2010 Newsletter Recipes

All recipes are originated by Jackie and protected by copyright.
You are welcome and encouraged to use any or all of the recipes but copying them or publishing
them in any form and in any media will be an infringement of copyright law and legal action will be taken.

All photographs belong to Jackie at The Soap Barn and copying them or publishing them in any
form or in any media will constitute an infringement of copyright law and legal action will be taken.

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Rattan Reed Diffusers - Recipe 1

Rattan Reeds (Soap Barn)
20ml Fragrance – 10ml + 10ml and Liquid Soap Colouring (Soap Barn)
30ml Diffuser Oil Base (Soap Barn)
50ml Glass Bottle (Soap Barn)

Combine the fragrances and the diffuser oil base and mix very well till the fragrances are completely emulsified. I have combined two different fragrances each time to make more interesting unique fragrances eg orange and papaya, rose and grapefruit, lemon and apple, blueberry and vanilla. I also coloured each mixture to match the fragrances. This way the reeds absorb the fragrance and the colour and you have matching reeds with fragrance. Pour the mixed diffuser oil into your bottle and add your rattan reeds. Leave the reeds to wick (absorb the oil up the hollow tubes) for a couple of hours and turn them over. You can turn them over every couple of days for best results.

Reed Diffusers are another way to scent your home and office. They are a great way to enhance the smell of a room without an open flame.

Reed diffusers consist of three components. A glass container, a set of reed diffuser sticks/reeds, and diffuser fragrance oil.

Let the rattan reed diffusers draw the diffuser oil for an hour or two then flip the reeds over to expose oil-moistened diffuser reeds to the air. The oil will continue to draw up the diffusers reeds scenting your room for several months. To get the most out of your reed diffuser flip the diffuser reeds over about once a week or as desired for a fresh fragrance burst. Once the diffuser oil is finally used up, simply pour in an oil refill.

In small spaces, like bathrooms, use less sticks. Usually 4-6 reeds work well. Less reeds mean less scent, more reeds mean more scent. You may want to use 8-10 reeds for larger rooms where a stronger scent throw is desired.

Soap Candies - Recipe 2

Turkish Delights                                           Jelly Babies

Strawberry Bon-Bons                                  Lollipops

Wine Gums

A lollipop mould
A turkish delight mould
A strawberry bon-bon mould
A jelly baby mould
A wine gum mould
500g clear marula glycerine soap
500g red strawberry glycerine soap
500g white milk and honey glycerine soap
Cellophane for packaging
Cellophane bags for packaging
White powder colouring
Lollipop sticks
Chocolate foil and wrapper
Paper chocolate cases
Chocolate boxes
Soap stickers

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Soap candies are really easy and loads of fun to make. You can start off by placing all your moulds on the counter where you can reach all of them easily. Now you can start melting your soaps. Melt each colour separately in a small glass or plastic jug in the microwave for thirty seconds. Take care not to overheat or burn your soap because when it boils it loses its clarity and elasticity. It becomes brittle and murky. Not nice!

The next step is pouring the soaps. Remember to leave the soap to cool a little once it is melted. When it forms a skin on top it is ready to pour. An important tip when making soap candies is to pour your soap right to the top of each mould. When you under fill a mould the soap is difficult to unmould once set.

The red and clear soap must get poured into the turkish delight mould, the jelly baby mould, the wine gum mould and the lollipop mould. Leave those aside to set.

Pour red soap into the strawberry of the bon-bon mould. Leave it to set. Once it has set you can pour your white mould on top of that to fill the mould. Make sure the white soap is still quite hot because it needs to melt the red soap a little otherwise they won’t bond. Leave them for two hours to set.

When your strawberry bon-bons have set unmould them and place each one individually in a paper chocolate case. You can even wrap them in chocolate foil if you like. Then package them in your chocolate box.

When the Turkish delights have set unmould them. Take a thick, soft haired brush and dip it into the white powder colouring. Now dust the Turkish delights with white powder to look like icing sugar. Then place each Turkish delight into a single paper case. They can all get packaged into your second chocolate box.

When the jelly babies have set unmould them and package them in a cellophane bag.

When the lollipops have set unmould them. Place them on your counter, facing down (flat side on the counter). Now take a lollipop stick and push it through a half round all the way through till it reaches the counter. Now lift it up, place a matching second half on top of it and push the stick through the second half – although not right through. Now cut appropriate size squares of cellophane and wrap them around the lollipops. Secure the cellophane in position with a piece of sellotape at the base of the lollipop around the stick.

When the wine gums have set unmould them. Now take your apple corer and cut circles out of the already moulded soaps. This will make them the right size and shape for wine gums. Put them all together and roll them in cellophane. Close the cellophane on either side of the roll by twisting it.

Finally you need to place the soap stickers on all your soap candies. This is to let everyone know that although they look exactly like the real thing, they are in fact soaps and not edible.

Valentines' Soap Cup Cakes - Recipe 3

White milk and honey glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Red strawberry glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Mother-of-pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Cup cake mould (Soap Barn)

Gently melt the soap (red and whie in separate jugs) in the microwave on defrost. Leave to cool till a skin forms on top of the melted soap. Now you know it is a good pouring temperature.

The cup cake mould is made up of two parts. The top part which is the cherry and icing and the bottom part which is the cup cake itself.

Sprinkle your glitter into the top half of your cup cake mould. Pour a little white soap into the ‘cherry’ section of the mould and leave to set. Then fill the top of the cup cake with red.

Fill the bottom of the cup cake with white soap pouring into the mould right to the top. Leave to set.

When both halves are set (top and bottom) unmould them. Pour a little melted soap onto the bottom half of the cup cake and quickly place the top half on top. The top and bottom should now be sticking together as one. Place your cup cake in a box and tie around organza ribbon.

Valentines' Bath Jelly - Recipe 4

Gelatine (Soap Barn)
Strawberry fragrance and red liquid colouring(Soap Barn)
500ml liquid soap (Soap Barn)
Heart pearls (Chocolate Den)
Plastic jar (Soap Barn)
Bubble bath sticker (Soap Barn)

Measure 4 level tablespoons of gelatine and put them into your jug. Add 50 drops of strawberry fragrance and two drops of red colouring. Now pour half a cup of just boiled water over the gelatine and stir very well till all the gelatine has dissolved. Now add one cup of clear bubble bath to your mixture. Again, mix this through very well till you have a smooth, even mixture. Leave to cool and thicken. Pour your jelly into a jar and leave to almost set. When your mixture is thick and cool scatter your heart pearls over the top. They will gently sink down and remain suspended. Place a bubble bath sticker on your jar. Leave overnight to set and then seal with the lid. Bath jelly is wonderful bubble bath. Place some scoops of jelly into the bath under the running hot water for a fabulous bubble bath.

Valentines' White Satin Perfume - Recipe 5

10ml White Satin fragrance (Soap Barn)
50ml Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
6 10ml pencil sprays and PVC envelopes (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out White Satin Perfume labels

Add the 10ml White Satin fragrance to 50ml spraying alcohol and mix through well. Now bottle your mixture in 6 10ml spray bottles or a spray pencil. Package those in PVC envelopes with a good label and decorative stickers. Pencil sprays are wonderful for your handbag and make lovely gifts for your friends.

Valentines' Love Scrub - Recipe 6

100ml Shea Butter (Soap Barn)
100ml Sweet Almond Oil (Soap Barn)
Fine Salt (Soap Barn)
10ml Strawberry fragrance and pink powder colouring (Soap Barn)
2 teaspoons black Cirabelle exfoliate beads
Jars (Soap Barn)
Medium Scoops (Soap Barn)

Gently melt the shea butter in the microwave for 1 minute. Pour the melted shea butter into a glass bowl and add 100ml sweet almond oil, strawberry fragrance, a tiny pinch of pink powder colouring and the black cirabelle beads. Then add your fine salt, stirring and mixing the scrub thoroughly until you get a thick paste. The paste must not be runny. Divide the scrub into your jars and attach a wooden scoop.

Applying the scrub:
In the shower put a scoop full of scrub into the palm of your hand. With a washing motion rub the scrub all over your body. Massage the treatment into the skin till it tingles. Then wash off the scrub with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel. The rich oils nourish and feed your skin while the salt cleanses, exfoliates and relaxes the muscles. After this scrub your body feels renewed and revitalised and stays that way throughout the day.

Valentines' Love Soaps - Recipe 7

250g red strawberry glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
500g white milk and honey glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Heart soap mould (Soap Barn)
Round cutters or apple corer (Soap Barn)

Cut the red soap into 1cm thick slices. With a round cutter or apple corer cut out round polka dots from the 1cm red soap slices. Place those polka dots onto the bottom of the heart mould and press down firmly. Gently melt the white soap in the microwave on defrost. Pour the white soap into the moulds to cover and surround the red dots. When set you can even add paper roses to the red dots, then place the soap in PVC box with organza ribbon.

Soap and Soccer - Recipe 8

White milk and honey glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Soccer soap mould ( Flat mould Soap Barn, round ball mould Chocolate Den)
4 x 4 cube boxes for ball mould and PVC envelope for flat mould (Soap Barn)

Cut the half round shapes out of your mould, leaving about 1cm around the edges. Also cut a small half moon (size of 10c piece) out of the one side at the edge. Clip the moulds together with bulldog clips. You will have a complete ball shape with a small hole on the one side for filling.

Gently melt the soap in a small pot over the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Leave it too cool. Pour your soap into the mould and leave to set. When the soap is set remove the bulldog clips and take round soap out of mould. Place in a PVC box for neat packaging.

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Herbal Bath Teas

Lavender Herb Bath Tea - Recipe 9

Dried Lavender from your garden (or your neighbour's garden - ask them nicely)
Bath Crystals (Soap Barn)
Purple Powder Dye or Purple Powder Colouring (Soap Barn)
Lavender Fragrance or Lavender Essential Oil (Soap Barn)
Sealable Tea Bags (Soap Barn)
Half Cube PVC Box (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Crush 1 cup lavender herb into a glass bowl

Add 2 cups bath crystals

Add lavender fragrance or lavender essential oil. If you like you can leave the lavender bath tea plain but there are two different colouring options: You can add purple powder colouring (same as for bath salts) and this will colour your mixture. Or you can add purple powder dye (same as for soap crayons) and this will colour the mixture and also the bath water. I tried one of these the other day and I just loved being in a lavender bath - lavender herb, lavender fragrance and lavender colour water. It was delightful!

Fill your teabags. I find they take about 1 tablespoon of mixture but you could put less if you like

Seal your teabags with heat. You can use an iron or even a heated teaspoon handle. I didn't have an iron with me at work so I used a teaspoon handle. I turned on the stove put the teaspoon handle on the plate for a few seconds and then pressed it down on the open end of the bag for 1-2 seconds. The bags seal very easily. I also thought of using hair straightening tongs and of course a sealing machine will work if you have one of those. Whatever method you use they are all quick and easy.

Finally you can pack your teabags in a half cube PVC box. I got between ten and twelve bags in a box.
Decorate your box attractively because packaging is everything!

Mint Herb Bath Tea - Recipe 10

Dried Mint from your garden (or from the surpermarket)
Bath Crystals (Soap Barn)
Green Powder Dye or Green Powder Colouring (Soap Barn)
Peppermint Fragrance or Peppermint Essential Oil (Soap Barn)
Sealable Tea Bags (Soap Barn)
Half Cube PVC Box (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Crush 1 cup mint herb into a glass bowl

Add 2 cups bath crystals

Add peppermint fragrance or peppermint essential oil. If you like you can leave the mint bath tea plain but there are two different colouring options: You can add green powder colouring (same as for bath salts) and this will colour your mixture. Or you can add green powder dye (same as for soap crayons) and this will colour the mixture and also the bath water.

Fill your teabags. I find they take about 1 tablespoon of mixture but you could put less if you like

Seal your teabags with heat. You can use an iron or even a heated teaspoon handle. I didn't have an iron with me at work so I used a teaspoon handle. I turned on the stove put the teaspoon handle on the plate for a few seconds and then pressed it down on the open end of the bag for 1-2 seconds. The bags seal very easily. I also thought of using hair straightening tongs and of course a sealing machine will work if you have one of those. Whatever method you use they are all quick and easy.

Finally you can pack your teabags in a half cube PVC box. I got between ten and twelve bags in a box.
Decorate your box attractively because packaging is everything!

Rose Herb Bath Tea - Recipe 11

Dried Rose petals from your garden (or your neighbour's garden - ask them nicely)
Bath Crystals (Soap Barn)
Pink Powder Dye or Pink Powder Colouring (Soap Barn)
Rose Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Sealable Tea Bags (Soap Barn)
Half Cube PVC Box (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Crush 1 cup rose petals into a glass bowl

Add 2 cups bath crystals

Add rose fragrance. If you like you can leave the rose bath tea plain but there are two different colouring options: You can add pink powder colouring (same as for bath salts) and this will colour your mixture. Or you can add pink powder dye (same as for soap crayons) and this will colour the mixture and also the bath water.

Fill your teabags. I find they take about 1 tablespoon of mixture but you could put less if you like

Seal your teabags with heat. You can use an iron or even a heated teaspoon handle. I didn't have an iron with me at work so I used a teaspoon handle. I turned on the stove put the teaspoon handle on the plate for a few seconds and then pressed it down on the open end of the bag for 1-2 seconds. The bags seal very easily. I also thought of using hair straightening tongs and of course a sealing machine will work if you have one of those. Whatever method you use they are all quick and easy.

Finally you can pack your teabags in a half cube PVC box. I got between ten and twelve bags in a box.
Decorate your box attractively because packaging is everything!

Lemon Verbena Herb Bath Tea - Recipe 12

Dried Lemon Verbena from your garden (or your local health shop)
Bath Crystals (Soap Barn)
Yellow and Green Powder Dye or Yellow and Green Powder Colouring (Soap Barn)
Lemon Verbana Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Sealable Tea Bags (Soap Barn)
Half Cube PVC Box (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Crush 1 cup lemon verbena herb into a glass bowl

Add 2 cups bath crystals

Add lemon verbena fragrance. If you like you can leave the lemon verbena bath tea plain but there are two different colouring options: You can add a tiny bit of yellow and green powder colouring to make a lime colour (same as for bath salts) and this will colour your mixture. Or you can add a tiny bit of yellow and green powder dye (same as for soap crayons) to make a lime colour and this will colour the mixture and also the bath water.

Fill your teabags. I find they take about 1 tablespoon of mixture but you could put less if you like

Seal your teabags with heat. You can use an iron or even a heated teaspoon handle. I didn't have an iron with me at work so I used a teaspoon handle. I turned on the stove put the teaspoon handle on the plate for a few seconds and then pressed it down on the open end of the bag for 1-2 seconds. The bags seal very easily. I also thought of using hair straightening tongs and of course a sealing machine will work if you have one of those. Whatever method you use they are all quick and easy.

Finally you can pack your teabags in a half cube PVC box. I got between ten and twelve bags in a box.
Decorate your box attractively because packaging is everything!

Magic Fruity Bath Tea - Recipe 13

Bath Crystals (Soap Barn)
Powder Dye Colourings - all the colours (Soap Barn)
Fruity Fragrances to match your colours (Soap Barn)
Sealable Tea Bags (Soap Barn)
Half Cube PVC Box (Soap Barn)

Add 2 cups bath crystals

Add powder dye this will colour the crystals and also the bath water. Match your colour and fragrance.

I have so many fruity fragrances you could choose from: apple, apricot-peach, black cherry, black currant, blueberry, coconut, cranberry, lemon, mango, melon, mulberry, orange, papaya, pear, pearberry, pineapple, pink grapefruit, pomegranate, raspberry, strawberry and tutti-frutti.

Fill your teabags. I find they take about 1 tablespoon of mixture but you could put less if you like

Seal your teabags with heat. You can use an iron or even a heated teaspoon handle. I didn't have an iron with me at work so I used a teaspoon handle. I turned on the stove put the teaspoon handle on the plate for a few seconds and then pressed it down on the open end of the bag for 1-2 seconds. The bags seal very easily. I also thought of using hair straightening tongs and of course a sealing machine will work if you have one of those. Whatever method you use they are all quick and easy.

Finally you can pack your teabags in a half cube PVC box. I got between ten and twelve bags in a box.
Decorate your box attractively because packaging is everything!

Love Heart Wash Bags - Recipe 14

Love Heart Wash Bags (Soap Barn - while stocks last)
Heart Soap Mould (Soap Barn)
Red Strawberry Glycerine Soap (Soap Barn

Gently melt the soap in the microwave on defrost. Leave to cool till a skin forms on top of the melted soap. Now you know it is a good pouring temperature. Pour the soap into the heart mould right to the top. (This makes unmoulding much easier when set.)

When the soap is set (approx two hours) unmould it. Place it into a soft, fluffy Love Heart Wash Bag. Unzip the bag, put in your soap and zip up the bag again.

Use the bag to wash with. It is soft and gentle on your skin. Hang it up by the handles over the tap to dry out after your shower.

When the soap inside your Love Heart Wash Bag is finished just zip it open and put a new one in

Forest Fern & Fenjal Room Diffusers - Recipe 15

Rattan Reeds (Soap Barn)
10ml Fenjal Fragrance + 10ml Forset Fern Fragrance and blue liquid soap colouring (Soap Barn)
30ml Diffuser Oil Base (Soap Barn)
50ml Glass Bottle (Soap Barn)

Combine the fragrances and the diffuser oil base and mix very well till the fragrances are completely emulsified. Add one or two drops of blue colouring. This way the reeds absorb the fragrance and the colour and you have matching reeds with fragrance. Pour the mixed diffuser oil into your bottle and add your rattan reeds. Leave the reeds to wick (absorb the oil up the hollow tubes) for a couple of hours and turn them over. You can turn them over every couple of days for best results.

This fragrance mix has been the most poplular one this month - running neck and neck with Lemon and Apple. Also very poplular are Orange and Amber and Rose and Grapefuit.

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Happy Little Easter Duck Soaps - Recipe 16

I round mould and 1 duck mould (Soap Barn)
Ocean Mist soap and Cocoa Butter soap (Soap Barn)
Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips(Soap Barn)
Half Cube PVC Box (Soap Barn)
Plastic eyes, white craft glue, orange soap paint, frog stickers and little hats (Soap Barn and Chocolate Den)

Gently melt your ocean mist blue soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Leave it in the jug to cool till it forms a skin on top. Then you know it's a good pouring temperature. Move the skin back and pour the ocean mist blue soap into the round (pond) mould. Fill the mould right to the top. Spray your soap immediately with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles that come to the top.

Cut your ducks out of the mould. Remember to cut out their bottoms so you can fill them

Clip your duck moulds together with bulldog clips. Clip them in a way that they stand up nicely on their own. Heads down and open bottoms up.

Gently melt your cocoa butter soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave on defrost. If you would like your ducks to be bright yellow add a couple of drops of liquid soap yellow colouring to your melted soap. Leave it in the jug to cool till it forms a skin on top. Then you know it's a good pouring temperature. Move the skin back and pour the cocoa butter soap into the upside down duck moulds. Fill the moulds right to the top. Spray your soap immediately with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles that come to the top.

When your soaps have cooled and set (leave them for two hours to set in their own good time) you can unmould them. Pour a little melted soap onto the blue pond soap and set the yellow duck on top. It will stick.

Now you can decorate your ducks-on-ponds soaps. Stick moving eyes on with a little white craft glue. Paint their beaks with orange soap paint (you can thin out your paint with a drop of water to make painting easier).

Finish off your Happy Little Easter Duck Soaps with frog and waterlily stickers on the ponds and little Easter bonnets and caps on their heads. What fabulous Easter gifts you have made!

Bubble-Doh Easter Eggs - Recipe 17

Bubble-Doh (Soap Barn)
Baking soda, fragrances, powder colours and glitter (Soap Barn)
Egg mould, egg box and fluffy chicks (Soap Barn)

Divide your 1kg of Bubble-Doh into 6 equal portions

Put a quarter teaspoon of powder colouring and 40 drops of fragrance (your favourite) on each portion

Mix each portion well so you have evenly coloured and fragranced balls of Bubble-Doh

Prepare your work space. Make sure you have a glass of water and a soft brush ready for use. Have two halves of your egg mould cut out and ready for use. Keep your glitter handy and have a huge pile of baking soda on your work surface to make your moulding easy.

Coat your egg moulds inside very well with baking soda

Press your coloured and fragrance Bubble-Doh into each half egg so they are solid and hard

Now (so as to make things easier) tap each egg half out onto your work space and coat your egg half moulds again in baking soda.

Place the Bubble-Doh egg halves back into the moulds and brush one half only with a bit of water

Put the two half eggs in their moulds together and squeeze tight. They will join up beautifully.

Because you dusted the moulds a second time with baking soda you will find that they release really easily leaving you with a perfect shaped egg

Place your egg on some paper towelling over a big thick wad of old newspaper. This will give the egg a soft base on which to rest and the thick wad of newspaper will absorb the excess water in the Bubble-Doh and allow it to set easily and quickly

Brush your egg lightly with a soft brush and water. Then sprinkly your glitter.

Leave your eggs to dry for five days

When the eggs are set they will be dry enough to pick up and pack in an egg box. They don't set very hard till much later but because they need to crumble easily into your bath it is better to have them solid but not rock hard. Finally you can pack your eggs in an egg tray and decorate with ribbon and fluffy chicks. What a gorgeous Easter gift!

Lemon and Vanilla Easter Egg Bath Mousse - Recipe 18

Bath Mousse (Soap Barn)
Yellow powder colouring (Soap Barn)
Lemon fragrance and Vanilla fragrance (Soap Barn)
Maxi Jars (Soap Barn)
Bath Mousse stickers, ribbon and fluffy chicks (Soap Barn)

Take the lid off your bath mousse base and melt your mousse in the microwave for 45 seconds. It will be warm and soft with only the edges liquid. Empty the contents into a bowl

Beat the bath mousse with a small electric hand beater till it is rich and smooth and creamy

Divide your mixture into two bowls. Put 1/5 of the mixture in one bowl and 4/5 in the other bowl. Add vanilla fragrance to the larger mixture and lemon fragrance to the smaller mixture. Also add one or two drops of yellow liquid soap colouring to the smaller (lemon) mixture.

Beat both mixtures with an electric hand beater till they are evenly mixed through, fluffy, creamy and smooth

Fill the white (vanilla) bath mousse into the maxi jar all around the sides leaving a well in the centre. Then fill in the centre of the jar with the yellow lemon bath mousse. You now have a perfect 'egg' mousse for Easter. This is a wonderful Easter gift for all wonderful women in your life.

Orange and Amber Room Diffuser - Recipe 19

Rattan Reeds (Soap Barn)
20ml Orange fragrance + 20ml Amber fragrance and orange liquid soap colouring (Soap Barn)
100ml Diffuser Oil Base (Soap Barn)
Pyramid ceramic difuser (Soap Barn)

Combine the fragrances and the diffuser oil base and mix very well till the fragrances are completely emulsified. Add one or two drops of orange colouring. This way the reeds absorb the fragrance and the colour and you have matching reeds with fragrance. Pour the mixed diffuser oil into your ceramic base put the pyramid lid on top. Thread your rattan reeds through the holes in the lid to reach the bottom of the ceramic pyramid. Leave the reeds to wick (absorb the oil up the hollow tubes) for a couple of hours and turn them over. You can turn them over every couple of days for best results.
This ceramic pyramid (designed by Pottery Junxion specially for The Soap Barn) is a wonderful reed diffuser. It allows for easy refilling, prevents evaporation and is wonderfully stable. It is a classic piece and will look good in any lounge or entertainment area.
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Under Sea Bath/Shower Scrubs - Recipe No 20

Soap Gel (Soap Barn)
Clear Liquid Soap (Soap Barn)
Blue Liquid Soap Colouring (Soap Barn)
Fragrance: Ocean Mist or Marine or Sea Breeze(Soap Barn)
Loofah(Soap Barn)
500ml Maxi Jar (Soap Barn)
Marine Theme Stickers (Soap Barn)

Gently melt your soap gel in the microwave. Then fill your maxi jar 1/5 with the melted soap gel and leave it to set.

Once the soap gel has set place a large slice of loofah on top. The loofah should be big enough to fill the jar.

Lightly colour your liquid soap with one or two drops of blue liquid soap colouring. Also add 40-50 drops of fragrance to the liquid soap and stir in well. Once your clear liquid soap is coloured blue and fragranced Marine you can pour it over the loofah, filling the jar to the top.

Now it's time to decorate your Sea Scrub. Make a nice label on your computer for the lid and then place marine theme stickers around the jar.

Using your scrub: Your scrub can be enjoyed in the bath or the shower. Open the jar and remove the soap soaked loofah. Wash all over with your juicy loofah. When you are shiny clean just rinse your loofah and put it back in the jar to soak some more.

Pink Grapefruit Soap Slices - Recipe No 21

3 PCV Cylinders No: 3, 8, 19 (Chocolate Den)
1kg Clear Pink Rose Soap (Soap Barn)
1kg Cream Cocoa Butter Soap (Soap Barn)
1kg Clear Green Grapefruit Soap (Soap Barn)
Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
1/2 Cube PVC Box for Packaging(Soap Barn)

The first thing you need to do is prepare your PVC cylinders. They are not really meant for soap making which means they can easily leak if you don't prepare them well. Cover the bottom seam of the cylinder with broad clear sellotape. If you have to go around the seam a few times to make sure it it is sealed that is fine.

Gently melt your clear pink rose soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Leave it to cool a bit and then pour it into your smallest cylinder. Pour so it fills the cylinder to the top. Spray the top of the soap with spraying alcohol to pop all the little bubbles that come to the top. Now leave your pink soap to set.

When the soap has set (about two hours) cut the PVC cylinder and tear it away from the soap. You are now left with a thick tube of pink soap. Stand the soap upright and cut it in half. Then cut each of those halves into equal thirds so you have 6 long narrow pieces. Stand those pieces upright in the middle size cylinder. Make sure they are equal distance away from each other and from the side of the cylinder.

Now melt your cocoa butter soap gently in a pot on the stove or in the microwave on defrost. When the cream soap has melted you can pour it into the middle cylinder so it surround the six long pieces. Again you need to pour right to the top. Then spray the top of the soap with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles.

Then leave the middle size cylinder to set. This should take about two hours. When the soap has set you can cut the PVC at the top and tear the plastic away from the soap. Now place this big pink and white soap into the middle of the largest cylinder.

Gently melt your clear green grapefruit soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Once it has melted you can pour it into the large cylinder so that it surrounds and covers the pink and white soap you have already made.

Again you need to leave your soap to set about two hours. When the soap is set, snip the PVC and tear it away from the soap. You can first cut the top off the soap to neaten it. Then cut it in half and slice each half in nice thick chunks.

Package the slices in a 1/2 cube PCV box and decorate with raffia and maybe even a dried orange slice.

Black + White Checked Soap Slices - Recipe No 22

1 Loaf tin (Chocolate Den)
1kg Black Soap (Soap Barn)
1kg White Soap (Soap Barn)
10ml Fragrance for the white soap (Soap Barn)

The first thing you need to do is cut your black soap into long narrow strips to fit the baking tin

Then lay the strips in the tin all the way to the top. I separate the rows with a narrow strip just on either end.

Gently melt your white soap and add a fragrance of your choice. The pour the white soap into the tin over the black strips filling it to the top. Leave the soap about 4-5 hours to set.

When the soap is set and cold unmould it onto a chopping board and cut into lovely thick checkered slices.

Bubble-Doh Biscuits - Recipe No 23

1kg Bubble-Doh (Soap Barn)
Vanilla fragrance or any other fragrance you associate with cookies(Soap Barn)
Sprinkles, vermicelli and cake decorations (Chocolate Den)
Cookie Cutters (Chocolate Den)
Cake box and tissue paper (Chocolate Den)

Remove some of your Bubble-Doh from the sealed bag. (Always keep your Bubble-Doh in a tightly sealed bag to keep it from drying out.) I work with smallish quantities at a time (about 200g) so the Bubble-Doh always stays fresh. You can use plastic gloves because working long with very this very soapy mixture will dry your hands.

Mix your fragrance into your Bubble-Doh as much or as little as you like. I think your Bubble-Doh should always smell heavenly and the more fragrance the better! Knead the Bubble-Doh well till the fragrance is mixed through.

Colour your Bubble-Doh in all kinds of 'cookie' colours. You can even mix in some chocolate vermicelli or sprinkles.

Roll the Bubble-Doh flat on the counter and cut out your cookie shapes. Place the shapes on paper towelling over a thick wad of newspaper and leave to set for about 4 days.

Then pack your box of Bubble-Doh biscuits in a lovely box with ribbon and invite your best friends over for tea!

This box of Bubble-Doh biscuits makes a wonderful gift for all ages. It is really easy to make and each biscuit will make the bubbliest bubble bath ever!

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Delicious Cakes of Soap

Strawberry and Cherry Cheesecake Soap - Recipe No 24

A PVC cylinder from Chocolate Den
Vanilla Glycerine Soap (Soap Barn)
Cocoa Butter Glycerine Soap (Soap Barn)
Strawberry Glycerine Soap (Soap Barn)
Clear Glycerine Soap (Soap Barn)
Strawberry Mould (Soap Barn)
Cirabelle black exfoliate beads or poppy seeds (Soap Barn)
Spraying Alcohol (Soap Barn)
Small Ball Mould from Chocolate Den
Bath Mousse (Soap Barn)
Piping Bag and Meringue Nozzle from Chocolate Den

Pour melted strawberry soap into the strawberry mould and the small ball mould so they will be ready to go on your cake at a later stage. You can sprinkle a few cirabelle black beads or poppy seeds into the strawberry mould for a seed effect
Seal the bottom of the cylinder all the way around with broad sellotape to prevent leaking
Gently melt your vanilla soap either in a pot on the stove or in the microwave
Pour your melted vanilla soap into the cylinder all the way to the top and leave to cool

When a thick layer has formed on the top cut out a circle leaving a thick rim. Empty the soap back into the pot so that only a thick ridge and bottom remain. Leave the sides and bottom to set.

Gently melt your cocoa butter soap in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Pour your melted cocoa butter soap into the vanilla soap frame leaving about 2cm at the top. Leave the cocoa butter soap to set in the base.

Place your strawberry soaps on top of the set cocoa butter soap and then pour clear glycerine soap over them to the top of the base - as the final layer to your cake. You must spray some spraying alcohol over the cocoa butter soap and strawberries just before you pour over your clear soap. This will help the two layers bond

Place your cherry soaps on top of the set cocoa butter soap and then pour clear glycerine soap over them to the top of the base - as the final layer to your cake. You must spray some spraying alcohol over the cocoa butter soap and cherries just before you pour over your clear soap. This will help the two layers bond

When the final layer of soap has set remove the entire cake from the PVC cyliner and cut into slices. You can then whip up some bath mousse till it is thick and creamy. Pipe that directly onto each slice for a piped cream effect.

Paradise Hand Lotion Spray - Recipe No 25

Requirements for hand lotion sprays:
Spray Lotion (Soap Barn)
Perfume: Moonlight, Desert Dune, Fairies or Paradise (Soap Barn)
10ml pencil sprays (Soap Barn)
Hand lotion stickers (Soap Barn)

Mix perfume into your spray lotion. You can also colour it if you like. Stir through well. Now you can pour your lotion into a pencil pump. Put a hand lotion sticker on the outside of your pencil pump.

Paradise Perfume Spray - Recipe No 26

Requirements for perfume sprays:
10ml Perfume: Moonlight, Desert Dune, Fairies or Paradise (Soap Barn)
50ml Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
10ml pencil sprays and PVC envelopes (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out Paradise Bath Salts labels
Please click here to print out Paradise Hand Treatment labels
Please click here to print out Paradise Hand Wash labels
Please click here to print out Paradise Perfume labels

Add the 10ml perfume of your choice to 50ml spraying alcohol and mix through well. Now bottle your perfume in 10ml pencil sprays. Package those together with the lotion sprays in PVC envelopes with a labels and decorative stickers.

Fairies Sparkling Bath Salts - Recipe No 27

Requirements for sparkling bath salts:
Coarse bath salt (Soap Barn)
Perfume: Moonlight, Desert Dune, Fairies or Paradise (Soap Barn)
10ml lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Powder colouring (Soap Barn)
Bath salt stickers (Soap Barn)
Salt Grinders (Soap Barn))

Please click here to print out Fairies Bath Salts labels
Please click here to print out Fairies Hand Treatment labels
Please click here to print out Fairies Hand Wash labels
Please click here to print out Fairies Perfume labels

Place your salts in a big bowl. Add your perfume, powder colour, lustre sparkle and mix through really well. Now fill your grinders with your gorgeous bath salts. Place a bath salt sticker on the grinder. These funky bath salt grinders are sure to be a huge hit this Mothers' Day and make a wonderful addition to your Mothers' Day hamper.

Desert Dune Sleeping Woman Soap - Recipe No 28

Requirements for sleeping woman soap:
White Glycerine Soap (Soap Barn)
Perfume: Moonlight, Desert Dune, Fairies or Paradise (Soap Barn)
10ml Lustre Sparkle (Soap Barn)
1 Sleeping Woman Mould (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out Desert Dune Bath Salts labels
Please click here to print out Desert Dune Hand Treatment labels
Please click here to print out Desert Dune Hand Wash labels
Please click here to print out Desert Dune Perfume labels

Gently melt your soap in the microwave or in a pot over a very low heat. Once the soap has melted add perfume and all the lustre sparkle. Stir well. Pour the soap mixture into the mould and leave to set. This soap is a glorious, smooth delight for moms on Mothers' Day

Moonlight Hand Treatment - Recipe No 29

Requirements for moonlight hand treatment:
6 Tablespoons glycerine (Soap Barn)
6 Tablespoons aqueous cream (Soap Barn)
3 Tablespoons cocoa butter (Soap Barn)
2 Tablespoons shea butter (Soap Barn)
3 Tablespoons exfoliate powder (Soap Barn)
Perfume: Moonlight, Desert Dune, Fairies or Paradise (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out Moonlight Bath Salts labels
Please click here to print out Moonlight Hand Treatment labels
Please click here to print out Moonlight Hand Wash labels
Please click here to print out Moonlight Perfume labels

In a small bowl add 3 tablespoons of glycerine to 6 tablespoons of aqueous cream and mix through well till the whole mixture is smooth. Then add three tablespoons of melted cocoa butter and 2 tablespoons melted shea butter to the mixture and again mix through thoroughly till you have a nice even mixture. Then add three tablespoons of gentle exfoliate powder and mix through well. Add perfume to your mixture and blend well. Now you can put your hand treatment into an attractive jar. Use regularly to keep your hands soft and young looking. Use about 1 teaspoon of the treatment. Massage into your hands for three minutes and then rinse off with warm water. Pat hands dry with a soft towel. This hand treatment will make your mom think she has just been given new hands for Mothers' Day!

Soccer at The Soap Barn

Make fabulous bars of soap and then wrap them in our Ndebele sheets or even in soccer ball chocolate foil. These will be wonderful sellers during our football season.

There are our Ndebele huts. We have large and small (R25 for 10 huts or R200 for 100 huts). They can be assembled to make huts for hampers or you can use the sheets to wrap your soaps. Available at The Soap Barn and The Chocolate Den.

Sublime Soap Leaves - Recipe No 30

Requirements for soap leaves:
1kg soap noodles or Soap Leaf (Soap Barn)
Soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Perfume: Moonlight, Desert Dune, Fairies or Paradise (Soap Barn)
PVC sheet or cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Structure sheet (Chocolate Den)
Soap Leaf box (Soap Barn)
Butter paper (Chocolate Den))

Step-by-Step Method Using Soap Noodles
Place 1kg noodles in a large pot on the stove and add five litres of water. Leave on a low heat for about two hours till all the noodles have dissolved in the water. Now add colouring and perfume of your choice. Always use lots of perfume in your soap leaf mixture because you want your end product to be very fragrant. Pour your mixture over a structure sheet and leave it to set. That should take about 15 - 20 minutes.

Step-by-Step Method Using Soap Leaf
Place 500ml Soap Leaf in the microwave for two minutes till melted. Add 1/4 cup of boiling water if it appears a bit thick. Now add colouring and perfume of your choice. Always use lots of perfume in your soap leaf mixture because you want your end product to be very fragrant. Pour your mixture over a structure sheet and leave it to set. That should take about 15 - 20 minutes.

When the soap has set peel it off the structure sheet and place it on a PVC sheet or cellphane. You will have a beautiful sheet of patterned soap.

Take the bottom half of your Soap Leaf Box and cut the patterned soap sheet into rectangle shapes that will fit in the box when set. Then leave those to set for two days to set. When set they will be thinner than paper and very fragile.

When the rectangles have set peel them gently off the PVC sheet. Cut their edges to neaten them and place them in your Soap Leaf Box between sheets of butter paper. These gorgeous soap leaves are very difficult to find and very expensive when you do find them. Now you can make them yourself!

Keep a box of soap leaves in your handbag and you will never find yourself in a strange bathroom without soap to wash your hands.

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Fabulous Fathers' Day

Fossil Soaps For Fathers' Day - Recipe No 31

Requirements for Fossil Soaps:
Ocean Mist Glycerine Soap (Soap Barn)
Fenjal Glycerine Soap (Soap Barn)
Olive Oil Glycerine Soap (Soap Barn)
1 Set of Leaf Stamps (Soap Barn)
1 SB45 Soap Mould (Soap Barn)
Lustre Sparkle (Soap Barn)
1 x Two Row PVC Box for Packaging (Soap Barn)

Method: Step-by-Step:
Peel your stamps off the sheet and press them down hard into your mould (flat side on the bottom of the mould)

Pour your melted soap over the stamps and fill the mould to the top. Leave two hours to cool and set

Un-mould your soaps. The stamps will remain behind in the mould and you will have leaf fossil indentations in your soaps.

Dust the tops of your soaps with lustre sparkle. Then package them as a beautiful set of fossil soaps in a two row PVC box.

Bath Salts for Guest Houses, Hotels and B + Bs - Recipe No 32

Coarse Bath Salt (Soap Barn)
Powder Colouring (to match the label) (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (to match the label) (Soap Barn)
Soccer Labels (Soap Barn)
Wooden Spoons (Soap Barn)
Brown Paper Bags (Chocolate Den)
Raffia (Chocolate Den)

Put your salt, powder colouring and fragrance in a bag and shake well till everything is mixed through properly and evenly.
Stick your labels on brown paper bags with broad clear tape and then fill your bags with the coloured and fragranced salt
You can colour your wooden spoons by painting them with soap colouring. These look really good with matching bath salts.
Tie them to the brown paper bags with raffia

Labels for Soccer Bath Salts, Bubble Bath, Soap and everything else!

Shaving Soap For Fathers' Day - Recipe No 33

Clear Glycerine Soap (Soap Barn)
Palm Oil Soap Noodles (Soap Barn)
Soap Colouring (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Spritz or CK1) (Soap Barn)
Face Brush (Soap Barn)
150ml Maxi Jar (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out labels for Seek Shaving Soap
Please click here to print out labels for Spritz Shaving Soap

Melt your clear glycerine soap gently in a pot on the stove or in the microwave on defrost
When your soap is melted you can add some blue soap colouring and some fragrance. Stir through well
Fill your Maxi jar with soap noodles all the way to the top and then pour your melted glycerine soap over the noodles also all the way to the top
Leave to set
You now have a wonderful shaving soap made of two different soap types. The noodles are hard, pure and moisturising. They lather exceptionally well and partner very well with the glycerine soap.
Use the wet face brush to lather up the soap in the jar and then cover your face with the soap for the most fantastic shave.

After Shave Cologne & Lotion for Fathers' Day - Recipe No 34 & 35

Requirements for After Spray Cologne:
1 Cup Spraying Alcohol (Soap Barn)
100ml Witch hazel (Soap Barn)
2 Tablespoons glycerine (Soap Barn)
10ml Spritz or CK1 fragrance (Soap Barn)
1 Drop liquid soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Glass spray bottle (Soap Barn)

Mix All ingredients together and pour into glass spray bottle. Just spray onto the face after shaving and pat dry. This spray protects your face after shaving by closing the pores and keeping the skin soft and clean

Requirements for After Spray Lotion:
250ml Aqueous cream (Soap Barn)
200ml Witch hazel (Soap Barn)
2 Tablespoons glycerine (Soap Barn)
100ml Urea (Soap Barn)
10ml Spritz or CK1 fragrance (Soap Barn)
1 Drop liquid soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Glass pump bottle (Soap Barn)

Mix All ingredients together and pour into glass pump bottle. Just rub onto the face after using after shave cologne. This lotion nourishes and feeds the skin keeping it soft and young

Foot and Heel Balm For Fathers' Day - Recipe No 36

500ml Aqueous Cream (Soap Barn)
100ml Glycerine (Soap Barn)
200ml Urea (Soap Barn)
100ml Shea Butter (Soap Barn)
10ml Spritz or CK1 fragrance
Jars (Soap Barn)

Place your aqueous cream in your blender. Mix the urea in the glycerine and add that solution to the aqueous. Melt the shea butter and add that also into the blender. Finally add your fragrance and blend all ingredients well. Use in the morning and in the evening all throughout the winter. The cracks in your heels will heal quickly. Keep your feet soft and healthy with continued use.

Loofah Soap on a Rope For Fathers' Day - Recipe No 37

Ocean Mist glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Loofah (Soap Barn)
Round mould (Soap Barn)
Soap Rope (Soap Barn))

Cut 1cm slices of loofah with a big serrated knife. Place the slices of loofah into your round soap mould. Gently melt the soap in a small pot over the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Pour the soap into a soap mould over the loofah and leave to set. When the soap is set and out of the mould you can make a hole in the soap through which to tie your rope.

More Soap Ideas For Fathers' Day

Lovely soap wrapped in cellphane presented on a big chunky pumice stone

A beautiful set of soaps for Dad wrapped in stripped and polka dot tissue paper

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Bath Confetti - Recipe No 38

1kg soap noodles (Soap Barn)
Soap colourings (Soap Barn)
Fragrances (Soap Barn)
PVC sheet or cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Tub for packaging (Soap Barn)

Melt 1kg soap noodles 5lt water in a pot on the stove. When all the noodles are dissolved divide the mixture into five bowls.
Colour and fragrance the mixtures in each bowl.
Pour each mixture onto your kitchen counter and leave it 20 minutes to set.
When the mixture has set, lift the soap off the counter and place it on a PVC sheet or on cellophane.

Take a butter knife and cut lines down and across the soap - so the soap is divided into tiny squares

Leave the soap to dry for two days and then gently tap it off the PVC sheet or cellophane, then gently separate the tiny squares. Throw the soap confetti into your bath for a colourful, fun and soapy bath!

Fruit Salad and Ice-Cream Soaps - Recipe No 39

Glycerine soaps: clear, white, vanilla, red, orange, yellow, pink and green (Soap Barn)
Brown soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Ball mould (Soap Barn)
White paper muffin cups (Chocolate Den)

Gently melt your white soap and pour it into the ball mould

Chop up your coloured glycerine soaps into small fruit squares

Leave your muffin cup inside other muffin cups to help it hold its shape. Fill your muffin cup with chopped up soap

Pour melted clear glycerine soap over the coloured chunks. Fill the muffin cup to the top with clear soap. With more melted clear soap stick a half ball of white soap on the top and stick a small red piece of soap on that as a cherry

Colour your melted vanilla soap with brown soap colouring to make the hot chocolate sauce. Then pour some over your fruit salad and ice-cream. You can then peel the paper muffin cup off your soap

Soap Doh - Recipe No 40

Brand New! Soap Doh (Soap Barn)
Powder soap dyes (Soap Barn)
Fruity fragrances (Soap Barn)
Cookie cutters (Chocolate Den)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Colour and fragrance the Soap Doh. I like to use the powder soap dyes because they will change the colour of the bath water. (Use plastic gloves when mixing to avoid brightly coloured hands!) Add lots of fragrance for a sense sensation! Your children can play with Soasp Doh in and out the bath. It is soft and gentle on the hands, works just like play dough - but is also a soap! Roll it, shape it, cut it! The children can use the Soap Doh just like that or they can leave it to set for a day so they have fabulous little Soap Doh cakes to play with and wash with in the bath!

Lego Soaps - Recipe No 41

Glycerine soaps - all colours (Soap Barn)
Lego mould (Soap Barn)

Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove over a low heat, or in the microwave in a plastic jug on defrost. Leave your soap to cool a bit. Then pour the soap into the lego moulds and leave two hours to set. Use Lego soaps for building and washing fun in the bath!

Flip Flop Soaps - Recipe No 42

Glycerine soaps: blue and white or cocoa butter(Soap Barn)
Orange soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Flip flop mould (Soap Barn)
Glitter, stars and pebbles (Soap Barn)
You will have to find your own pebbles - maybe even at a pet shop for aquariums

Put a tiny drop of orange soap colouring into the flower section of your flip flop mould

Pour your white or cocoa butter soap over the drop of colouring and fill the flower section. Leave it to set

Sprinkle your glitter, stars and pebbles into your flip flop mould. Then spray some spraying alcohol over the flower and pour hot blue soap over to fill the mould. Leave it two hours to set and then - hey! You have a wonderful pair of new flip flops for the beach!

Hang Ten Soaps - Recipe No 43

Glycerine soaps - white and blue (Soap Barn)
Hang Ten mould (Soap Barn)
Glitter and stars (Soap Barn)

Melt your white soap in the microwave in a plastic jug on defrost. Carefully pour the melted white soap into the feet. Leave to set. Sprinkle your stars and glitter into the mould and then pour over the blue glycerine soap. Leave two hours to set. Turn your mould upside down and put gentle pressure on the top. Your soaps will pop out perfectly.

Jelly Belly Soap Loaf - Recipe No 44

1kg White glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
1/2kg Honeybush, Lemon grass, grapefruit and fenjal glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Soap Cutter (Chocolate Den)
Loaf Tin (Chocolate Den)

Chop your coloured soaps into small chunks with your soap cutter

Fill your loaf tin with the soap chunks one colour on top of the next for a layered effect

Pour your melted white soap over the coloured chunks right to the top of the tin

Leave your soap four to five hours to set and then knock the soap out of the tin

Cut the soap into a brick by slicing off the slanted sides. Then slice the loaf into thick chunky soaps for washing. Leave the rough edges of the top layer because that adds texture and interest to your soap slice

Grapefruit and Cucumber Soap Loaf - Recipe No 45

1kg Clear glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
1 fresh grapefruit and 1 fresh cucumber
Cucumber fragrance and Pink Grapefruit fragrance (Soap Barn)
Loaf Tin (Chocolate Den)

Grate your cucumber and your grapefruit while you gently melt your clear glycerine soap

Add 5ml pink grapefruit fragrance and 5ml cucumber fragrance to your melted soap. Then drain the water off the fruit and add that directly into the melted soap. Pour your mixture into your loaf tin

Leave your soap four to five hours to set and then knock the soap out of the tin

Cut the soap into a brick by slicing off the slanted sides. Then slice the loaf into thick chunky soaps for washing.
Wrap in cellophane and brown paper with raffia for a wholesome and natural look.

Curls and Swirls Citrus Soap Loaf - Recipe No 46

1kg Clear glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
1/2kg Honeybush, lemon grass and grapefruit glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
10ml Honeybush fragrance (Soap Barn)
Potato peeler
Loaf tin (Chocolate Den)

Pull your potato peeler along the soap tube to make soap curls

Twist the soap curls into scrolls and line them up in your loaf tin one colour on top of the next in layers

Melt your 1kg clear glycerine soap and add 10ml honeybush fragrance. Leave it to cool a little before you pour it over the scrolls right to the top. Then leave the loaf soap to set for 4 - 5 hours. Once the loaf is cold and set you can knock the soap out of the tin

Cut the loaf into a brick by slicing off the slanted sides. Then slice it up into thick soap slices for washing. You can wrap the slices in cellophane with raffia and a slice of dried orange for effect.

Bath Time Finger Paint - Recipe No 47

Silky liquid soap (Soap Barn)
Soap dyes (Soap Barn)
Fragrances (Soap Barn)
25ml tubs (Soap Barn)
Square PVC box (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Divide your liquid soap into small mixing bowls to make separate colours
Dissolve a tiny bit of soap dye in a couple of drops of water and then add it to the liquid soap.
Add a couple of fragrance drops to the coloured soap - try match the colours to the fragrances eg. red strawberry, blue bubblegum, yellow banana, green apple...
Pack your coloured soaps in tiny jars and package them in a square box
Use the paints to lure your children into the bath. They will love painting bright and fragrance pictures all over the bath. The beauty is that the paints are soaps and not only wash your children but also wash off the bath with no trouble at all.

Spotted and Striped Soaps - Recipe No 48

1 rectangluar mould SB 45 (Soap Barn)
Glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Cellophane paper (Chocolate Den)
Striped tissue paper (Soap Barn)
Spotted tissue paper (Soap Barn)
Polka dot organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Pure glycerine soap stickers (Soap Barn)

Melt your soap gently and pour it in your rectangular moulds.
Leave your soap two hours to set and then unmould them
Wrap them in cellopane first and then in tissue paper
Tie a matching pair together with matching polka dot ribbon

Marine Soap Loaf - Recipe No 49

1kg Clear glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
1/2kg fenjal, ocean mist and white unfragranced glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
10ml Sea breeze fragrance (Soap Barn)
Potato peeler
Loaf tin (Chocolate Den)

Pull your potato peeler along the white, ocean mist and fenjal soap tubes to make soap curls

Fill your loaf tin with the soap curls. They must be mixed randomly through the tin

Melt your clear glycerine soap and add 10ml sea breeze fragrance to it. Leave it to cool a while before you pour it over the soap curls. Leave the soap loaf to set for 4 - 5 hours and then when it is cool and set you can knock the soap out of the tin

Cut the loaf into a brick by slicing off the slanted sides. Then slice it up into thick soap slices for washing.

Spring Soap Flowers - Recipe No 50

1kg glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
500ml Flexine (Soap Barn)
Cookie Cutters (Chocolate Den)
Kebab Sticks (Chocolate Den)
PVC boxes for packaging (Soap Barn)
Tissue paper (Soap Barn)

Melt your soap gently either in a pot directly on the stove over a very low heat or in the microwave in a plastic jug on defrost. When your soap has melted add the flexine. You will need 500ml flexine to every kg of soap you melt for flowers. You can also add extra fragrance and colour to your soap once you have added the flexine. Pour the soap-flexine blend onto your counter in long narrow strips and leave about five minutes to set.

With a knife cut a straight line across the bottom of the soap strip. Draw another line 1cm above that with the back of a knife. This must just be a marking and must not cut through your soap. Cut your plastic cookie cutters in half with a pair of scissors so that they are open ended. Using the 1cm marked line as your guide cut all the way along the soap strip with your cookie cutter. You can also leave long narrow strips uncut for a different type of flower.

Roll up each strip.

Put a kebab stick through the bottom of each roll (where the 1cm marking was) to hold it in place.

Those rolls that were left plain and uncut by cookie cutters can now be cut with a sharp knife from the top of the roll going all the way down to the level of the kebab stick.

Now fold back each petal of the flower, starting from the outside moving in.

Leave the flowers a day or two to dry and harden. You can then remove the kebab sticks and cut off the 1cm base with a sharp knife. Your flowers are now ready for use. I used mine in many different ways: I boxed them in PVC boxes on top of tissue paper as seen above. I made big chunky square soaps with them using a loaf tin

I inserted them in flat round soaps

Basically, I think that whatever you do with them, they are just wonderful. They are quick and easy to make and so effective.

Floral Bath Salts - Recipe No 51

Coarse bath salt (Soap Barn)
Dried flowers: lavender, marigold, jasmine, lemon grass and spearmint (Soap Barn)
Assorted fragrances (Soap Barn)
Salt grinders (Soap Barn)
Stickers (Soap Barn)
Raffia (Chocolate Den)

Put your coarse salts in a bowl, add your dried flowers and your fragrances. I made five heavenly bath salt mixtures: Dried lemon grass, grated fresh ginger with lemon grass and pink grapefruit fragrances

Dried lavender flowers with lavender and rose fragrances

Dried spearmint with green tea and rose fragrances

Dried marigold flowers with white tea flower and rose fragrances

Dried jasmine flowers with mango and rose fragrances

I used dried flowers as well as two different fragrances in each coarse salt mixture for a more unusual and interesting product. I then packaged my mixtures in salt grinders and decorated them with bath salt stickers and raffia.

Strawberry and White Tea Body Butter - Recipe No 52

100ml Urea (Soap Barn)
100ml Glycerine (Soap Barn)
500ml Aqueous Cream (Soap Barn)
120g Bees wax (Soap Barn)
125g Cocoa butter (Soap Barn)
100ml Shea butter (Soap Barn)
10ml Strawberry Fragrance (Soap Barn)
10ml White Tea Flower fragrance (Soap Barn)
Pink liquid soap colouring (Soap Barn)
6 Gap Jars (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Melt the beeswax, cocoa butter and shea butter together in a pot on the stove.
With an electric beater mix together the urea, glycerine and aqueous cream
Heat the aqueous mixture gently in the microwave
Slowly and gently add the melted oils to the warmed aqueous mixture.
Mix everything together with electric beaters.
The secret of this body butter is in the beating. You need to leave it to cool and then beat it. Leave it to cool more and then beat it again. Repeat this until you have a white, smooth, thick rich cream.
Divide your mixture in half. Add your white tea flower fragrance to the one half and the strawberry fragrance and pink colouring to the other half.
Fill the white tea flower mixture in a piping bag and pipe it all around the sides of your gap jar. Then fill a piping bag with your strawberry mixture and fill that into the middle of the jar.
Leave to set.
This is a wonderful, thick body butter. It absorbs very quickly into your skin and does not leave you feeling oily or greasy. It is really fabulous.

Soap Cocktail for Spring - Recipe No 53

Clear glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Ocean mist glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Rose glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
1 Square or rectangle soap mould (Soap Barn)
1 Cocktail glass
Cocktail accessories (Chocolate Den)

Melt your glycerine soaps gently in a pot on the stove or in the microwave. Add a little ocean mist glycerine soap to the clear soap so that you have a very light blue soap. Pour the light blue soap into your square mould and leave to set. Once the squares have set you can cut them up into ice size cubes. Fill your cocktail glass to the top (and over) with the soap ice cubes. Add all your accessories to your cocktail - umbrellas, straws and orange slice. Fill the glass right to the top with melted rose soap. Leave to set.

Patchouli Fizzing Bath Tea - Recipe No 54

1 cup baking soda (Soap Barn)
1 cup corn starch (Soap Barn)
1 cup citric acid (Soap Barn)
1/2 cup dried patchouli (Soap Barn)
Patchouli fragrance (Soap Barn)
Pink powder colouring (Soap Barn)
Heat seal teabags (Soap Barn)
Bath Fizz and Bath Tea stickers (Soap Barn)
Soap bar boxes (Soap Barn)
Self seal cellophane bags (Chocolate Den)

Mix all your ingredients together in a bowl

Fill your tea bags with the patchouli fizz

Heat seal your tea bags and package each one in a small self seal bag, then pack them into PVC boxes for the most unique gifts ever!

Pebble Massage Soap Bar - Recipe No 55

Ocean mist glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
White unfragranced glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
10ml Sea breeze fragrance (Soap Barn)
Beach pebbles (Soap Barn)
Massage bar soap mould (Soap Barn)

Place your beach pebbles in the mould

Pour ocean mist soap over the pebbles just to cover them and a little more. Leave the blue soap to set

Pour melted white soap over the blue soap after spraying with spraying alcohol. This will help the two colours to stick together. Make sure the white soap is quite hot, this will also help the two soap colours to bind

Raspberry Bath Fizz - Recipe No 56

1kg baking soda (Soap Barn)
1kg corn starch (Soap Barn)
1kg citric acid (Soap Barn)
10ml raspberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Pink powder dye (Soap Barn)
Gap Jars (Soap Barn)
Bath Fizz stickers (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Mix your cornstarch and baking soda together in a bowl. Take a handful of this mixture and add to it you fragrance and pink dye. When this handful of mixture is properly mixed through you can add it to your original mix. Now mix this all through well. Add your citric acid and mix through properly. Place in jars and seal well. Sprinkle raspberry bath fizz into your bath for a wonderful, colourful, fragrant fizzing bath. Just like fizz balls but a whole lot better!

Midnight Magic



Midnight Solid Perfume - Recipe No 57

500ml Plain Lip Balm (Soap Barn)
Midnight perfume (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Solid perfume acrylic jars 3ml or 15ml (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Melt your plain lip balm in a pot on the stove over a low heat. Do not try melt it in the microwave unless you feel like buying a new microwave.
Add 50ml Midnight perfume and 10ml lustre sparkle.
Mix well and decant into your jars.
Solid perfumes make the most wonderful gifts for birthdays and Christmas. They are small and easy to keep in a handbag for all day perfume refreshment.

Using your solid perfume:
Rub the Midnight perfume on your wrists and behind your ears. You will smell wonderful all day. The perfume stays all day because it is oil based and does not evaporate

Lady Midnight Soap - Recipe No 58

1 Sleeping Lady mould (Soap Barn)
Moonflower glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Midnight perfume (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Polka dot organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Crystal stickers (Soap Barn)

Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Add Midnight perfume and lustre sparkle and stir well. Pour it in your sleeping lady moulds right to the top. Leave your soap two hours to set and then un-mould them Place them in a box on black tissue paper. Tie polka dot ribbon or plain black organza ribbon over. Decorate with lots of bling!

Midnight Perfume - Recipe No 59

50ml Midnight perfume (Soap Barn)
500ml Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Black liquid colouring (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Glass perfume bottles (Soap Barn)
Crystal stickers (Soap Barn and Chocolate Den)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Add the 50ml Midnight perfume to 500ml spraying alcohol and mix through well. Add a couple of drops of black colouring and some lustre sparkle. Now bottle your mixture in glass perfume bottles. Decorate with crystal stickers. Midnight perfume is a wonderful gift for your friends and family at Christmas time.

Midnight Soap Clouds - Recipe No 60

500ml clear bubble bath/liquid soap (Soap Barn)
500ml Soap Gel (Soap Barn)
Midnight perfume (Soap Barn)
Black soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
500ml Maxi pump action bottle and
500ml Maxi flip lid bottle (Soap Barn)
Crystal stickers (Soap Barn)
Midnight Clouds label – download off Soap Barn website and print

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Mix black soap colouring into the clear bubble bath and 2ml Midnight perfume. Stir though well till the colour and fragrance are equally distributed throughout the soap. Mix 2ml Midnight perfume into your white soap gel and a teaspoon of lustre sparkle. Fill 1/4 of your bottle first with your black soap - using a funnel. Now fill the second quarter with soap gel - using a funnel. Repeat this process once more so that your bottle is full. Although you have poured your soaps into your bottles in 4 layers they will mingle to form gorgeous soap clouds. Use your soap clouds as hand wash at the basin or as shower gel.

Midnight Gel Candle - Recipe No 61

1kg plaster of paris (Soap Barn)
1 Giant Cup Cake mould (Chocolate Den)
Black paint
Crystal stickers (Soap Barn and Chocolate Den)

Mix the plaster of paris with warm water till you have a porridge consistency. Coat the inside of both moulds with the plaster of paris mixture. Try and get the mixture as smooth and as even as possible. Leave the two sides a couple of days to set. When they are well set they will come out of the moulds very easily. Leave them to set in the sun for a day or two till they are white in colour and light in weight. Now mix some lustre sparkle into your black paint and paint the outside of the cup cake container top and bottom. Decorate the lid with crystal stickers. Your container is now ready to be filled with gel wax.

For the candle you will need:

1lt Gel Wax (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
1 pack pre-waxed wicks (Soap Barn)
Black candle dye (Soap Barn)
Midnight perfume (Soap Barn)

Melt the gel wax in a pot directly on the stove over a very low heat. When the gel is melted it will run like water. Then add black candle dye and 20ml Midnight perfume to the melted gel. Dip the sustainer end of the wick into the melted gel and position the wick in the bottom of your cup cake. Then fill the cup cake to the top with black gel. Leave to set. This Midnight candle is spectacular and very in-expensive to make. It will be a wonderful gift to give at Christmas time and would also be stunning on your Christmas table.

Bubble-Doh Midnight Stars - Recipe No 62

1kg Bubble-Doh (Soap Barn)
Midnight perfume (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Black powder dye (Soap Barn)
Piping bag (Chocolate Den)
Meringue nozzle (Chocolate Den)
Crystal stickers (Chocolate Den)

Remove your Bubble-Doh from the sealed bag and place it in a bowl. Add one cup hot water, black powder dye, 1 teaspoon lustre sparkle and 5ml Midnight perfume. Mix through well till you have a smooth soft porridge consistency. Put your mixture in a piping bag with big meringue star nozzle. Pipe your stars out onto brown paper. Place a crystal sticker in the middle of each star. Leave the stars 4-5 days to set hard. Make sure you have loads of old newspaper under them to help speed the setting process.
Crumble a Bubble-Doh Midnight star under your hot running water for a wonderful bubble bath.

Midnight Black Roses - Recipe No 63

500g black moonflower soap (Soap Barn)
250ml Flexine (Soap Barn)
Midnight perfume (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Cookie Cutters (Chocolate Den)
Kebab Sticks (Chocolate Den)
PVC boxes for packaging (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Method: (For step-by-step method with pics see previous newsletter)
Melt your soap gently either in a pot directly on the stove over a very low heat or in the microwave in a plastic jug on defrost. When your soap has melted add the flexine. You will need 50% flexine to the soap you melt for flowers.

Add 10ml Midnight perfume to your soap once you have added the flexine. Pour the soap-flexine blend onto your counter in long narrow strips and leave about five minutes to set. With a knife cut a straight line across the bottom of the soap strip.

Draw another line 1cm above that with the back of a knife. This must just be a marking and must not cut through your soap. If you are lucky enough to get hold of the strip petal cutters (limited stock Chocolate Den and Soap Barn you can use those to make gorgeous, delicate roses. If not, cut plastic cookie cutters in half with a pair of scissors so that they are open ended. Using the 1cm marked line as your guide cut all the way along the soap strip with your cookie cutter.

Roll up each strip. Put a kebab stick through the bottom of each roll (where the 1cm marking was) to hold it in place.
Now fold back each petal of the flower, starting from the outside moving in.

Dust the roses with lustre sparkle so you have a metallic black soap rose. These roses look exactly like those big chunky silver roses everyone is wearing on necklaces and rings.

Leave the roses a day to dry and harden. You can then remove the kebab sticks and cut off the 1cm base with a sharp knife. Your flowers are now ready for packing. I boxed them in PVC boxes on top of black tissue paper. I also made soap kebabs with them, alternating them between black and white soap scrolls.

Soaps For Midnight - Recipe No 64

1 rectangular mould SB 45 (Soap Barn)
Glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Cellophane paper (Chocolate Den)
Black Polka Dot tissue paper (Soap Barn)
Polka dot organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Crystal stickers (Soap Barn)

Melt your soap gently and pour it in your rectangular moulds. Leave your soap two hours to set and then un-mould them. Wrap them in cellophane first and then in tissue paper. Tie polka dot ribbon or plain black organza ribbon over. Decorate with lots of bling!

Midnight Diffusers - Recipe No 65

Rattan Reeds (Soap Barn)
30ml Midnight perfume
Black Soap Colouring (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
120ml Diffuser Oil Base (Soap Barn)
150ml Glass Bottle (Soap Barn)
Midnight Room Diffuser label - download from Soap Barn website and print

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Combine the perfume, diffuser oil base, black colour and lustre sparkle. Mix well. Leave the reeds to wick (absorb the oil up the hollow tubes) for a couple of hours and turn them over. You can turn them over every couple of days for best results. The Midnight diffuser is an exotic, gorgeous diffuser that works best in a bedroom where it diffuses a complex, sophisticated yet sublet aroma.

Midnight Perfumed Necklace - Recipe No 66


Requirements for necklace:
A rose charm on ring
Organza ribbon
Midnight perfume (see recipe below)

Requirements for Midnight Perfume:
50ml Midnight perfume (Soap Barn)
500ml Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Black liquid colouring (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
10ml perfume atomisers (Soap Barn)
PVC sleeves for atomisers (Soap Barn)
Crystal stickers (Soap Barn and Chocolate Den)
Midnight perfume label – download off Soap Barn website and print

Add the 50ml Midnight perfume to 500ml spraying alcohol and mix through well. Add a couple of drops of black colouring and some lustre sparkle. Now bottle your mixture in 10ml perfume atomisers. Package those in PVC envelopes with a Midnight perfume label and decorative stickers. Give a 10ml perfume spray with each Midnight rose necklace. Once the perfume has faded the necklace can be re-sprayed and the perfume enhanced

Wearing your Midnight Rose Necklace: Instead of spraying perfume on your skin you can wear a gorgeous necklace that is already perfumed. Look good and smell good at the same time! Refresh your necklace whenever you feel the perfume is no longer strong enough. What a wonderful gift to give all your friends and family this Christmas. A fragrant necklace! Put a 10ml Midnight perfume atomiser in an organza bag together with a charm necklace on organza ribbon. Spray the ribbon liberally with perfume so that the wearer will smell gorgeous whereever she goes!

Midnight Jelly Bubble Bath - Recipe No 67

Gelatine (Soap Barn)
Midnight perfume (Soap Barn)
Black liquid colouring(Soap Barn)
Silver star glitter (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
500ml liquid soap (Soap Barn)
450ml Maxi jar + Maxi jar 250ml (Soap Barn)
Midnight label – download from Soap Barn website and print

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Measure 4 level dessert spoons of gelatine and put them into your jug. Add 5ml Midnight perfume and black liquid colouring. Pour 250ml of just boiled water over the gelatine and stir very well till all the gelatine has dissolved. Add 500ml clear bubble bath to your mixture. Add in silver star glitter and lustre sparkle. Mix this through very well till you have a smooth, even mixture. Leave to cool and thicken. Stir occasionally to mix through the stars and sparkle. When your mixture is very thick pour it onto the jars right to the top and leave to set. Do not cover with lids until the mixture is really set and cold. I leave it overnight. Place a Midnight label on your jar and add a wooden teaspoon for scooping. Bath jelly is wonderful bubble bath. Place some scoops of jelly into the bath under the running hot water for a fabulous bubble bath.

Shower Gel - Recipe No 68

500ml Soap Gel (Soap Barn)
Fantasies fragrance (Soap Barn)
Pink soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Gold powder colouring (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
500ml pump action bottle (Soap Barn)

Mix lustre sparkle and Fantasies fragrance into your 500ml jar of soap gel Stir though well till the colour and fragrance are equally distributed throughout the soap.
Divide your mixture into three. Leave the one third silver white, add gold powder to your second mixture and pink colouring to your third mixture.
Using a funnel fill your pump action bottle with each colour soap in turn.
Use your Fantasy soap in the bath or shower as shower gel or at the basin as a luxurious hand wash.

Soap Leaves - Recipe No 69

500ml Soap Leaf (Soap Barn)
Pink soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Gold powder colouring (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Fantasies fragrance (Soap Barn)
Skeleton leaves (Soap Barn)
Soap Bar packaging (Soap Barn)

Melt your soap leaf in the microwave or in a pot on the stove over a low heat. When the soap leaf is melted add your Fantasies fragrance and divide the mixture into three long glasses.
Colour the mixtures in each bowl: pink, gold and silver sparkle.
Now dip your skeleton leaves into the soap leaf. One dip is all that is required. The soap will dry enough within a minute for you to lay it down on a sheet of cellophane. The leaf will be set the next day and ready for packaging.
I suggest you set up a leaf line across your kitchen. Tie a string from one end to the other and place some newspaper below. Now you can dip lots of leaves quickly. Dip your leaf and peg it onto your line. Leave them overnight and by the next day they will all be ready for packing.
Using your soap leaves: carry the leaves around with you in your bag. If you find yourself in a public place without soap just take out one leaf – wash your hands and throw away the skeleton leaf. These just make the most perfect Christmas gift for all the women you know.

Alphabet Soap Soup - Recipe No 70

Glycerine soap assorted colours (Soap Barn)
Fantasies fragrance (Soap Barn)
Alphabet cutters (Chocolate Den)
Clear liquid soap (Soap Barn)
450ml Maxi jar (Soap Barn)

Slice your soap tubes into 5mm slices. Cut your letter soaps out of those slices and place them in your maxi jar.
Fragrance your clear liquid soap with Fantasies fragrance. Pour your fragranced liquid soap over your alphabet soaps filling the jar to the top.
This Alphabet Soap Soup makes a wonderful gift for all children at Christmas. Pour some alphabet soap soup into the bath as you fill it with hot water. It will make a glorious bubble bath and the children can find the letter soaps below the bubbles. WHAT FABULOUS FUN!

Bubble-Doh Stars - Recipe No 71

1kg Bubble-Doh (Soap Barn)
Gold powder colouring (Soap Barn)
Fantasies fragrance (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Star cookie cutter (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Remove some of your Bubble-Doh from the sealed bag. (Always keep your Bubble-Doh in a tightly sealed bag to keep it from drying out.)
Fragrance your Bubble-Doh with Fantasies fragrance. Knead the Bubble-Doh well till the fragrance is evenly mixed through. Flatten the Fantasies Bubble-Doh on the counter. Now use your cookie cutter to cut out star shapes.
Take a kebab stick and make a hole through each star so you can hang them when they are dry. Dust the tops of each star with gold dust or lustre sparkle.
Leave the stars to dry for about four days on top of paper towelling and newspaper.
When the stars have dried you can thread some organza ribbon through them. You can hang them on your Christmas tree as a delightful, fragrant decoration. After that you can hang them over your tap as you run the hot water into your bath. The hot water will dissolve the star and you will have the loveliest bubble bath ever!

Bubble Balls in Bubble Juice - Recipe No 72

Cellulose (Soap Barn)
Gold powder colouring (Soap Barn)
Pink powder colouring (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Fantasies fragrance (Soap Barn)
Clear liquid soap (Soap Barn)
Ball moulds (Soap Barn)
450ml maxi jar (Soap Barn)

Cut the half round shapes out of your mould, leaving about 1cm around the edges. Also cut a small half moon (size of 10c piece) out of the one side at the edge. Clip the moulds together with bulldog clips. You will have a complete ball shape with a small hole on the one side for filling.
Measure 6 level dessert spoons of cellulose. Put them in a jug and add a pinch of powder colouring. Now add lots of fragrance because you want your bubble bath balls to be very fragrant. Add half a cup of just boiled water over the cellulose and stir very well till all the cellulose has dissolved. Now add one cup of clear bubble bath to your mixture. Again, mix this through very well till you have a smooth, even mixture. Add your colour. Pour this mixture into the ball moulds you assembled earlier. You can either stand them upright on their bulldog clips or place them in a bowl so they remain upright with the entry hole on top. Leave them to stand for about half an hour and then place them in the fridge to set. They should be fully set within half an hour.
Remove them from the moulds and leave them to air dry for one day. Then fill your 450ml jar with your bubble bath balls. Fragrance your clear liquid soap with Fantasies fragrance. Pour your fragranced liquid soap over your bubble balls filling the jar to the top.
Your bath balls in bubble juice makes a wonderful gift for all children at Christmas. Pour some into the bath as you fill it with hot water. It will make a glorious double bubble bath. WHAT FABULOUS FUN!

Lotion Base: Body Butter - Recipe No 73

500ml lotion base (Soap Barn)

Melt your 500ml lotion base in the microwave for three minutes or until it is melted.
Put the melted base into a pot on the stove over a low heat.
How much?
As much as you need!
500ml Lotion Base + 1500ml water = Body Butter (1 Base + 3 Water)
500ml Lotion Base + 2000ml water = Body Lotion (1 Base + 4 Water)
500ml Lotion Base + 2500ml water = Face Cream (1 Base + 5 Water)
500ml Lotion Base + 3000ml water = Hand Lotion (1 Base + 6 Water)
500ml Lotion Base + 3500ml water = Spray Lotion (1 Base + 7 Water)
Heat your mixture gently till the water and lotion have blended into a smooth and creamy mixture
Add your fragrance and decant into a jar or bottle
This new lotion base is MAGIC! You can make your own lotions quicker than you can make a cup of coffee!

Sparkle Soaps - Recipe No 74

White glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Fantasy fragrance (Soap Barn)
Christmas soap mould (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
PVC long medium box to fit 4 soaps (Soap Barn)

Gently melt the soap in a small pot over the stove or in the microwave on defrost. Add your fragrance and your lustre sparkle. Stir in well. Leave to cool till a skin forms on the melted soap. Now you know it is a good pouring temperature. Pour the soap into the mould right to the top. Leave to set and unmould. Package in a PVC box. These soaps make wonderful Christmas gifts for colleagues and friends.

Soap Cupcakes - Recipe No 75

White glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
Fantasy fragrance (Soap Barn)
Lustre Sparkle (Soap Barn)
Gold Powder (Soap Barn)
Pink Soap Paint (Soap Barn)
Cup cake mould (Soap Barn)
Cup cake PVC box (Soap Barn)
Pink polka dot tissue paper (Soap Barn)

Gently melt the soap in the microwave on defrost. Divide your melted soap in half. Mix gold powder into one half and lustre sparkle into the other half. Leave your soap to cool till a skin forms on top of the melted soap. Now you know it is a good pouring temperature.
The cup cake mould is made up of two parts. The top part which is the cherry and icing and the bottom part which is the cup cake itself. Pour a little gold soap into the ‘cherry’ section of the mould and leave to set. Then fill the icing top of the cup cake with white soap – coloured with lustre sparkle.
Fill the bottom of the cup cake with gold soap pouring into the mould right to the top. Leave to set.
When both halves are set (top and bottom) unmould them. Pour a little melted soap onto the bottom half of the cup cake and quickly place the icing and cherry part on top. The top and bottom should now stick together as one. Mix a couple of drops of water with your pink soap paint as well as a little lustre sparkle. Paint designs on the top of your cup cake and leave to set. Place your cup cake in a box with pink polka dot tissue paper and tie around polka dot organza ribbon.

Bubble-Doh Bars - Recipe No 76

Bubble-Doh (Soap Barn)
Baking soda (Soap Barn)
Slab mould (Soap Barn)
Fantasies fragrance (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Gold powder colour (Soap Barn)
Pink powder colour (Soap Barn)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)

Mix your Fantasies fragrance into your Bubble-Doh.
Divide your Bubble-Doh into three. Colour one third pink, one third gold and one third silvery with lustre sparkle.
Now roll the three colours together so they blend and marble
Coat your slab mould inside very well with baking soda
Press your Bubble-Doh into the slab mould so it is solid and hard
Tap the slab out onto your work space and coat your slab mould again in baking soda.
Place the Bubble-Doh slab back into the mould and squeeze tight.
Because you dusted the mould a second time with baking soda you will find that the slab releases really easily leaving you with a perfect shaped slab
Place your slab on some paper towelling over a big thick wad of old newspaper. This will give the slab a soft base on which to rest and the thick wad of newspaper will absorb the excess water in the Bubble-Doh and allow it to set easily and quickly. Divide your big slab up into smaller slabs – depending on the size gift you would like to make.
Leave your slabs to dry for five days. When the slabs are set they will be dry enough to pick up and pack in cellophane. Now you have gorgeous bubble bath bar. Beautiful Christmas bubble bath for everyone to enjoy!

Bubble-Doh Balls - Recipe No 77

Bubble-Doh (Soap Barn)
Baking soda (Soap Barn)
Ball mould (Soap Barn)
Fantasy fragrance (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Gold powder (Soap Barn)
450ml Maxi jar (Soap Barn)

Mix your Fantasies fragrance into your Bubble-Doh. Prepare your work space. Make sure you have a glass of water and a soft brush ready for use. Have two halves of your ball mould cut out and ready for use. Keep your glitter handy and have a huge pile of baking soda on your work surface to make your moulding easy.
Coat your ball moulds inside very well with baking soda
Press your fragranced Bubble-Doh into each half ball so they are solid and hard
Tap each ball half out onto your work space and coat your ball half moulds again in baking soda.
Place the Bubble-Doh ball halves back into the moulds and brush one half only with a bit of water
Put the two half balls in their moulds together and squeeze tight. They will join up beautifully.
Because you dusted the moulds a second time with baking soda you will find that they release really easily leaving you with a perfect shaped ball
Place your ball on some paper towelling over a big thick wad of old newspaper. This will give the ball a soft base on which to rest and the thick wad of newspaper will absorb the excess water in the Bubble-Doh and allow it to set easily and quickly Brush your ball lightly using a soft brush – brush on lustre sparkle and gold powder You can even sprinkle a little mother-of-pearl glitter over them too.
Leave your balls to dry for five days
When the balls are set they will be dry enough to pick up and pack in a jar. Now you have a jar of bubble bath balls. Beautiful Christmas bubble bath for everyone to enjoy!

Cranberry Bath Mousse - Recipe No 78

500ml Bath/Shower mousse base (Soap Barn)
Cranberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Dessert Cups (Chocolate Den)
Tiny plastic spoon (Soap Barn)
Sprig of holly (Chocolate Den)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Take the lid off the mousse base and place the container of mousse in the microwave on high thirty seconds. Then empty the contents into a mixing bowl. Add 5ml cranberry fragrance to the melted mousse base. Mix the mousse with an electric hand beater till the mousse is thick and creamy. Then you can pipe it into the dessert cups through a piping bag and big star nozzle. Decorate with a sprig of holly.
This is the most heavenly bath/shower product. Cover yourself with this luxurious, soap creme and have the most delicious wash you have ever had in your whole life.

Christmas Pudding Soap Balls - Recipe No 79

500g rooibos glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
100g cocoa butter glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
1kg soap noodles (Soap Barn)
Holly leaves (Chocolate Den)
Cranberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Large white paper cups and PVC boxes for presentation

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Put one handful of soap noodles into a small bowl. Gently melt the glycerine soap in the microwave on defrost. Add 5ml cranberry fragrance to the melted rooibos glycerine soap and mix through well. Add the melted glycerine soap to the handful of soap noodles (just enough to cover the noodles) and stir it through till you get a thick porridge consistency. Now you can take this mixture and roll it into a beautiful smooth soap ball. Pour the rest of the melted glycerine soap over the ball to get a smooth finish. Then pour some melted cocoa butter soap over the top for the custard effect. Decorate your Christmas pudding soap with a sprig of holly. Place in white paper cups when complete.

Cranberry Room Diffusers - Recipe No 80

Rattan Reeds (Soap Barn)
20ml Fragrance – 10ml cranberry + 10ml other (Soap Barn)
Red liquid soap colouring (Soap Barn)
30ml Diffuser Oil Base (Soap Barn)
50ml Glass Bottle (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Combine the fragrances and the diffuser oil base and mix very well till the fragrances are completely emulsified. I have combined two different fragrances each time to make more interesting unique fragrances. For Christmas we have Cranberry and Apple, Cranberry and Lime and Cranberry and Ginger. I also coloured each mixture red with liquid colouring. This way the reeds absorb the fragrance and the colour and you have matching reeds with fragrance. Pour the mixed diffuser oil into your bottle and add your rattan reeds. Leave the reeds to wick (absorb the oil up the hollow tubes) for a couple of hours and turn them over. You can turn them over every couple of days for best results.

Reed Diffusers are another way to scent your home and office. They are a great way to enhance the smell of a room without an open flame.

Reed diffusers consist of three components. A glass container, a set of reed diffuser sticks/reeds, and diffuser fragrance oil.
Let the rattan reed diffusers draw the diffuser oil for an hour or two then flip the reeds over to expose oil-moistened diffuser reeds to the air. The oil will continue to draw up the diffusers reeds scenting your room for several months. To get the most out of your reed diffuser flip the diffuser reeds over about once a week or as desired for a fresh fragrance burst. Once the diffuser oil is finally used up, simply pour in an oil refill.
In small spaces, like bathrooms, use less sticks. Usually 4-6 reeds work well. Less reeds mean less scent, more reeds mean more scent. You may want to use 8-10 reeds for larger rooms where a stronger scent throw is desired.

Personalised Christmas Soap - Recipe No 81

Red glycerine soap(Soap Barn)
White un-fragranced glycerine soap(Soap Barn)
Cranberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Alphabet cutters (Chocolate Den)
Large 2 row PVC box (Soap Barn)
Leaf cutters (Soap Barn)

Fold your large 2 row PVC box and seal all the sides with lots of tape. Cut an opening in the broad side of the box so you can place your letters inside.
Slice your red soap tube into 5mm slices. Cut your letter soaps and your leaves out of those slices and place them on the bottom of the box. Press them down very hard so no melted soap can run beneath them. Remember to put the letters facing the wrong way around otherwise you will have a back to front personalised soap.
Fragrance your white soap with cranberry fragrance. Pour that over your alphabet soaps filling the box to the top. Leave to set and remove from box. You can then wrap your soap in cellophane.
These personalised soaps make a wonderful gift for everyone at Christmas.

Cranberry Body Butter Candles - Recipe No 82

250g Soy Wax (Soap Barn)
Red oil colouring (Soap Barn)
10ml cranberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Star foil containers (Chocolate Den)
Candle Wick (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out labels for this recipe

Melt the soy wax in the microwave for three and a half minutes. When melted add 10ml cranberry fragrance. You can colour half the mixture red with your red oil colouring and leave the other half white. Position your wicks in the middle of the stars and make sure they stay upright by placing kebab sticks on either side. Leave to set.

The Magic of Body Butter Candles:
Light the candle when you go into the bathroom to bath or shower. Your bathroom will be filled with stunning ambient light and gorgeous aroma. After bathing blow out the candle. The warm melted body butter should now be rubbed all over your body for the softest, smoothest skin

Cranberry Lip Balm - Recipe No 83

500ml Cranberry lip balm (Soap Barn)
50 10ml lip balm pots (Soap Barn)
Labels free with your lip balm or print from website (pricelist)

Melt the lip balm in a pot on the stove over a low heat. Pour the melted lip balm into a jug. Have all 50 lip balm pots open and ready. Fill the pots with melted cranberry lip balm. Leave ten minutes to set and seal with lids.

Cranberry Roll-On Shower Soap + Lotion - Recipe No 84

Requirements for Roll-On Cranberry Shower Soap:
500ml un-fragranced liquid soap (Soap Barn)
2ml Cranberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Roller bottle (Soap Barn)
Labels – print from website (Soap Barn)

Please click here to print out Cranberry Lotion labels
Please click here to print out Cranberry Shower Soap labels

Mix 2ml fragrance into your liquid soap. Stir through well. Now you can pour your shower soap into a roller bottle. Put a label on the outside and you are ready to go!

Requirements for Cranberry Roll-On Lotion:
500ml spray lotion (Soap Barn)
Cranberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Roller bottles (Soap Barn)
Labels – print from website (Soap Barn)

Mix 2ml cranberry fragrance into your spray lotion. Stir through well. Now you can pour your lotion into a roller bottle. Put a label on the outside of your bottle. Place both bottles into a square PVC box. These sets make wonderful gifts for all your friends and family.

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January Recipes

1 Rattan Reed Diffusers
2 Soap Candies
3 Valentines' Soap Cup Cakes
4 Valentines' Bath Jelly
5 Valentines' White Satin Perfume
6 Valentines' Love Scrub
7 Valentines' Love Soaps
8 Soap and Soccer

February Recipes

 9 Lavender Herb Bath Tea
10 Mint Herb Bath Tea
11 Rose Herb Bath Tea
12 Lemon Verbena Herb Bath Tea
13 Magic Fruity Bath Tea
14 Love Heart Wash Bags
15 Forest Fern & Fenjal Room Diffusers

March Recipes

16 Happy Little Easter Duck Soaps
17 Bubble-Doh Easter Eggs
18 Lemon & Vanilla Easter Egg Bath Mousse
19 Orange and Amber Room Diffuser

April Recipes

20 Under Sea Bath/Shower Scrubs
21 Pink Grapefruit Soap Slices
22 Black + White Checked Soap Slices
23 Bubble-Doh Biscuits

May Recipes

24 Strawberry and Cherry Cheesecake Soap
25 Paradise Hand Lotion Spray
26 Paradise Perfume Spray
27 Fairies Sparkling Bath Salts
28 Desert Dune Sleeping Woman Soap
29 Moonlight Hand Treatment
30 Sublime Soap Leaves

June Recipes

31 Fossil Soaps
32 Bath Salts for Guest Houses
33 Shaving Soap
34 After Shave Cologne
35 After Shave Lotion
36 Foot and Heel Balm
37 Loofah Soap on a Rope

July Recipes

38 Bath Confetti
39 Fruit Salad and Ice-Cream Soaps
40 Soap Doh
41 Lego Soaps
42 Flip Flop Soaps
43 Hang Ten Soaps

August Recipes

44 Jelly Belly Soap Loaf
45 Grapefruit and Cucumber Soap Loaf
46 Curls and Swirls Citrus Soap Loaf
47 Bath Time Finger Paint
48 Spotted and Striped Soaps
49 Marine Soap Loaf

September Recipes

50 Spring Soap Flowers
51 Floral Bath Salts
52 Strawberry and White Tea Body Butter
53 Soap Cocktail for Spring
54 Patchouli Fizzing Bath Tea
55 Pebble Massage Soap Bar
56 Raspberry Bath Fizz

October Recipes

57 Midnight Solid Perfume
58 Lady Midnight Soap
59 Midnight Perfume
60 Midnight Soap Clouds
61 Midnight Gel Candle
62 Bubble-Doh Midnight Stars
63 Midnight Black Roses
64 Soaps for Midnight
65 Midnight Diffusers
66 Midnight Perfumed Necklace
67 Midnight Jelly Bubble Bath

November Recipes

68 Shower Gel
69 Soap Leaves
70 Alphabet Soap Soup
71 Bubble-Doh Stars
72 Bubble Balls in Bubble Juice
73 Lotion Base: Body Butter
74 Sparkle Soaps
75 Soap Cupcakes
76 Bubble-Doh Bars
77 Bubble-Doh Balls

December Recipes

78 Cranberry Bath Mousse
79 Christmas Pudding Soap Balls
80 Cranberry Room Diffusers
81 Personalised Christmas Soap
82 Cranberry Body Butter Candles
83 Cranberry Lip Balm
84 Cranberry Roll-On Shower Soap + Lotion

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