2012 Newsletter Recipes

All recipes are originated by Jackie and protected by copyright.
You are welcome and encouraged to use any or all of the recipes but copying them or publishing
them in any form and in any media will be an infringement of copyright law and legal action will be taken.

All photographs belong to Jackie at The Soap Barn and copying them or publishing them in any
form or in any media will constitute an infringement of copyright law and legal action will be taken.

Click here for Recipe Index

Chunky Heart Soaps - Recipe 1

1 Roasting Pan (Chocolate Den)
2kg Red strawberry glycerine (Soap Barn)
2kg White farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
20ml Cherry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Heart cookie cutter (Chocolate Den)

The first thing you need to do is cut your red soap into 1cm slices. Then cut a red heart out of each slice with your cookie cutter. Place your red hearts on the bottom of the roasting pan and press them down firmly so they don’t move. You can check if they are properly stuck down by holding your pan upside down. Those hearts that fall out – weren’t properly stuck! Please them down again firmly. Take all the red soap left from the slices and put it in a plastic jug for melting or in a small pot.
Melt your white Farmhouse soap in the microwave or in a pot on the stove. When it is melted you can add the cherry fragrance.
Pour the white soap over the red hearts till the roasting pan is filled and the hearts are covered. Leave this layer to set.
When the first layer is set melt your red strawberry soap. It must be very hot when you pour it over the first layer to don’t wait for it to cool. If you pour it too cool the two layers won’t stick. The strawberry soap needs to melt the first layer a tiny bit for them to stick properly. This can only happen if the soap is hot (not boiling!)
When the red layer has set melt your white soap again. Then pour the white soap into the tin over the red layer. Again, this soap needs to be hot enough to melt the red layer just a little so they stick together. Leave the soap about 6 hours to set.
When the soap is set and cold un-mould it onto the counter and cut into lovely thick Valentines’ chunks with a large non-serrated knife.

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Hot Stuff - Love Sauce - Recipe 2

500ml Liquid soap (Soap Barn)
Cherry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Red liquid colouring (Soap Barn)
glass bottle (Soap Barn)
Download Hot Stuff label here
Download label 1 here
Download label 2 here
Download label 3 here

Mix a couple of drops of colouring and 40 drops of fragrance into your 500ml jar of liquid soap. Stir though well till the colour and fragrance are equally distributed throughout the soap. Use a funnel to fill your glass bottle. Print out the fabulous Hot Stuff labels and stick them on the bottles. Have a fabulous bubble bath with your partner on Valentines’ Day.

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Hot Stuff - Love Paste - Recipe 3

500ml Aqueous Cream (Soap Barn)
100ml Glycerine (Soap Barn)
200ml Urea (Soap Barn)
100ml Shea Butter (Soap Barn)
10ml Cherry fragrance
Glass jars (Soap Barn)
Download Hot Stuff label here
Download label 1 here
Download label 2 here
Download label 3 here

Place your aqueous cream in your blender. Mix the urea in the glycerine and add that solution to the aqueous. Melt the shea butter and add that also into the blender. Finally add your fragrance and blend all ingredients well. Share this wonderful body lotion on Valentines’ Day with your partner for soft smooth cherry skin.

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Heart and Rose Soap - Recipe 4

Requirements for Roses:
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Cherry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Red liquid colouring (Soap Barn)
Cookie Cutters (Chocolate Den)
Kebab Sticks (Chocolate Den)
PVC boxes for packaging (Soap Barn)

Method for Roses:
(For step-by-step method with pictures please see Recipe No. 50 in Soap Barn Book 2 on this website.

Or click here to watch the step-by-step video

For glycerine soap flowers: Melt your white soap gently either in a pot directly on the stove over a very low heat or in the microwave in a plastic jug on defrost. When your soap has melted add the flexine. You will need 50% flexine to the soap you melt for flowers.
For Farmhouse soap flowers: Melt your white soap gently either in a pot directly on the stove over a very low heat or in the microwave in a plastic jug on defrost. You will not need flexine to make flowers out of Farmhouse soap.
Add 10ml cherry fragrance to your soap. Pour the soap onto your counter in long narrow strips and leave about five minutes to set. With a knife cut a straight line across the bottom of the soap strip.
Draw another line 1cm above that with the back of a knife. This must just be a marking and must not cut through your soap. Cut plastic cookie cutters in half with a pair of scissors so that they are open ended. Using the 1cm marked line as your guide cut all the way along the soap strip with your cookie cutter.
Roll up each strip. Put a kebab stick through the bottom of each roll (where the 1cm marking was) to hold it in place. Now fold back each petal of the flower, starting from the outside moving in.
Paint the top edges of each petal with red liquid colouring.
Leave the roses a couple of hours to harden if you are using Farmhouse soap but a day to dry and harden if you are using glycerine soap. You can then remove the kebab sticks and cut off the 1cm base with a sharp knife. Your flowers are now ready for sticking on the strawberry heart soaps. Pour a little melted strawberry soap on the heart and immediately place your rose on top.

Requirements for Roses:
1 heart mould (Soap Barn)
Red strawberry glycerine soap (Soap Barn)

Method for Roses:
Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Leave it to cool till if forms a skin on top. Pour it in your heart moulds right to the top. Leave your soaps two hours to set and then un-mould them.

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Hot Stuff - Love Spice - Recipe 5

Coarse bath salt (Soap Barn)
Dried flowers: Patchouli and Hibiscus (Soap Barn)
Patchouli fragrance (Soap Barn)
Salt grinders (Soap Barn)
Download Hot Stuff label here
Download label 1 here
Download label 2 here
Download label 3 here

Put your coarse salts in a bowl, add your dried flowers and your fragrance. Fill your grinders. Label with fabulous Hot Stuff labels.

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Body Butter Love Candle - Recipe 6

250g Soy Wax (Soap Barn)
Red oil colouring (Soap Barn)
Patchouli Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Candle Wick (Soap Barn)
Heart box container (Soap Barn)

Melt the soy wax in the microwave for three and a half minutes. When melted add 10ml patchouli fragrance. You can colour the mixture red with your red oil colouring but only use one or two drops!. Position your wick in the middle of the heart box and make sure it stays upright by placing kebab sticks on either side. Leave to set.
Using Body Butter Candles – For you and your partner on Valentines’ Day
Light the candle and let the wax melt. Use the warm melted wax to rub all over your body for the softest, smoothest skin. This makes a wonderful romantic gift for couples to share on Valentine’s Day.

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Hot Stuff – Love Rub - Recipe 7

100ml Avocado Oil (Soap Barn)
100ml Sweet Almond Oil (Soap Barn)
Coarse Salt (Soap Barn)
10ml Patchouli fragrance (Soap Barn)
2 teaspoons dried patchouli (Soap Barn)
2 teaspoons dried hibiscus (Soap Barn)
Glass jars (Soap Barn)
Download Hot Stuff label here
Download label 1 here
Download label 2 here
Download label 3 here

Pour the 100ml avocado oil into a glass bowl and add 100ml sweet almond oil, patchouli fragrance, dried hibiscus and dried patchouli. Then add your coarse salt, stirring and mixing the scrub thoroughly until you get a thick paste. The paste must not be runny. Divide the scrub into your jars and label with fabulous Hot Stuff labels.
Applying the scrub – For you and your partner on Valentines’ Day
In the shower put a scoop full of scrub into the palm of your hand. With a washing motion rub the scrub all over your body. Massage the treatment into the skin till it tingles. Then wash off the scrub with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel. The rich oils nourish and feed your skin while the salt cleanses, exfoliates and relaxes the muscles. After this scrub your body feels renewed and revitalised and stays that way throughout the day.

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Laced Soap Hearts - Recipe 8

1 heart mould (Soap Barn)
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Add your fragrance and stir through well. Leave it to cool till if forms a skin on top. Pour it in your heart moulds right to the top. Leave your soaps two hours to set and then un-mould them.
Make holes in your moulded soaps with a kebab stick. Then thread your ribbon through the holes for a fabulous laced effect.

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Painted Heart Soaps - Recipe 9

1 heart mould (Soap Barn)
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Red soap colouring (Soap Barn)

Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Add your fragrance and stir through well. Leave it to cool till if forms a skin on top. Pour it in your heart moulds right to the top. Leave your soaps two hours to set and then un-mould them.
Pour some soap colouring into a saucer. Then draw patterns on your soaps by dipping a toothpick into the colouring. The colouring will eventually spread and you will have beautiful red and white patterned soaps.

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Scented Hearts - Recipe 10

Perfume or Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Large scented hanging heart or small heart (Soap Barn)
Lustre Sparkle (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Pour about a teaspoon of perfume or fragrance onto your heart base. You can use the large heart with hole in it for hanging and the small heart for cars or cupboards. Spread the perfume or fragrance so that it covers the entire heart. Leave it to sink in and absorb. Then you can rub some lustre sparkle on top for shimmer and effect. Tie a nice ribbon through the hole if you are using the large heart. This perfumed heart makes a wonderful gift on Valentines’ Day. Hang it in a bathroom, cupboard, kitchen or car for wonderful fragrance and freshness.

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Heart Wrapping - Recipe 11

1 rectangular soap mould (Soap Barn)
White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Heart patterned plastic sheets (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Add your fragrance and stir through well. Leave it to cool till if forms a skin on top. Pour it into your moulds right to the top. Leave your soaps two hours to set and then un-mould them.
Wrap your soaps with gorgeous heart patterned plastic sheets. Then tie organza ribbon around them to complete the gift.
You can also use the plastic heart wrapping to cover your bubble bath and hand wash bottles for Valentine’s gifts

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Citronella Lotion - Recipe 12

Gel Lotion(Soap Barn)
Aqueous cream (Soap Barn)
Yellow liquid colouring (Soap Barn)
Green liquid colouring (Soap Barn)
Citronella essential oil (Soap Barn)
Jar (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Mix 5ml citronella essential oil and a few drops of yellow and green colouring into your gel lotion to make a lime green gel. You will need many drops of yellow and only one or two drops of green. Blend well. Mix 5ml citronella essential oil and a few drops of yellow and green colouring into your aqueous cream. Blend well. You can now put the lotion into an attractive jar for use. Layer the lime green gel between the lime green aqueous cream. Use regularly during summer to keep away the mosquitoes. The gel lotion is light, it spreads easily and is non greasy. ‘Bug-Off’ citronella lotion is essential for all your outdoor evening activities in summer.

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Citronella Soap Balls - Recipe 13

1kg white un-fragranced farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
1kg white un-fragranced soap noodles (Soap Barn)
Dried lemongrass (Soap Barn)
Citronella essential oil (Soap Barn)
Lime organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Paper roses - different colours (Soap Barn)
Large white paper cups (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Put one handful of soap noodles into a small bowl. Gently melt the farmhouse soap in the microwave or on the stove. Add 20ml citronella essential oil to the melted farmhouse soap and mix through well. Add a cup of the melted soap to a cup of soap noodles (just enough to cover the noodles) and stir it through till you get a thick porridge consistency. Now you can take this mixture and roll it into a beautiful soap ball. Roll the warm ball in dried lemongrass. Decorate your soap balls with organza ribbon and paper roses. Place in white paper cups when complete. These decorative soaps can be kept in the bathroom to keep away mosquitoes and flies.

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Citronella Diffuser - Recipe 14

Rattan Reeds (Soap Barn)
50ml Citronella essential oil (Soap Barn)
100ml Diffuser Oil Base (Soap Barn)
Yellow liquid colour (Soap Barn)
Green liquid colour (Soap Barn)
150ml Glass Bottle (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Combine the essential oil and the diffuser oil base and mix very well. Add the yellow and green colouring to make a lime oil. This way the reeds absorb the fragrance and the colour and you have matching reeds with fragrance. Pour the mixed diffuser oil into your bottle and add your rattan reeds. Leave the reeds to wick (absorb the oil up the hollow tubes) for a couple of hours and turn them over. You can turn them over every couple of days for best results. Use this diffuser anywhere in the house to keep away flies and mostquitoes.

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Citronella Candles - Recipe 15

1lt Gel Wax (Soap Barn)
Bucket (Chocolate Den)
Glass jar (Soap Barn)
1 pack pre-waxed wicks (Soap Barn)
Yellow candle colouring (Soap Barn)
Green candle colouring (Soap Barn
Citronella essential oil (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Melt the gel wax in a pot directly on the stove over a very low heat. When the gel is melted it will run like water. Then add a couple of drops of yellow candle colouring and one drop of green colouring and 20ml citronella essential oil to the melted gel. Dip the sustainer end of the wick into the melted gel and position the wick in the bucket or jar. Then fill the container to the top. Leave to set. Use these citronella candles indoors and outdoors all summer to keep away flies and mosquitoes and other bugs. These candles are wonderful to use when camping, hiking or out on a safari. Just close the lid of the jar and drop it in your travel pack to take with you wherever you go this summer.

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Citronella Soap - Recipe 16

1 Soap mould (Soap Barn)
Citronella Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Green liquid colouring (Soap Barn)
Yellow liquid colouring (Soap Barn)
Soap dish (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Melt your soap gently in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave. Add your colouring and stir through well. Leave it to cool till if forms a skin on top. Pour it into your moulds right to the top. Leave your soaps two hours to set and then un-mould them. Wrap them in cellophane and present them on a soap dish as a lovely gift. Use farmhouse 100% pure citronella soap (made with essential oil and marigolds) to wash with in summer. Your skin will smell lovely and fresh to you but horrible to all mosquitoes and bugs.

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Citronella Spray - Recipe 17

100ml fragrance emulsifier (Soap Barn)
20ml citronella essential oil (Soap Barn)
500ml distilled water (Soap Barn)
Pencil pumps either 10ml or 15ml (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Combine the citronella oil and emulsifier in a jug and stir through well. Add the distilled water and stir through well again. You can add a drop of green liquid colouring too if you like. Your spray is now ready to be sprayed EVERYWHERE! On your body, on your clothes, on your linen, in the room, on the curtains and every place you think mosquitoes will be hiding. I even use this spray in my kitchen, on the counters, to keep away the ants. Citronella spray keeps away mosquitoes, flies, ants and all other uninvited guests in summer.

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Pink Marshmallow Soap Bunnies - Recipe 18

1 Bunny Mould (Soap Barn)
White farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Neon pink colouring (Soap Barn)
Marshmallow fragrance (Soap Barn)
Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips(Soap Barn)
Soap Paints (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Cut your bunnies out of the mould with a 1cm boarder around each edge. Remember to cut out their bottoms so you can fill them Clip your bunny moulds together with bulldog clips. Place them in a jug or jar - heads down and open bottoms up. Gently melt your soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave. When it is melted you can add your colouring and fragrance – as much as you like! Leave it in the jug to cool till it forms a skin on top. Then you know it's a good pouring temperature. Move the skin back and pour soap into the mould. Fill the mould right to the top. Spray your soap immediately with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles that come to the top. When your soaps have cooled and set (leave them for two hours to set in their own good time) you can un-mould them. Now you can decorate them with soap paint, ribbon and paper roses. These soaps make a very happy gift for anyone at Easter time.

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Little Lamb Soaps - Recipe 19

1 Lamb Mould (Soap Barn)
White farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Nougat fragrance (Soap Barn)
Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips(Soap Barn)
Soap Paints (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Cut your lambs out of the mould with a 1cm boarder around each edge. Remember to cut out their bottoms so you can fill them Clip your lamb moulds together with bulldog clips. Place them in a jug or jar - heads down and open bottoms up. Gently melt your soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave. When it is melted you can add your colouring and fragrance – as much as you like! Leave it in the jug to cool till it forms a skin on top. Then you know it's a good pouring temperature. Move the skin back and pour soap into the mould. Fill the mould right to the top. Spray your soap immediately with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles that come to the top. When your soaps have cooled and set (leave them for two hours to set in their own good time) you can un-mould them. Now you can decorate them with soap paint, ribbon and paper roses. These soaps make a very happy gift for anyone at Easter time.

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Real Chocolate/Soap Eggs - Recipe 20

1 Mould (Soap Barn)
White farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Brown soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Chocolate fragrance (Soap Barn)
Dark chocolate 70% cocoa (Chocolate Den)
Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips(Soap Barn)
Soap Paints (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Cut your eggs out of the mould with a 1cm boarder around each edge. Remember to cut out a small round hole (50c piece size) at the bottom so you can fill them. Clip your egg moulds together with bulldog clips. Place them in a jug or jar - with small opening facing up. Gently melt your soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave. When it is melted you divide it into two separate jugs. One you can leave white and fragrance it with chocolate fragrance and the other you can add your brown colouring and fragrance. Into the brown soap you can add a teaspoon of dark chocolate chips to one cup of melted chocolate. Stir through well till all the chocolate is dissolved. Leave it in the jug to cool. When you know it's a good pouring temperature pour soap into the mould. Fill the mould right to the top. Spray your soap immediately with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles that come to the top. When your soaps have cooled and set (leave them for two hours to set in their own good time) you can un-mould them. Now you can decorate them with soap paint, ribbon and paper roses. These soaps make a very happy gift for anyone at Easter time and of course have added cocoa butter and all other delicious ingredients to make them extra special!

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More Chocolate/Soap Eggs - Recipe 21

1 Mould (Soap Barn)
White farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Brown soap colouring (Soap Barn)
Chocolate fragrance (Soap Barn)
Dark chocolate 70% cocoa (Chocolate Den)
Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips(Soap Barn)
Soap Paints (Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Cut your bunny out of the mould with a 1cm boarder around each edge. Remember to cut out the bottom so you can fill them. Clip your bunny moulds together with bulldog clips. Place them in a jug or jar - with opening facing up. Gently melt your soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave. When it is melted you divide it into two separate jugs. One you can leave white and fragrance it with chocolate fragrance and the other you can add your brown colouring and fragrance. Into the brown soap you can add a teaspoon of dark chocolate chips to one cup of melted chocolate. Stir through well till all the chocolate is dissolved. Leave it in the jug to cool. When you know it's a good pouring temperature pour soap into the mould. Fill the mould right to the top. Spray your soap immediately with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles that come to the top. When your soaps have cooled and set (leave them for two hours to set in their own good time) you can un-mould them. Now you can decorate them with soap paint, ribbon and paper roses. These soaps make a very happy gift for anyone at Easter time and of course have added cocoa butter and all other delicious ingredients to make them extra special!
You can also make Soap Lollies on sticks with the left over mixture from your bunnies.

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Happy Bubble- Doh Eggs - Recipe 22

Bubble-Doh (Soap Barn)
Baking soda (Soap Barn)
Fragrances (Soap Barn)
Powder colours (Soap Barn)
Glitter (Soap Barn)
Soap Paints (Soap Barn)
Egg mould and paper cups (Chocolate Den)

Divide your 1kg of Bubble-Doh into 6 equal portions. Put a quarter teaspoon of powder colouring and 40 drops of fragrance (your favourite) on each portion. Mix each portion well so you have evenly coloured and fragranced balls of Bubble-Doh. Prepare your work space. Make sure you have a glass of water and a soft brush ready for use. Have two halves of your egg mould cut out and ready for use. Keep your glitter handy and have a huge pile of baking soda on your work surface to make your moulding easy. Coat your egg moulds inside very well with baking soda. Press your coloured and fragrance Bubble-Doh into each half egg so they are solid and hard. Now (so as to make things easier) tap each egg half out onto your work space and coat your egg half moulds again in baking soda. Place the Bubble-Doh egg halves back into the moulds and brush one half only with a bit of water. Put the two half eggs in their moulds together and squeeze tight. They will join up beautifully. Because you dusted the moulds a second time with baking soda you will find that they release really easily leaving you with a perfect shaped egg. Place your egg on some paper towelling over a big thick wad of old newspaper. This will give the egg a soft base on which to rest and the thick wad of newspaper will absorb the excess water in the Bubble-Doh and allow it to set easily and quickly. Sprinkle some glitter and leave to set for 4 days. Then paint your egg face with soap paints.

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Nougat Easter Soap Eggs - Recipe 23

1 Egg Mould (Soap Barn)
White farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Nougat fragrance (Soap Barn)
Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips(Soap Barn)
Organza ribbon (Soap Barn)

Cut your eggs out of the mould with a 1cm boarder around each edge. Remember to cut out a small round hole at the bottoms so you can fill them. Clip your egg moulds together with bulldog clips. Place them in a jug or jar - round side down with small hole facing up. Gently melt your soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave. When it is melted you can add your fragrance – as much as you like! Leave it in the jug to cool till it forms a skin on top. Then you know it's a good pouring temperature. Move the skin back and pour soap into the mould. Fill the mould right to the top. Spray your soap immediately with spraying alcohol to pop the bubbles that come to the top. When your soaps have cooled and set (leave them for two hours to set in their own good time) you can un-mould them. Now you can decorate them with ribbon and paper roses. These soaps make a very happy gift for anyone at Easter time

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Cleopatra Milk Soap - Recipe 24

1kg White Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Venus fragrance (Soap Barn)
10ml Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Milk powder (Soap Barn)
Sleeping Woman mould (Soap Barn)
Rectangle soap mould SB45 (Soap Barn)
Butter paper (Chocolate Den)
Gold organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
PVC 2 row box (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Gently melt your soap (1kg farmhouse soap) in the microwave or in a pot over a very low heat. Once the soap has melted add 1 teaspoon milk powder, 20 ml Venus perfume and 10ml the lustre sparkle. Stir well and leave to cool. Pour the soap mixture into the moulds and leave to set. The sleeping lady soaps are lovely three in a 2 row PVC box. The rectangle soaps are stunning wrapped in butter paper and labelled. I like to leave my Farmhouse soaps about two days after moulding to dry before I wrap them. This way they lather more and last longer. This soap is a glorious, smooth, nourishing delight for moms on Mothers' Day.

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Cleopatra Milk Scrub - Recipe 25

100ml Shea Butter (Soap Barn)
100ml Sweet Almond Oil (Soap Barn)
Fine bath salt (Soap Barn)
Venus fragrance (Soap Barn)
2 Teaspoons milk powder (Soap Barn)
250ml Lotion jar (Soap Barn)
Gold organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Gently melt the shea butter in the microwave for 1 minute. Pour the melted shea butter into a glass bowl and add 100ml sweet almond oil, 50 drops Venus fragrance and some lustre sparkle. Mix though well. Then add your fine salt with milk powder, stirring and mixing the scrub thoroughly until you get a thick paste. The paste must not be runny. Put the scrub into your jar, label and decorate.

Applying the scrub:
In the shower put a scoop full of scrub into the palm of your hand. With a washing motion rub the scrub all over your body. Massage the treatment into the skin till it tingles. Then wash off the scrub with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel. The rich oils nourish and feed your skin while the salt cleanses, exfoliates and relaxes the muscles. After this scrub your body feels renewed and revitalised and stays that way throughout the day. This scrub makes a fabulous gift for your mother on Mothers' Day.

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Cleopatra Bath Mask - Recipe 26

500ml Bath mask (Soap Barn)
Venus fragrance (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Milk powder (Soap Barn)
Lotion jar (Soap Barn)
Gold organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Take the lid off the bath mask and place the container of mask in the microwave on high for thirty seconds. Then empty the contents into a mixing bowl. The mask should be warm and soft but not runny. Add the milk powder, lustre sparkle and 50 drops of Venus fragrance to the bath mask. Mix the mask with an electric hand beater till the mask is thick and creamy. Fill your jar with the mask, label and decorate.
Cleopatra milk bath mask is a luxurious, skin softening and moisturising product. Cover your whole body, face included with this luxurious mask and leave on for three minutes. Then wash off in the bath or shower. Your skin will feel soft and nourished and clean. This mask makes a fantastic gift for your mother on Mothers' Day.

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Cleopatra Bath Milk - Recipe 27

1 cup baking soda (Soap Barn)
1 cup bath crystals (Soap Barn)
1 cup cornstarch (Soap Barn)
1 cup milk powder (Soap Barn)
10ml lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
10ml Venus fragrance (Soap Barn)
Gold organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Lotion Jar (Soap Barn)
Download label here

In a large bowl mix together all ingredients well and thoroughly. Fill your jar, label and decorate. There simply is no better bath in the whole wide world than one filled with Cleopatra Bath Milk Powder. Make your mom a load of these for Mothers' Day to really spoil her!

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Cleopatra Linen Spray - Recipe 28

50ml fragrance emulsifier (Soap Barn)
25ml Venus fragrance (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
200ml distilled water (Soap Barn)
Spray bottle (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Combine the fragrance and the fragrance emulsifier and mix very well till the fragrance is completely emulsified. Add the emulsified fragrances to your distilled water and mix through well. (I boil water on the stove for a few minutes and when it has cooled I use that instead of distilled water). Now bottle your mixture in a spray bottle, label and decorate. This is a great gift for your mother on Mothers' Day. She can freshen her linen, curtains and room with this glorious linen spray.

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Cleopatra Bath Milkshake - Recipe 29

125ml clear un-fragranced bubble bath (Soap Barn)
125ml clear un-fragranced technical oil (Soap Barn)
1 teaspoon milk powder (Soap Barn)
Venus fragrance (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle – optional (Soap Barn)
250ml Pear bottle (Soap Barn)
Gold organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Mix 30 drops of Venus fragrance, one teaspoon of milk powder and some lustre sparkle into the bubble bath . Stir though well. Pour your mixed bubble bath into the bottle and then fill the rest of the bottle with your /technical bath oil. Seal the bottle and shake very well for five minutes. This emulsifies the oil, and the entire contents of your bottle will appear thick and creamy. Leave to stand. The bubble bath and bath oil will separate and stay that way if you have shaken the mixture properly. Give this lovely Bath Milkshake to your mom for Mothers' Day so she can enjoy a luxurious moisturising foam bath.

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Cleopatra Bath Tea - Recipe 30

Bath Crystals (Soap Barn)
Milk powder (Soap Barn)
Venus fragrance (Soap Barn)
Heat seal tea bags (Soap Barn)
Soap bar box (Soap Barn)
Gold organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Place 1 cup bath crystals into a bowl together with 1 heaped tablespoon milk powder and 50 drops of Venus fragrance. Mix through well. Fill your teabags. I find they take about 1 tablespoon of mixture but you could put less if you like. Seal your teabags with heat. You can use an iron or even hair straightening tongs. Press down on the open end of the bag for 1-2 seconds. The bags seal very easily. Finally you can pack your teabags in a PVC soap bar box. I got eight tea bags in a box. Decorate your box with label and ribbon. Throw a tea bag or two into the bath for a lovely, relaxing and nourishing bath. Make your mom a box of Cleopatra bath teas this Mothers' Day, you know she will love it!

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Cleopatra Purse Gift - Recipe 31

Clear liquid soap (Soap Barn)
Spraying alcohol (Soap Barn)
Venus fragrance (Soap Barn)
Pencil pumps 10ml or 3ml (Soap Barn)
PVC envelope (Soap Barn)
Download soap label here
Download perfume label here

Method for Cleopatra soap spray:
Put four drops of Venus fragrance into your pencil pump (for 10ml pump – only two for 3ml pump). Fill your pencil pump to the top with liquid soap and seal. Then shake well. Label your Cleopatra soap spray with the label from our website.

Method for Cleopatra perfume spray:
Fill your pencil pump half way with Venus fragrance. Then fill the rest of your pencil pump to the top with spraying alcohol and seal. Shake well. Label your Cleopatra perfume spray with the label from our website. These pumps are fabulous. Carry them in your bag wherever you go – no more suffering in public places without soap. This set makes a wonderful gift for your mother on Mothers' Day.

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Cleopatra Bath Mousse - Recipe 32

500ml Bath/Shower mousse base (Soap Barn)
Venus fragrance (Soap Barn)
Lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Milk powder (Soap Barn)
Lotion jar (Soap Barn)
Gold organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Take the lid off the mousse base and place the container of mousse in the microwave on high for thirty seconds. Then empty the contents into a mixing bowl. The base should be warm and soft but not runny. Add the milk powder, lustre sparkle and 50 drops of Venus fragrance to the mousse base. Mix the mousse with an electric hand beater till the mousse is thick and creamy. I like to pipe the mousse into the container through a plastic piping bag with meringue nozzle. Cleopatra milk bath mousse is the most heavenly bath/shower product. Cover yourself with this luxurious, soap crème and have the most delicious wash you have ever had in your whole life. This mousse makes a wonderful gift for your mother on Mothers' Day.

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Cleopatra Body Butter - Recipe 33

500ml lotion base (Soap Barn)
10ml lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
100ml shea butter (Soap Barn)
500ml urea (Soap Barn)
Lotion jar (Soap Barn)
Gold organza ribbon (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Melt your 500ml lotion base in the microwave for three minutes or until it is melted. Pour the melted base into a pot on the stove over a low heat. Run your hot water tap. Dissolve the 500ml urea in 500ml hot water and add this to your melted base on the stove. Now add another 1.5lt (3 x 500ml) hot water from the tap. The water must be hot but not so hot that you can't hold your hand under it. Do not use cold water and do not use boiling water from the kettle. Only hot water from the tap. Once you have added the hot water to the lotion base stir well and remove from stove. Melt your shea butter in the microwave and add this to the cooling mixture as well as 50ml Venus fragrance and 10ml lustre sparkle. Beat the mixture with an electric hand beater as it cools so it is thick and rich and creamy. Fill the Cleopatra body butter into jars, label and decorate. This is a stunning body butter. It is thick, creamy and very moisturising. Your mother would absolutely love a jar of this for Mothers' Day.

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Soap Pop Swirl - Recipe 34

Farmhouse rose soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse lavender soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse olive oil soap (Soap Barn)
Thick kebab sticks (Chocolate Den)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Organza ribbon or coloured raffia (Soap Barn and Chocolate Den)

Start by melting your soap. This is how I like to melt my farmhouse soap: I turn the bucket upside down, put a little pressure on the back and un-mould the 1kg soap out of the bucket. Then I chop the soap up into chunks and I either melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat or in the microwave. I put the entire kilo into a plastic jug and I put that in the microwave on high for three minutes. I then pour out what is melted and return the rest to the microwave for another three minutes to melt. Then I add all the melted soap together and stir through well so I have an even temperature throughout.

Once your soap is melted you are ready to make your Soap Pop Swirl. Pour your first colour (it doesn't matter which) out onto the clean counter. I pour from one spot and let it run and spread into a big circle. Then I leave that to set. Once that has set I pour the second colour on top of that. Again, pouring in the middle of the circle allowing it to spread out and cover the first circle. Leave the second colour to set and then repeat the steps with the third colour.

When all layers are set gently lift one edge with a knife and slowly roll that side up like a swiss roll all the way to the end of the circle. It is a bit slippery but you need to persevere and keep at it because it is well worth it in the end.

When your scroll is all rolled up you can take a smooth edge knife and slice through it making nice thick slices. Then you can thread a thick kebab stick through to make it into a soap lollipop.

I leave it for a day or two to dry out nicely and then I wrap it in cellophane with a ribbon.

This fun soap makes a fab gift for your mom on Mothers' day.

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Soap Flower Cracker - Recipe 35

Farmhouse rose soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse lavender soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse olive oil soap (Soap Barn)
Thick kebab sticks (Chocolate Den)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Organza ribbon or coloured raffia (Soap Barn and Chocolate Den)

Start by melting your soap. This is how I like to melt my farmhouse soap: I turn the bucket upside down, put a little pressure on the back and un-mould the 1kg soap out of the bucket. Then I chop the soap up into chunks and I either melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat or in the microwave. I put the entire kilo into a plastic jug and I put that in the microwave on high for three minutes. I then pour out what is melted and return the rest to the microwave for another three minutes to melt. Then I add all the melted soap together and stir through well so I have an even temperature throughout.

Once your soap is melted you are ready to make your Soap Flower Cracker. Pour your first colour (it doesn't matter which) out onto the clean counter. I pour from one spot and let it run and spread into a big circle. Then I leave that to set. While the first colour sets I pour the second colour and while that one sets I pour the third.

When each colour is set gently lift one edge with a knife and slowly roll that side up like a swiss roll all the way to the end. It is a bit slippery but you need to persevere and keep at it because it is well worth it in the end.

When your scroll is all rolled up you can take a smooth edge knife and cut through it making nice 4cm long little tubes. Then you can thread a thin kebab stick through each 4cm tube about 1/2cm up. Now on the opposite side (where there is no kebab stick) slick down the tube with a smooth edge knife almost to the kebab stick, but not quite. Now slice again perpendicular to that. Your tube is now divided into four. Slice down again twice in opposite directions so that you have your tube divided into eight equal parts.

Put your finger into the middle of the cuts and gently fold down each of the eight parts opening your flower and separating all the petals.

When you have made all your flowers leave them a day or two to dry and harden. Then remove each one from its stick and thread them together onto another kebab stick to make a gorgeous soap flower cracker.

Then wrap it in cellophane with a ribbon. Another fantastic gift for your mom on Mothers' Day!

This fun soap makes a fab gift for your mom on Mothers' day.

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Soap Rose Candies - Recipe 36

Farmhouse rose soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse lavender soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse olive oil soap (Soap Barn)
Mother of pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Soap rose mould (Soap Barn)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Organza ribbon or coloured raffia (Soap Barn and Chocolate Den)

Start by melting your soap. This is how I like to melt my farmhouse soap: I turn the bucket upside down, put a little pressure on the back and un-mould the 1kg soap out of the bucket. Then I chop the soap up into chunks and I either melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat or in the microwave. I put the entire kilo into a plastic jug and I put that in the microwave on high for three minutes. I then pour out what is melted and return the rest to the microwave for another three minutes to melt. Then I add all the melted soap together and stir through well so I have an even temperature throughout. Leave the soap to cool till it has formed a thick skin on top. Then you know it is a good pouring temperature. Remember that Farmhouse soap is made with clay and because of that it retains a lot of heat. So your soap needs to cool a lot before you pour it into a mould otherwise you will damage your mould.

Once your soap had been melted and cooled you are ready to make your Soap Rose Candies. Sprinkle a little mother-of-pear glitter into each rose. Then pour one colour soap into the mould, filling it one third, then the second colour filling it two thirds and then the final colour to the top. This way you will get a gorgeous marbled rose soap. Remember to pour right to the top of your mould or it will be difficult to un-mould it later.

Leave your soap rose at least two hours to set. When it feels cold to the touch you can turn your mould upside down, put gentle pressure on the top and pop it out.

I like to leave them a couple of days to dry and harden. Then I wrap them like candies with cellophane and ribbon. Give your mom a bowl of these soap rose candies for Mothers' Day, I am sure she will love them!

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Mixed Soap Stick - Recipe 37

I take all various soaps I have shown you in this E-Mag and I put them together on a stick to make a FABULOUS mixed soap stick. They are colourful and fun and happy. I love them and I am sure your mom would love getting a bunch of these from you for Mothers' Day!

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Soap Flower Pops - Recipe 38

Farmhouse rose soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse lavender soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse olive oil soap (Soap Barn)
Thick kebab sticks (Chocolate Den)
Soap flower mould (Soap Barn)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Organza ribbon or coloured raffia (Soap Barn and Chocolate Den)

Start by melting your soap. This is how I like to melt my farmhouse soap: I turn the bucket upside down, put a little pressure on the back and un-mould the 1kg soap out of the bucket. Then I chop the soap up into chunks and I either melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat or in the microwave. I put the entire kilo into a plastic jug and I put that in the microwave on high for three minutes. I then pour out what is melted and return the rest to the microwave for another three minutes to melt. Then I add all the melted soap together and stir through well so I have an even temperature throughout. Leave the soap to cool till it has formed a thick skin on top. Then you know it is a good pouring temperature. Remember that Farmhouse soap is made with clay and because of that it retains a lot of heat. So your soap needs to cool a lot before you pour it into a mould otherwise you will damage your mould.

Once your soap had been melted and cooled you are ready to make your Soap Flower Pops. Pour one colour soap into the mould, filling it one third, then the second colour filling it two thirds and then the final colour to the top. This way you will get a gorgeous marbled flower soap. Remember to pour right to the top of your mould or it will be difficult to un-mould it later.

Leave your soap flowers at least two hours to set. When they feel cold to the touch you can turn your mould upside down, put gentle pressure on the top and pop them out.

You can then thread thick kebab sticks through them to make them into soap flower lollipops.

I like to leave them a couple of days to dry and harden. Then I wrap them with cellophane and ribbon. Give your mom a bunch of these soap flower pops for Mothers' Day, I am sure she will be delighted.

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Soap Heart Pop - Recipe 39

Farmhouse rose soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse lavender soap (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse olive oil soap (Soap Barn)
Thick kebab sticks (Chocolate Den)
Soap heart mould (Soap Barn)
Chocolate daisy mould (Chocolate Den)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Organza ribbon or coloured raffia (Soap Barn and Chocolate Den)

Start by melting your soap. This is how I like to melt my farmhouse soap: I turn the bucket upside down, put a little pressure on the back and un-mould the 1kg soap out of the bucket. Then I chop the soap up into chunks and I either melt it in a pot directly on the stove over a low heat or in the microwave. I put the entire kilo into a plastic jug and I put that in the microwave on high for three minutes. I then pour out what is melted and return the rest to the microwave for another three minutes to melt. Then I add all the melted soap together and stir through well so I have an even temperature throughout. Leave the soap to cool till it has formed a thick skin on top. Then you know it is a good pouring temperature. Remember that Farmhouse soap is made with clay and because of that it retains a lot of heat. So your soap needs to cool a lot before you pour it into a mould otherwise you will damage your mould.

Once your soap had been melted and cooled you are ready to make your Soap Heart Pops. Fill your heart and daisy moulds with the three different colour soaps. Remember to pour right to the top of your mould or it will be difficult to un-mould your soaps later.

Leave your soaps at least two hours to set. When they feel cold to the touch you can turn your moulds upside down, put gentle pressure on the top and pop them out.

Then thread heart soaps and daisy soaps onto a kebab stick. Alternate your colours so that when you make a bunch of soap heart pops they all look different.

I like to leave them a couple of days to dry and harden. Then I wrap them like with cellophane and ribbon. Give your mom a bunch of these soap heart pops for Mothers' Day. They will go down a treat!

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Foam Foam Foam - Recipe 40


Download labels here

Lemongrass Shaving Foam:
Pour 250ml liquid soap into a measuring jug. Add 2ml lemongrass fragrance and 2ml green liquid soap colouring to the liquid soap and mix through well. Then add 250ml water. Mix your 500ml diluted liquid soap well and then pour it into your bottle – Now you have wonderful lemongrass soap foam!

Sandalwood Shower Foam:
Pour 250ml liquid soap into a measuring jug. Add 2ml sandalwood fragrance and 2ml brown liquid soap colouring to the liquid soap and mix through well. Then add 250ml water. Mix your 500ml diluted liquid soap well and then pour it into your bottle – Now you have wonderful sandalwood soap foam!

Ocean Mist Hand Wash:
Pour 250ml liquid soap into a measuring jug. Add 1ml ocean mist fragrance and 2ml blue liquid soap colouring to the liquid soap and mix through well. Then add 250ml water. Mix your 500ml diluted liquid soap well and then pour it into your bottle – Now you have wonderful lemongrass soap foam!

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Fathers' Day Soap Gifts - Recipe 41

Four Fathers' Day Gifts from a Bucket in 5 quick steps:

Step 1 - Un-mould the soap out of the bucket

Step 2 - Slice the soap (with a non serrated knife) into four thick slices

Step 3 - Make a hole in the first slice and thread some rope through for a soap-on-a-rope

Step 4 - Cut the sides off the second slice to make it square. Tie it onto a pumice bar with some raffia

Step 5 - Slice the two last slices in half and wrap each half moon soap in lovely handmade paper.
Tie up with ribbon or raffia


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100% Natural Cuticle Treatment - Recipe 42

125g Cocoa butter (Soap Barn)
100ml Avo butter (Soap Barn)
Lavender essential oil (Soap Barn)
Glass dip jars x 2 (Soap Barn)
100ml Olive oil
Download label here

Melt your avo butter in the microwave. Put the melted avo butter, olive oil and cocoa butter into a glass bowl and melt all ingredients together in the microwave. Or put all ingredients in a pot on the stove and melt together over a low heat. When your mixture is melted leave a short while to cool and then add 2ml lavender essential oil. Pour the mixture into both glass jars. When set seal and label. Use: Place the jars in the microwave and melt the treatment. Dip the tips of your fingers (each hand in its own bowl) and leave them to soak for 5 minutes. Then wipe them clean and gently push back your cuticles - this is a magic recipe

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100% Natural Hand Wash - Recipe 43

100ml Finely grated castile soap (Soap Barn)
Peppermint essential oil (Soap Barn)
1 Tablespoon vegetable glycerine (Soap Barn)
Shower gel bottle (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Add your 100ml finely grated castile soap to 500ml boiling water and stir well till all the soap is dissolved. Add 1ml peppermint essential oil and glycerine, then stir through well. Leave to cool. Pour into a bottle and seal. Leave your hand wash 7 - 10 days to thicken before using it (or it will be too runny). Turn it gently upside down and back a couple of times each day during that time. Use: This is a magnificent hand wash. It is pure and natural, safe for all skin types and especially good for problem skins. Use it and feel the difference immediately. Your skin will be soft and nourished. Wonderful for dry skin in winter.

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100% Natural Lip Bar - Recipe 44

1 Tablespoon olive oil
1 Tablespoon coconut oil (Soap Barn)
1 Tablespoon beeswax bleached (Soap Barn)
1 Drop peppermint essential oil (Soap Barn
5 Lip ice tubes (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Melt all three oils together over a low heat, either in a pot on the stove or in the microwave. When melted and a little cool add one drop of peppermint essential oil. Stir through well. Pour mixture into lip ice tubes and leave to set.

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100% Natural Herbal Shower Gel - Recipe 45

Requirements for Lavender and Lemongrass Natural Shower Gel:
100ml Finely grated castile soap (Soap Barn)
Dried lavender and dried lemongrass (Soap Barn)
Lavender essential oil (Soap Barn)
1 Tablespoon vegetable glycerine (Soap Barn)
Shower gel bottle (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Steep your dried lavender and dried lemongrass in boiling water for two minutes and then drain. Add your 100ml finely grated castile soap to 500ml lavender/lemongrass infusion and stir well till all the soap is dissolved. Add 1ml lavender essential oil and glycerine, then stir through well. Leave to cool. Pour into a bottle and seal. Leave your shower gel 7 - 10 days to thicken before using it (or it will be too runny). Turn it gently upside down and back a couple of times each day during that time. Use: This is a magnificent shower gel. It is pure and natural, safe for all skin types and especially good for problem skins. Use it and feel the difference immediately. Your skin will be soft and nourished. (If you have teenage boys in the home then rather use the next recipe because lavender essential oil is said to mess with the hormones of adolescent boys)

Ingredients for Rooibos and Chamomile Natural Shower Gel:
100ml Finely grated castile soap (Soap Barn)
Rooibos or Honeybush tea
Dried chamomile (Soap Barn)
Orange essential oil (Soap Barn)
1 Tablespoon vegetable glycerine (Soap Barn)
Shower gel bottle (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Steep your dried chamomile and rooibos in boiling water for two minutes and then drain. Add your 100ml finely grated castile soap to 500ml chamomile/rooibos infusion and stir well till all the soap is dissolved. Add 1ml orange essential oil and glycerine, then stir through well. Leave to cool. Pour into a bottle and seal. Leave your shower gel 7 - 10 days to thicken before using it (or it will be too runny). Turn it gently upside down and back a couple of times each day during that time. Use: This is a magnificent shower gel. It is pure and natural, safe for all skin types and especially good for problem skins. Use it and feel the difference immediately. Your skin will be soft and nourished.

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100% Natural Soap Creme - Recipe 46

1 cup finely grated castile soap (Soap Barn)
Dried chamomile (Soap Barn)
Orange essential oil (Soap Barn)
450ml Lotion Jar (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Add one cup of finely grated castile soap to two cups of boiling water. Stir well till all the soap is dissolved. Leave to cool. Return to mixture every five minutes or so and beat it by hand. Do this until the mixture is thick and white and creamy. Do not use an electric beater because you will add too much air to the mixure and the following day it will be all airy and fluffy, not thick and creamy. When your mixture is thick and white and creamy add 2ml orange essential oil and dried chamomile. I sifted the chamomile so I only got the very finest powder. Mix through well. Place in a jar and seal. Use: This rich and creamy soap is the most luxurious soap you will ever use. It is 100% natural, has no chemicals and is excellent for problem skins and normal skins too! Cover yourself with this thick soap in the bath and shower and you will forget all about dry skin in winter. This recipe is an absolute must!

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Bumbles Floating Bubble Bath Balls - Recipe 47

Clear Liquid Soap (Soap Barn)
Colour dyes - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink and purple (Soap Barn)
Fruity fragrances (Soap Barn)
Large Balloons (Soap Barn)
PVC cylinder (Chocolate Den)
Download label here

Pour 100ml clear liquid soap into a jug. Add a pinch of powder dye and mix through well. We use powder dyes because they are very concentrated and will colour the bath water. Add 30 drops of a matching fragrance. eg. red-raspberry, orange-mango, yellow-banana, green-apple, blue-bubblegum, pink-strawberry, purple-pearberry. Pour the coloured and fragranced liquid soap into the balloon. Put the lip of the balloon over the end of your kitchen tap and gently fill the balloon with water. I filled mine enough so I could fit three in a long cylinder. But you can fill them as much as you like. Let’s say anywhere between the size of a plum and an orange. Then tie the balloon tight with a knot. Place the balloon in the freezer to prepare your Bumble for the bath. If you are giving the Bumbles as gifts or selling them then just package them with a note explaining that they must be frozen before use. The label will explain it all so you can print out this label and package your Bumbles using the instructions.

Using Bumbles:
Remove the Bumble from the freezer. Snip the balloon open. Pop the Bumble into the bath as you are running the water. Your Bumble will float on top of the water. As it dissolves it will fragrance and colour the water and make the best bubbles.


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Bubbaloo Bubble Bath - Recipe 48

Clear Liquid Soap (Soap Barn)
Water babies (Soap Barn)
Bubblegum fragrance (Soap Barn)
500ml bell bottles (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Put water babies into water to grow overnight - I use 3 - 4 packs per bottle, you can use less or more, up to you. Put your fully grown water babies (known by children as squishies) into your empty 500ml bottle. Pour 500ml clear liquid soap into a jug. Add 30 drops of bubblegum fragrance into the liquid soap and stir well. Pour the fragranced liquid soap into the bottle over the water babies.

Using Bumbles:
Use like normal bubble bath. Pour into the bath as you are running the water. Some water babies will pour out into the bath and your child will have bubbles and squishies to play with in the bath - What fun!

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3-D Bubble Bath - Recipe 49


Clear Liquid Soap (Soap Barn)
Bubblegum fragrance (Soap Barn)
500ml bell bottles (Soap Barn)
PVC sheet (Chocolate Den)
Puffy plastic stickers (Soap Barn)
Liquid colours (Soap Barn)

Cut 4cm strips of PVC long enough to fit from the bottom of the 500ml bell bottle to the top. You can use about three strips per bottle. Stick your stickers along the entire strip and then staple them on so they don't fall off in the soap. Put the clear strips filled with stickers into the empty bottle. Pour 500ml clear liquid soap into a jug. Add ONE drop of liquid colouring and mix through well. Add 30 drops of bubblegum fragrance and mix through. Pour the coloured and fragranced liquid soap into the bottle over the PVC strips. The effect is AMAZING! Your stickers will appear magically suspended throughout the bubble bath. I did three different themes: I did the princess and castle and frog theme, the under ocean theme and the Old Macdonalds Farm theme. They all came out beautifully.

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Soap Fluff Handwash for Children - Recipe 50

Clear Liquid Soap (Soap Barn)
Liquid colours - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink and purple (Soap Barn)
Fruity fragrances (Soap Barn)
500ml clear foaming pump bottle (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Pour 250ml liquid soap into a measuring jug. Add 30 drops of a fruity fragrance and a couple of drops of liquid soap colouring to the liquid soap and mix through well. Then add 250ml water. Mix your 500ml diluted liquid soap and pour it into your bottle – Now you have wonderful soap foam for washing hands! The colours, fragrances and foam will make washing hands for children so much fun they will be looking for excused to wash their hands all day long!

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Pink Grapefruit and Rose Bath Tea - Recipe 51

1 cup citric acid (The Soap Barn)
1 cup baking soda (The Soap Barn)
1 cup bath crystals (The Soap Barn)
Dried rose petals
Pink grapefruit fragrance (The Soap Barn)
Rose fragrance (The Soap Barn)
Large heat seal tea bags (The Soap Barn)
Half cube PVC box (The Soap Barn)
Raffia (The Chocolate Den)
Bath Tea stickers (The Soap Barn)

Mix the citric acid, baking soda, bath crystals and rose petals together in a bowl. Add 3ml rose fragrance and 3ml pink grapefruit fragrance. Fill the tea bags leaving some space for sealing. Heat seal tea bags with a sealing machine, hair straightener, or iron. Pack four bags into a half cube PVC box. Finish off with some raffia, a Bath Tea sticker and a dried or fresh rose.

Fill your tea bags with the mixture, then heat seal them.

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Lemongrass and Rose Soap Wedges - Recipe 52

1kg Lemongrass and Sugar Cane Farmhouse soap (The Soap Barn)
Fresh Roses and leaves
Raffia (The Chocolate Den)
Large pyramind boxes (The Soap Barn)

Knock the soap out of the bucket and slice it into three thick round soaps. Then cut the rounds into quarters so you have 12 chunky cake slices of soap. Cut your fresh roses off their stems leaving about 1cm at the bottom. Gently push the 1cm rose stem into the soft, freshly cut soap (don't leave this to the next day because then the soap will be too hard) Press a fresh rose leaf on etiher side of the cut soap. Tie some raffia around the soap to keep the leaves in place. Package in a large PVC pyramid box. The roses will stay fresh for quite some days and will eventually dry out and become dried roses.


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Papaya and Lime Shimmering Body Bar - Recipe 53

100ml Shea butter (The Soap Barn)
100ml bleached bees wax (The Soap Barn)
100ml coconut oil (The Soap Barn)
Papaya fragrance (The Soap Barn)
Lime fragrance (The Soap Barn)
10ml Gold Powder (The Soap Barn)
5 Body Bar Jars (The Soap Barn)
Download label here

Melt the three oils together in a small pot on the stove. When the beeswax has melted (that one takes the longest) then add 10ml papaya fragrance and 5ml lime fragrance to the oils. Then mix in 10ml gold powder. Leave your mixture a couple of minutes to cool and then pour it into the jars. You can put the jars in the fridge to set the body bars. Once set tap the body bars out to loosen them. Close with a lid and label/

Using Body Butter Bars:
These bars are a rich, luxurious body butter in a solid bar form. Rub the bar all over your body for soft, glowing skin. The oils absorb into your skin and you are left with nourished, moisturised skin that is not oily or greasy. This is just the most wonderful body butter ever!

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Raspberry and Rose Lip Love - Recipe 54

3 Tablespoons sweet almond oil (The Soap Barn)
3 Tablespoons coconut oil (The Soap Barn)
3 Tablespoons beeswax (The Soap Barn)
Raspberry fragrance (The Soap Barn)
Rose fragrance (The Soap Barn)
Red oil colouring (The Soap Barn)
10 - 15 Lip Ice tubes
Download label here

Melt all the oils together in a small pot on the stove. Then add a few drops of red oil colouring. Add raspberry fragrance and rose fragrance - start with 20 drops of each and then add more if you need. Leave the mixture a couple of minutes to cool. Pour just a little mixture into each tube and leave it a minute to set. The fill each tube to the top. When the lip love is set cover it with the lid and label it.

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Cinnamon + Honey Christmas Pudding Soap - Recipe 55

1kg white unfragranced Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
1kg cinnamon and honey Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Berries of the Forest tea (Soap Barn)
Blackcurrant fragrance (Soap Barn)
Clam shell container for moulding (Chocolate Den)

Melt your Famhouse soaps in a pot on the stove or in a plastic jug in the microwave Add 20ml blackcurrant fragrance to the melted white soap and mix through well. Leave it to cool till it forms a skin on top and then pour it into the bottom of the clam shell container - filling 1cm-2cm. Leave that to set.

Then pour the melted cinnamon and honey soap over the first layer and leave that to set. I added some berries of the forest tea to my cinnamon and honey soap as you can see in the pic. You can also do that if you like but I wasn't delighted with the result. (Better just on top for decoration)

Once the soap in the clam shell has set you can un-mould it.

Then re-melt your white soap and pour it over the top of the Christmas pudding soap so it runs down the sides. While the soap is still liquid quickly sprinkle some berries of the forest tea over the top for decoration.

You can later slice your Christmas pudding soap into nice thick chuncks and package each one individually.

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Berries of the Forest Soap Ball - Recipe 56

1kg white unfragranced Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
1kg soap noodles (Soap Barn)
Berries of the Forest tea (Soap Barn)
Blackcurrant fragrance (Soap Barn)
Large white paper cups and PVC boxes for presentation

Put one handful of soap noodles into a small bowl. Gently melt the white farmhouse soap in the microwave or in a pot on the stove. Add 20ml blackcurrant fragrance to the melted soap and mix through well. Add some melted soap to the handful of soap noodles in the bowl (just enough to cover the noodles) and stir it through till you get a thick porridge consistency. Now you can take this mixture out in your hands and roll it into a beautiful smooth soap ball. Pour some more melted soap over the ball to get a smooth finish. Sprinkle the berries of the forest tea over the newly poured soap so that they stick to the ball while the soap is still liquid.

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Rooibos, Berries + Cinnamon Bath Tea - Recipe 57


250g rooibos tea (Soap Barn)
Cinnamon powder (Soap Barn)
5kg coarse salt (Soap Barn)
Berries of the Forest tea (Soap Barn)
Blackcurrant fragrance (Soap Barn)
Tea bags heat seal (Soap Barn)
1/2 cube PVC box (Soap Barn)
Raffia (Chocolate Den)
250ml glass clip jar (Soap Barn)
Wooden spoon (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Mix together the coarse salt and the rooibos tea. Then add 30ml blackcurrant fragrance, 2 tablespoons cinnamon powder and a pack of berries of the forest tea. Mix through well so you have an even mixture througout. Then you can package your bath salts in heat seal tea bags or in a glass jar. These bath salts, whether in a tea bag (some people prefer to use their salts in teabags so they don't have flowers and leaves floating around in the bath) or in a jar make a lovely Christmas gift that is fruity and spicy - quick and easy to make and not expensive either.

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Mulled Wine Gift Boxes - Recipe 58


Cinnamon powder (Soap Barn)
Clove powder )Soap Barn)
Berries of the Forest tea (Soap Barn)
Brown sugar
Large tea bags heat seal (Soap Barn)
1/2 cube PVC box (Soap Barn)
Raffia (Chocolate Den)
Download label here

Mix together 2 tablespoons cinnamon powder, 1 teaspoon clove powder, one pack of berries of the forest tea and one cup brown sugar. Put two tablespoons of mixture into each large tea bag and heat seal.
Pack 4 -6 teabags in a 1/2 cube box. These gift packs are stunning Chrismas gifts. Gluhwein was never this easy: Gently warm your red wine in a pot on the stove and add one mulled wine sachet. Leave it to steep till all the flavours of the berries, cinnamon and cloves come through. You can also grate a little orange zest into the mulled wine for a bit of zing. Serve hot. A lovely way to end the evening - sipping mulled wine in the garden after Christmas dinner.

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Iced Tea Gift Boxes - Recipe 59

Rooibos tea (Soap Barn)
Berries of the Forest tea (Soap Barn)
Brown sugar
Tea bags heat seal (Soap Barn)
1/2 cube PVC box (Soap Barn)
Raffia (Chocolate Den)
Download label here

Mix together 250g rooibos tea, one pack of berries of the forest tea and one cup brown sugar. Fill your mixture into the tea bags and heat seal. Pack 6-8 teabags in a 1/2 cube box. These gift packs are stunning Chrismas gifts. Iced tea was never this easy: Steep your tea bag in 1/4 cup of boiling water. Leave it to steep well so all the flavours of the berries come through. Then remove your tea bag and pour the 1/4 cup well steeped tea into a long glass. Fill the glass with ice and ice water. Serve with a slice of lemon. This is a lovely, cool, fruity summer drink. A box of these teas will make a stunning gift for all your friends and family.

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Bath Soap Crayons - Recipe 60

1kg white bubblegum farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Crayon mould (Soap Barn)
Bulldog clips (Chocolate Den)
Soap powder dyes (Soap Barn)
Cellophane (Chocolate Den)
Medium long PVC boxes (Soap Barn)
Small drawstring bag (Soap Barn)
Download label 1 here
Download label 2 here

Cut the crayon shapes out of your mould with a 1cm boarder all the way around. Cut out the flat bottom of each crayon. Clip two sides of the crayon together all the way around with bulldog clips to make a 3-D crayon. Place your crayon mould in a large cup with point facing down and open bottom facing up. Gently melt the soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave in a plastic jug. You will always get the very best results from soap that has been melted slowly over a low heat. The cooler your melted soap, the better your end result. Divide your melted soap into separate pots or jugs for all the colours you intend to make. Dissolve your powder dyes in a little water and then add them to the melted soap. Stir through well till the soap is dark with colour. We make these crayons dark so they can be used for drawing on the bath and drawing on the body in the bath. Leave the soap to cool and thicken. When it is cool pour it in to the mould right to the top. Leave for two hours to set. Remove the clips from around the mould and un-mould your crayon soap. Leave your soap a day or two to dry and harden. Then wrap the crayon (not the point, just the body) with cellophane and then complete your product with the label you have downloaded from the website. You can either package each crayon separately in a medium long PVC box or you can pack three crayons in a drawstring bag.

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Father Christmas Soap Puzzle - Recipe 61


1kg white candyfloss farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
1 large puzzle mould (Soap Barn) OR
1 small puzzle mould (Soap Barn)
Soap Glaze (Soap Barn)
Drawstring bag for packaging large puzzle (Soap Barn)
Oblong PVC box for packaging small puzzle (Soap Barn)
Download Puzzle template here
Download Father Christmas design small here
Download Father Christmas design large here
Download Father Christmas label here

Gently melt the soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave in a plastic jug. You will always get the very best results from soap that has been melted slowly over a low heat. The cooler your melted soap, the better your end result. Leave the soap to cool till it has formed a thick skin on top and then pour it in to the mould right to the top. Leave for two hours to set and then un-mould your soaps. Leave your puzzle pieces two or three days to dry and harden. You will need nine puzzle pieces for each puzzle if you want to use the templates and designs you have downloaded from the website. Stick the puzzle template on to the back of the Father Christmas design – sellotape it around the edges. Then cut out the whole design according to the template. Make sure you keep all piece in the right order! Stick each piece of the design onto the puzzle using the soap glaze. Only a thin layer is required. When the design is complete leave to dry before packaging. Complete your product with the label you have downloaded from the website. These puzzles are a win! They will provide hours of entertainment in the bath and very clean children too!

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Flirt Perfume - Recipe 62


100ml Plain lip balm base (Soap Barn)
10ml Strawberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
10ml Lily of the valley fragrance (Soap Barn)
15ml Lip balm pots (Soap Barn)
Large PVC envelopes (Soap Barn)
Pink polka dot tissue paper (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Gently melt the lip balm base in a small pot or tin on the stove over a low heat. Add 10ml strawberry fragrance and 10ml lily of the valley fragrance. Stir through well. Pour mixture into lip balm pots and leave to set. Label pots using labels from website and broad sellotape. Put tissue paper into envelope and then the perfume. Seal envelope with sellotape. This perfume makes a wonderful gift for young girls and women at Christmas time.

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Christmas Bath Snow - Recipe 63

Bath Snow (Soap Barn)
Powder colours - these are not the same as powder dyes! (Soap Barn)
Fragrances (Soap Barn)
Medium size stack pack (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Divide your bath snow into separate bowls for all the colours you would like to make. Add a little powder dye to each bowl and fragrance to match. Judge the amount of colour you need with your eye and the amount of fragrance you need with your nose. Mix each colour through well. Fill your stack pack with bath snow of many colours. Finish your product with the label you have downloaded from the website. This bath snow stack pack makes a wonderful gift for friends and family over Christmas it appeals to young and old because one is never too young or too old for a fantastic bubble bath. Using your Bath Snow: Throw a handful of bath snow into the bath under the hot running tap as you fill the bath with water. You will have the bubbliest ever bubble bath!

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Snowman Soap Puzzle - Recipe 64


1kg white candyfloss farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
1 large puzzle mould (Soap Barn) OR
1 small puzzle mould (Soap Barn)
Soap Glaze (Soap Barn)
Drawstring bag for packaging large puzzle (Soap Barn)
Oblong PVC box for packaging small puzzle (Soap Barn)
Download Puzzle template here
Download Snowman design small here
Download Snowman design large here
Download Snowman label here

Gently melt the soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave in a plastic jug. You will always get the very best results from soap that has been melted slowly over a low heat. The cooler your melted soap, the better your end result. Leave the soap to cool till it has formed a thick skin on top and then pour it in to the mould right to the top. Leave for two hours to set and then un-mould your soaps. Leave your puzzle pieces two or three days to dry and harden. You will need nine puzzle pieces for each puzzle if you want to use the templates and designs you have downloaded from the website. Stick the puzzle template on to the back of the Snowman design – sellotape it around the edges. Then cut out the whole design according to the template. Make sure you keep all piece in the right order! Stick each piece of the design onto the puzzle using the soap glaze. Only a thin layer is required. When the design is complete leave to dry before packaging. Complete your product with the label you have downloaded from the website. These puzzles are a win! They will provide hours of entertainment in the bath and very clean children too!

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Soap-Doh Tower for Christmas - Recipe 65

Soap-Doh (Soap Barn)
Powder dyes (Soap Barn)
Fragrances (Soap Barn)
Large size stack pack (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Divide your Soap-Doh into separate parts for all the colours you would like to make. Colour each part with powder dye (this a very concentrated colourant and you will achieve excellent results with it – I recommend you use plastic gloves while mixing in the colours or you will have coloured hands the whole day!) Fragrance each coloured Soap-Doh with a matching fragrance. Fill each pot of the stack pack with one colour Soap-Doh. Make sure you fill it right to the top (full full full) so that there is not place for air. Air will dry out your product. Re-assemble your stack pack and seal tightly. Finish your product with the label you have downloaded from the website. This Soap-Doh tower makes a wonderful gift for all young boys and girls over Christmas. Using Soap-Doh: This product is a play dough for bath time. It is soft, smooth and gentle on the skin. It is a mild soap and will wash children as they play with it. This is an all time bath favourite with children.

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Innocence Perfume - Recipe 66

100ml Plain lip balm base (Soap Barn)
10ml Baby powder fragrance (Soap Barn)
10ml Rose fragrance (Soap Barn)
15ml Lip balm pots (Soap Barn)
Large PVC envelopes (Soap Barn)
Purple polka dot tissue paper (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Gently melt the lip balm base in a small pot or tin on the stove over a low heat. Add 10ml baby powder fragrance and 10ml rose fragrance. Stir through well. Pour mixture into lip balm pots and leave to set. Label pots using labels from website and broad sellotape. Put tissue paper into envelope and then the perfume. Seal envelope with sellotape. This perfume makes a wonderful gift for young girls and women at Christmas time.

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Christmas Bear Soap Puzzle - Recipe 67


1kg white candyfloss farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
1 large puzzle mould (Soap Barn) OR
1 small puzzle mould (Soap Barn)
Soap Glaze (Soap Barn)
Drawstring bag for packaging large puzzle (Soap Barn)
Oblong PVC box for packaging small puzzle (Soap Barn)
Download Puzzle template here
Download Christmas Bear design small here
Download Christmas Bear design large here
Download Christmas Bear label here

Gently melt the soap in a pot on the stove or in the microwave in a plastic jug. You will always get the very best results from soap that has been melted slowly over a low heat. The cooler your melted soap, the better your end result. Leave the soap to cool till it has formed a thick skin on top and then pour it in to the mould right to the top. Leave for two hours to set and then un-mould your soaps. Leave your puzzle pieces two or three days to dry and harden. You will need nine puzzle pieces for each puzzle if you want to use the templates and designs you have downloaded from the website. Stick the puzzle template on to the back of the Christmas Bear design – sellotape it around the edges. Then cut out the whole design according to the template. Make sure you keep all piece in the right order! Stick each piece of the design onto the puzzle using the soap glaze. Only a thin layer is required. When the design is complete leave to dry before packaging. Complete your product with the label you have downloaded from the website. These puzzles are a win! They will provide hours of entertainment in the bath and very clean children too!

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Wicked Perfume - Recipe 68

100ml Plain lip balm base (Soap Barn)
10ml Fenjal fragrance (Soap Barn)
10ml Patchouli fragrance (Soap Barn)
15ml Lip balm pots (Soap Barn) Large PVC envelopes (Soap Barn)
Green polka dot tissue paper (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Gently melt the lip balm base in a small pot or tin on the stove over a low heat. Add 10ml fenjal fragrance and 10ml patchouli fragrance. Stir through well. Pour mixture into lip balm pots and leave to set. Label pots using labels from website and broad sellotape. Put tissue paper into envelope and then the perfume. Seal envelope with sellotape. This perfume makes a wonderful gift for young girls and women at Christmas time.

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Lip Balm Tower for Christmas - Recipe 69

Lip balms ready made (Soap Barn) – See website pricelist 'Lip Balm' for full list of flavours and colours
Small stack packs (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Gently melt the lip balm in a small pot or tin on the stove over a low heat. Pour into stack pack containers and leave to cool. When cool re-assemble the stack pack. Finish your product with the label you have downloaded from the website. This lip balm tower makes a wonderful gift for all young ladies over Christmas.

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Spicy Perfume - Recipe 70

100ml Plain lip balm base (Soap Barn)
10ml Musk fragrance (Soap Barn)
10ml Sandalwood fragrance (Soap Barn)
15ml Lip balm pots (Soap Barn)
Large PVC envelopes (Soap Barn)
Red polka dot tissue paper (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Gently melt the lip balm base in a small pot or tin on the stove over a low heat. Add 10ml musk fragrance and 10ml sandalwood fragrance. Stir through well. Pour mixture into lip balm pots and leave to set. Label pots using labels from website and broad sellotape. Put tissue paper into envelope and then the perfume. Seal envelope with sellotape. This perfume makes a wonderful gift for young girls and women at Christmas time.

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Christmas Candle Lantern - Recipe 71


1kg candle wax (Soap Barn)
Wick (Soap Barn)
Cinnamon fragrance (Soap Barn)
1lt plastic bucket for a mould
Decorative paper

Melt your wax gently in a pot on the stove. When melted add your fragrance oil. Position your wick in the bucket and pour in your melted wax. Leave your candle to set. Once it has set you will notice that it has set with a hole in the middle. This is usual when working with wax because it shrinks when it sets. Now melt your leftover wax and top up the candle where it has shrunk. Leave the candle now to cool and set completely. When your candle has set take it out of the bucket. Make a cylinder out of your decorative paper that will fit exactly around your candle. Light your candle and carefully place the cylinder over. This gorgeous candle shines a wonderful romantic light and delivers a warm, homely smell

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Christmas Candle - Recipe 72

1kg candle wax (Soap Barn)
Wick (Soap Barn)
Cranberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Red candle colouring (Soap Barn)
1lt plastic bucket for a mould
Decorative paper

Melt your wax gently in a pot on the stove. When melted add your fragrance oil and colouring. Position your wick in the bucket and pour in your melted wax. Leave your candle to set. Once it has set you will notice that it has set with a hole in the middle. This is usual when working with wax because it shrinks when it sets. Now melt your leftover wax and top up the candle where it has shrunk. Leave the candle now to cool and set completely. When your candle has set take it out of the bucket. Wrap decorative paper and ribbon around. For a room filled with a Christmas cranberry ambience these candles are a must!

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Cinnamon and Vanilla Body Butter Candle - Recipe 73

350g Soy Wax (Soap Barn)
Vanilla fragrance (Soap Barn)
Cinnamon Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Candle Wick (Soap Barn)
Tea cup and saucer

Melt the soy wax in the microwave for three to five minutes. When melted add 10ml vanilla fragrance and three drops of cinnamon fragrance. Position your wick in the middle of the cup and make sure it stays upright by placing kebab sticks on either side. Pour your melted wax into the cup. Leave to set. Using Body Butter Candles: Light the candle and let the wax melt. Use the warm melted wax to rub all over your body for the softest, smoothest skin.

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Festive Gel Candle - Recipe 74

Gel wax (Soap Barn)
Glass vase
Wick (Soap Barn)
Sustainers (Soap Barn)
Lustre colours: gold, lustre sparkle (Soap Barn)
Pink neon colour (Soap Barn)
Cranberry fragrance (Soap Barn)
Vanilla fragrance (Soap Barn)

Start by cutting your wick to size (and a bit). Melt the gel wax in a pot directly on the stove over a very low heat. When the gel is melted it will run like water. Dip your wick into the melted gel and hold it up so it can set straight. Fasten your sustainer to the bottom of your waxed wick. Position the wick in the middle of the vase using a tiny bit of prestik under the sustainer. Tie the top of the wick onto a kebab stick that balances on the top of the vase. (If you ultimately wish to have a bigger flame you can cut three pieces of wick and plait them. Then dip them in the wax and position them just as you would do with one strand.) Fragrance your melted gel. Divide the fragranced gel into three and colour each third with a different lustre powder. You can mix the neon pink and the lustre sparkle to get a sparkling bright pink. Then pour one colour of your melted gel into the glass 1/6 of the way up. Leave that layer to set and then pour your next layer and repeat the method till you have filled your vase to the top with different layers. Leave your candle to set. Your candle will burn for ages filling your house with the wonderful smells of cranberry and vanilla.

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January Recipes

  1  Chunky Heart Soaps
  2  Hot Stuff - Love Sauce
  3  Hot Stuff - Love Paste
  4  Heart and Rose Soap
  5  Hot Stuff - Love Spice
  6  Body Butter Love Candle
  7  Hot Stuff – Love Rub

February Recipes

  8  Laced Soap Hearts
  9  Painted Heart Soaps
10  Scented Hearts
11  Heart Wrapping
12  Citronella Lotion
13  Citronella Soap Balls
14  Citronella Diffuser
15  Citronella Candles
16  Citronella Soap
17  Citronella Spray

March Recipes

18  Pink Marshmallow Soap Bunnies
19  Little Lamb Soaps
20  Real Chocolate/Soap Eggs
21  More Chocolate/Soap Eggs
22  Happy Bubble- Doh Eggs
23  Nougat Easter Soap Eggs

April Recipes

24  Cleopatra Milk Soap
25  Cleopatra Milk Scrub
26  Cleopatra Bath Mask
27  Cleopatra Bath Milk
28  Cleopatra Linen Spray
29  Cleopatra Bath Milkshake
30  Cleopatra Bath Tea
31  Cleopatra Purse Gift
32  Cleopatra Bath Mousse
33  Cleopatra Body Butter

May Recipes

34  Soap Pop Swirl
35  Soap Flower Cracker
36  Soap Rose Candies
37  Mixed Soap Stick
38  Soap Flower Pops
39  Soap Heart Pop

June Recipes

40  Foam Foam Foam
41  Fathers' Day Gift Soaps

July Recipes

42  100% Natural Cuticle Treatment
43  100% Natural Hand Wash
44  100% Natural Lip Bar
45  100% Natural Herbal Shower Gel
46  100% Natural Soap Creme

August Recipes

47  Bumbles Floating Bubble Bath Balls
48  Bubbaloo Bubble Bath
49  3-D Bubble Bath
50  Soap Fluff Handwash for Children

September Recipes

51  Pink Grapefruit and Rose Bath Tea
52  Lemongrass and Rose Soap Wedges
53  Papaya and Lime Shimmering Body Bar
54  Raspberry and Rose Lip Love

October Recipes

55  Cinnamon + Honey Christmas Pudding Soap
56  Berries of the Forest Soap Ball
57  Rooibos, Berries + Cinnamon Bath Tea
58  Mulled Wine Gift Boxes
59  Iced Tea Gift Boxes

November Recipes

60  Bath Soap Crayons
61  Father Christmas Soap Puzzle
62  Flirt Perfume
63  Christmas Bath Snow
64  Snowman Soap Puzzle
65  Soap-Doh Tower for Christmas
66  Innocence Perfume
67  Christmas Bear Soap Puzzle
68  Wicked Perfume
69  Lip Balm Tower for Christmas
70  Spicy Perfume

December Recipes

71  Christmas Candle Lantern
72  Christmas Candle
73  Cinnamon and Vanilla Body Butter Candle
74  Festive Gel Candle

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