Tins (Soap Barn)
1 pack pre-waxed wicks (Soap Barn)
Yellow candle dye (Soap Barn)
Citronella essential oil (Soap Barn)

Melt the gel wax in a pot directly on the stove over a very low heat. When the gel is melted it will run like water. Then add a couple of drops of yellow candle dye and 20ml citronella essential oil to the melted gel. Dip the sustainer end of the wick into the melted gel and position the wick in the tin. Then fill the tin to the top. Leave to set. Use these ‘Bug-Off’ citronella candles indoors and outdoors all summer to keep away flies and mosquitoes and other bugs. These candles are wonderful to use when camping, hiking or out on a safari. Just close the lid and drop it in your travel pack to take with you wherever you go this summer.

Handmade Soaps Wrapped - Recipe 54

Glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Soap mould (Soap Barn)
All New! Soap wrapping paper (Soap Barn)

Gently melt the soap in a small pot over the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Pour your soap into the mould and leave to set. When the soap is set and out of the mould cover it neatly with cellophane paper. Then wrap it in gorgeous 'Handmade Soap' paper.

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