2014 Newsletter Recipes

All recipes are originated by Jackie and protected by copyright.
You are welcome and encouraged to use any or all of the recipes but copying them or publishing
them in any form and in any media will be an infringement of copyright law and legal action will be taken.

All photographs belong to Jackie at The Soap Barn and copying them or publishing them in any
form or in any media will constitute an infringement of copyright law and legal action will be taken.

Click here for Recipe Index

Love Soap for Valentines Day - Recipe 1

Red strawberry glycerine soap (Soap Barn)
White olive oil Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Charcoal and spearmint Farmhouse soap (Soap Barn)
Love soap mould Soap 52 (Soap Barn)

Gently melt the soap in the microwave or in a pot directly on the stove. Pour the melted soap into the 'love' section and leave to set. When the 'love' section has set pour a contrasting soap into the rest of the mould. The second soap you pour must be quite hot because if it doesn't melt the top layer of the 'love' section the two sections won't bond. Leave your soap two hours to set. Un-mould and wrap


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Burners with Wax Melts - Recipe 2


1kg Soy wax for candles (Soap Barn)
Mould TCD 11 (Soap Barn)
Fragrance or Essential Oil (Soap Barn)
Burner (Soap Barn)
Tealight candles (Soap Barn)
Candle dyes - optional (Soap Barn)

Melt your soy candle wax in the microwave. Add 10% fragrance to your melted wax or 5% essential oil. Pour into your mould and leave to set. You can place the mould in the freezer to speed up the setting time. When wax melts are set un-mould and package them.

Using your wax melts in burners:
Light a tealight candle and place it at the bottom of the burner. Put a wax melt into the top of the burner. Enjoy long lasting wonderful aroma all day long. Wax melts and burners make stunning gifts for everyone We even have burners for Valentines' Day!

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Bath Salt Hearts for Valentines' Day - Recipe 3

2 cups coarse salt (Soap Barn)
50ml Guar Gum (Soap Barn)
100ml hot water (from the kettle)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Pink powder colouring (Soap Barn)
Heart mould (Soap Barn)
Cellophane for wrapping (Chocolate Den)
Bath salt stickers (Soap Barn)

Prepare by cutting the heart cavities out of your mould with a 1cm border around the edges. Mix the coarse salt and the guar gum together in a bowl. Add your colour, and your fragrance. When those are mixed through add 100ml hot (not boiling) water from your kettle and mix through well, till you have a wet, sticky mixture. Fill each side of the heart mould with the mixture, piling it high on top - in other words overfill each side substantially. Then place the two sides of the heart together and compress. Remove the mould from the heart and place the heart on a tray to set. It will require two days to set really hard. The most important thing to get right when you make bath salt hearts is overfilling the moulds. When the two sides come together you need lots of extra salt to get a really hard and compact ball. When the hearts are dry you can either sell them unwrapped or you can wrap them in cellophane. Hold your hairdryer over the cellophane and it will shrink wrap around the heart - excellent, professional results.

Why I love Bath Salt Hearts: Because firstly there are no other bath salt hearts on the market , other than the ones you are going to make. This means you have a unique product. They are really cheap to make, they cost less than R1.00 to make and they are really easy to make. Each mixture makes 11 hearts. I believe they are going to be fabulous sellers. Fill a bowl with bath salt hearts as a lovely Valentines' day gift.Bbr>
Bath Salt Hearts are used the same way as normal bath salts. Thow a heart into the bath and relax in the hot water while the salts soothe your aching muscles. Another 100% natural recipe for you - from The Soap Barn

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Bubble Bath Snow for Easter - Recipe 4

Bath Snow (Soap Barn)
Powder colours - these are not the same as powder dyes! (Soap Barn)
Fragrances (Soap Barn)
Flip Top Jars (Soap Barn)

Divide your bath snow into separate bowls for all the colours you would like to make. Add a little powder dye to each bowl and fragrance to match. Judge the amount of colour you need with your eye and the amount of fragrance you need with your nose. Mix each colour through well. Fill your flip top jars. These bath snow jars makes a wonderful gift for friends and family over Easter. They have universal appeal because one is never too young or too old for a fantastic bubble bath. Using your Bath Snow: Throw a handful of bath snow into the bath under the hot running tap as you fill the bath with water. You will have the bubbliest ever bubble bath!

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Bath Fizz Suprise Eggs - Recipe 5


1kg Fizz-Bop (Soap Barn)
Marshmallow Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Mother Of Pearl Glitter (Soap Barn)
Egg Mould (Soap Barn)
Egg Box (Soap Barn)

Cut the egg cavities out of your mould. Heat your Fizz-Bop in the microwave for 1 minute to soften it. Then add your fragrance. Fill both halves of the egg with fragranced Fizz-Bop. Add your surprise duck. Squash both sides of the egg together. Un-mould and sprinkle with glitter. Place in the fridge to harden. Drop a fizzing egg into the water for the best ever fizz, the softest skin and a little surpise as well!

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Rooibos and Vanilla Fizzing Eggs for your Bath - Recipe 6

1kg Fizz-Bop (Soap Barn)
Rooibos Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Rooibos Tea
Stickers Duck (Soap Barn)
Egg Mould (Soap Barn)
Egg Box (Soap Barn)

Cut the egg cavities out of your mould. Heat your Fizz-Bop in the microwave for 1 minute to soften it. Then add your rooibos fragrance and tea. Fill both halves of the egg with fragranced Fizz-Bop. Squash both sides of the egg together. Un-mould and place in the fridge to harden. Drop a fizzing egg into the water for the best ever fizz.

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Scrub Cookies For Face, Hands and Body - Recipe 7

1 cup corn starch (Soap Barn)
1 cup kaolin powder (Soap Barn)
1 cup citric acid (Soap Barn)
3 cups fine bath salt (Soap Barn)
1 cup talcum powder pure (Soap Barn)
100ml coconut oil melted (Soap Barn)
125g cocoa butter melted (Soap Barn)
Small soap mould (SB 53) (Soap Barn)
Dried herbs, flowers and essential oils (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Mix all ingredients together well. Then you can add your extras. I made 4 different types of scrub cookies but you can mix and match whaterver you like. I made: Cinnamon and Orange Scrub Cookies by adding cinnamon powder, dried orange peel scrub and orange essential oil. Ginger and Lime Scrub Cookies by adding ginger powder and lime essential oil. Chamomile Scrub Cookies by adding chamomile flowers and chamomile essential oil. Patchouli and Rose Scrub Cookies by adding dried patchouli and rose essential oil. Once I mixed in my extras I pushed the mixture into moulds tightly and then knocked out the cookies. I put the cookies in the freezer for ten minutes to set. Then I wrapped them individually. Tip: When melting the cocoa butter melt it at the lowest heat possible. I put it in the microwave long enough for only half of it to melt. I then stir it till the other half has melted. Cocoa butter only sets hard again if it is melted at the lowest possible temperature.

Using Scrub Cookies:
Break a small piece of scrub off the cookie and add two or three drops of water. Then use it to scrub your hands, face and body. This is the most amazing scrub I have ever used. It's going to be a winner especially in winter when skin is dry and needing good nourishment.

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Bath Confetti - Recipe 8

Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Powder Dyes (Soap Barn)
Fragrances (Soap Barn)
Cornstarch (Soap Barn)
Small Cookie Cutter
Mother of Pearl Glitter (Soap Barn)
Round Window Tin (Soap Barn)

Gently melt your Farmhouse Soap. Dissolve the powder dye in a few drops of water and add to the melted soap. Add lots of fragrance so your soap smells wonderful. Put 300ml cornstarch into a jug. Pour 400ml of the coloured and fragranced soap over the cornstarch. Stir well and stir quick. Pour your mixture onto the table top or counter and leave a few minutes to set. Cut the set sheet up with your cookie cutter. Peel the rest of the sheet away, you can remelt it and pour another sheet. Lift the confetti up with a smooth edged knife. Put the confetti in a bag with a tablespoon of cornstarch and some mother-of-pearl glitter and shake well.

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Heart Fizzies with Roses - Recipe 9

1kg Fizz-Bop (Soap Barn)
Rose Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Dried Rose (Soap Barn)
Heart Mould (Soap Barn)
Mother-of-pearl glitter (Soap Barn)
Cellophane (Soap Barn)

Heat your Fizz-Bop in the microwave for 1 minute to soften it. Then add your fragrance. Place your dried rose in the mould and fill the heart with fragranced Fizz-Bop. Squash in firmly. Un-mould, sprinkle with glitter and place in the fridge or freezer to harden. Wrap in cellophane.

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Cottage Style Fizz Balls - Recipe 10

1kg Fizz-Bop (Soap Barn)
Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Dried Herbs, Flowers (Soap Barn)
Ball Mould (Soap Barn)
Cocoa Butter (Soap Barn)
Cellophane (Soap Barn)

Cut the ball cavities out of your mould. Heat your Fizz-Bop in the microwave for 1 minute to soften it. Then add your fragrance. Fill both halves of the ball with fragranced Fizz-Bop. Squash both sides of the egg together. Unmould and place in the fridge to harden. Melt your cocoa butter very gently in the microwave. It’s best to melt so slowly it hardly gets warm. Leave it to cool. Then dip half a fizz ball in the cool cocoa butter and roll it in the dried herbs or flowers. Then do the second side. Place the rolled ball in the freezer to harden the cocoa butter. Wrap in cellophane.

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Soap Slices - Recipe 11

1kg Charcoal (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
1kg Rose Geranium (Soap Barn)
Famhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
1 Loaf Tin (Soap Barn)

Melt your pink soap and pour it out over the counter. Leave it to set and then roll it into a thick scroll. Place the scroll in loaf tin. Melt your charcoal soap and then pour it over the scroll in the tin. Leave to set and then slice.

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Soap Leaf Gift Boxes - Recipe 12

Cocoa Butter Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Rose Geranium Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
Charcoal Spearmint Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
New Gift Box Containers (Soap Barn)

Melt each of your soaps separately and gently. Pour each one out over the table top or counter. Leave to set. After ten minutes the soap should be set, peel the soap sheet off the counter top. Put it back down and use your containers to cut out the soap leaves. Leave the cut-outs two or three days to dry, harden and shrink.

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Bergamot Hand Butter for Chapped Hands - Recipe 13

100ml Sweet Almond Oil (Soap Barn)
100ml Mango Butter (Soap Barn)
100ml Emulsifying Wax (Soap Barn)
400ml Water (distilled or boiled)
100ml Urea (Soap Barn)
8ml Euxyl (paraben free preservative) (Soap Barn)
Bergamot (Fragrance or Essential Oil) (Soap Barn)
Yellow Liquid Colouring (Soap Barn)
Green Liquid Colouring (Soap Barn)
Lotion Jars (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Over very low heat melt the emulsifying wax and the mango butter. Melt it at the lowest possible temperature and as soon as it's melted remove it from the stove. Now mix in your sweet almond oil. Dissolve your urea in the water. Once the oils are mixed, tablespoon by tablespoon add your water while stirring. In the beginning it won't look too good - sort of curdled. But it's fine so don't panic. Add in all your water and stir until it becomes creamy looking. Add your preservative and mix it through well. Beat it with a small electric hand beater till you have a thick, smooth and creamy texture. Now add your bergamot fragrance or essential oil. As much or as little as you like. Add ten drops of yellow liquid colour and one drop of green liquid colour so you have a gorgeous lime green balm. Now you can decant your mixture into lotion jars and label. Put some of this balm aside to use in the middle of your hand/food scrub as an extra feature.

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Spearmint and Charcoal Foot Scrub - Recipe 14

100ml Wheatgerm Oil (Soap Barn)
100ml Cocoa Butter (Soap Barn)
100ml Emulsifying Wax (Soap Barn)
400ml Water (distilled or boiled)
100ml Urea (Soap Barn)
8ml Euxyl (paraben free preservative) (Soap Barn)
Spearmint (Fragrance or Essential Oil) (Soap Barn)
Coarse Activated Charcoal (Soap Barn)
Fine Activated Charcoal (Soap Barn)
Lotion Jars (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Over very low heat melt the emulsifying wax and the cocoa butter. Melt it at the lowest possible temperature and as soon as it's melted remove it from the stove. Now mix in your wheatgerm oil. Dissolve your urea in the water. Once the oils are mixed, tablespoon by tablespoon add your water while stirring. In the beginning it won't look too good - sort of curdled. But it's fine so don't panic. Add in all your water and stir until it becomes creamy looking. Add your preservative and mix it through well. Now add your spearmint fragrance or essential oil. As much or as little as you like. Add 100ml - 200ml coarse activated charcoal to the mixture so it is rough and textured. Also add 1 teaspoon fine activated carbon so your mixture is darker and you have more carbon to absorb smells and bacteria. Now you can decant your mixture into lotion jars and label. I like to put a layer of spearmint scrub at the bottom of the jar, put a layer of bergamot chapped hands butter in the middle and top up to the top of the jar with more spearmint scrub. I think it adds colour, texture and extra luxury to the scrub.

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Heel Balm - Recipe 15

100ml Grapeseed Oil (Soap Barn)
100ml Shea Butter (Soap Barn)
100ml Emulsifying Wax (Soap Barn)
400ml Water (distilled or boiled)
100ml Urea (Soap Barn)
8ml Euxyl (paraben free preservative)
Bergamot (Fragrance or Essential Oil)
Yellow Liquid Colouring (Soap Barn)
Green Liquid Colouring (Soap Barn)
Lotion Jars (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Over very low heat melt the emulsifying wax and the shea butter. Melt it at the lowest possible temperature and as soon as it's melted remove it from the stove. Now mix in your grapeseed oil. Dissolve your urea in the water. Once the oils are mixed, tablespoon by tablespoon add your water while stirring. In the beginning it won't look too good - sort of curdled. But it's fine so don't panic. Add in all your water and stir until it becomes creamy looking. Add your preservative and mix it through well. Beat it with a small electric hand beater till you have a thick, smooth and creamy texture. Now add your bergamot fragrance or essential oil. As much or as little as you like. Add ten drops of yellow liquid colour and one drop of green liquid colour so you have a gorgeous lime green balm. Now you can decant your mixture into lotion jars and label. Put some of this balm aside to use in the middle of your hand/food scrub as an extra feature.

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Hand Treatment Scrub - Recipe 16

100ml Avocado Oil (Soap Barn)
100ml Avocado Butter (Soap Barn)
100ml Emulsifying Wax (Soap Barn)
400ml Water (distilled or boiled)
100ml Urea (Soap Barn)
8ml Euxyl (paraben free preservative) (Soap Barn)
Spearmint (Fragrance or Essential Oil) (Soap Barn)
Coarse Activated Charcoal (Soap Barn)
Lotion Jars (Soap Barn)
Download label here

Over very low heat melt the emulsifying wax and the avocado butter. Melt it at the lowest possible temperature and as soon as it's melted remove it from the stove. Now mix in your avocado oil. Dissolve your urea in the water. Once the oils are mixed, tablespoon by tablespoon add your water while stirring. In the beginning it won't look too good - sort of curdled. But it's fine so don't panic. Add in all your water and stir until it becomes creamy looking. Add your preservative and mix it through well. Beat it with a small electric hand beater till you have a thick, smooth and creamy texture. Now add your spearmint fragrance or essential oil. As much or as little as you like. Add 100ml – 200ml coarse activated charcoal to the mixture so it is rough and textured. Now you can decant your mixture into lotion jars and label. I like to put a layer of spearmint scrub at the bottom of the jar, put a layer of bergamot chapped hands butter in the middle and top up to the top of the jar with more spearmint scrub. I think it adds colour, texture and extra luxury to the scrub.

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Winter Shower Bombs - Recipe 17

2 cups citric acid (Soap Barn)
2 cups cornstarch (Soap Barn)
2 cups baking soda (Soap Barn)
2ml camphor essential oil (Soap Barn)
2ml peppermint essential oil (Soap Barn)
2ml eucalyptus oil (Soap Barn)
75ml coconut oil (Soap Barn)
1 small mould (Soap Barn)

Mix all ingredients together. Press the mixture very tightly. into you mould and knock it out immediately. Put all the bombs in the freezer to set for ten minutes and you are ready to go!

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Soap On A Rope - Recipe 18

1kg Charcoal (Soap Barn)
Farmhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
1kg Badedas (Soap Barn)
Famhouse Soap (Soap Barn)
1 Round Mould (Soap Barn)
Rope (Soap Barn)

Melt your green badedas soap. Leave it to cool till it thickens and then pour it out over the counter. Leave it to set and then roll it into a thick scroll. Slice the scrolls to fit the mould. Melt your charcoal soap and then pour it over the scrolls in the mould. Leave to set. Push a hole through each soap with a kebab stick and string your rope through.

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Rooibos and Vanilla Body Butter - Recipe 19

100ml Hempseed Oil (Soap Barn)
100ml Cocoa Butter (Soap Barn)
100ml Emulsifying Wax (Soap Barn)
400ml Rooibos Tea (very strong) (Soap Barn)
100ml Urea (Soap Barn)
8ml Euxyl (paraben free preservative) (Soap Barn)
Vannila Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Rooisbos Fragrance (Soap Barn)
Lotion Jars (Soap Barn)

Over very low heat melt the emulsifying wax and the cocoa butter. Melt it at the lowest possible temperature and as soon as it's melted remove it from the stove. Now mix in your hempseed oil. Dissolve your urea in the tea. Once the oils are mixed, tablespoon by tablespoon add your tea while stirring. In the beginning it won't look too good - sort of curdled. But it's fine so don't panic. Add in all your water and stir until it becomes creamy looking. Add your preservative and mix it through well. Beat it with a small electric hand beater till you have a thick, smooth and creamy texture. Now add your fragrances. As much or as little as you like. Now you can decant your mixture into lotion jars and label.

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Natural Herbal Hair Conditioner Treatment - Recipe 20

100ml Emulsifying Wax (Soap Barn)
100ml Cocoa Butter (Soap Barn)
50ml Marigold Infusion
50ml Patchouli Infusion
50ml Arnica Infusion
5ml Argan Oil (Soap Barn)
800ml Water
10ml Euxyl (Soap Barn)
Download label here and here

Very gently melt together the cocoa butter and emulsifying wax. When they are melted take the pot off the stove and then mix in the three infusions. Stir in your water. Don’t panic if it looks curdled in the begining, just keep stirring till your mixture is thick and smooth. Then add your argan oil and euxyl.

Massage into your scalp and dry hair. Wrap your head in a towel. Leave for an hour and wash out with shampoo for the softest, shiniest, happiest hair.

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Mother Nature’s Kiss Natural Herbal Night Face Cream - Recipe 21

200ml Emulsifying Wax (Soap Barn)
50ml Shea Butter (Soap Barn)
50ml Castor Oil (Soap Barn)
50ml Marigold Infusion
50ml Patchouli Infusion
50ml Witch Hazel Infusion
5ml Argan Oil (Soap Barn)
500ml Water
10ml Euxyl (Soap Barn)
Download label here and here

Very gently melt together the shea butter and emulsifying wax. When they are melted take the pot off the stove and then mix in the three infusions and the castor oil. Stir in your water. Don’t panic if it looks curdled in the begining, just keep stirring till your mixture is thick and smooth. Then add your argan oil and euxyl.

After you have washed your face, put your night cream on and wake up the next morning with a lovley soft skin.

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100% Natural Herbal Hot Oil Hair Treatment - Recipe 22

300ml Coconut Oil
50ml Marigold Infusion
50ml Patchouli Infusion
50ml Witch Hazel Infusion
50ml Arnica Infusion
5ml Argan Oil
Download label here and here

Melt the coconut oil and then mix in the four infusions. Pour mixture into a bottle with flip lid.

Fill a jug with hot water from the kettle and stand your bottle of oil inside. When the oil has melted and is nice and warm massage your head and scalp with the warm oil. Cover your hair in oil and then wrap a towel around your head. Leave your scalp and hair to soak in all the goodness. You can leave it in overnight and wash it out in the morning or you can leave it in for a couple of hours only. This will feed and nourish your hair and stop any itching on your scalp.

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Natural Herbal Remedy Lotion - Recipe 23

200ml Emulsifying Wax (Soap Barn)
200ml Cocoa Butter (Soap Barn)
50ml Marigold Infusion
50ml Patchouli Infusion
50ml Witch Hazel Infusion
50ml Arnica Infusion
5ml Arnica Oil Blend (Soap Barn)
800ml Water infused with Myrrh
10ml Euxyl (Soap Barn)
Download label here and here

Very gently melt together the cocoa butter and emulsifying wax. When they are melted take the pot off the stove and then mix in the four infusions. Stir in your water infused with myrrh. Don’t panic if it looks curdled in the begining, just keep stirring till your mixture is thick and smooth. Then add your arnica oil and euxyl.

Use this remedy lotion on bruises, burns, strains and sprains, sore muscles, stings, rashes - everything. Just don’t use on open wounds.

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100% Natural Herbal Remedy Salve - Recipe 24

50ml Marigold Infusion
50ml Patchouli Infusion
50ml Witch Hazel Infusion
50ml Arnica Infusion
5ml Arnica Oil Blend (Soap Barn)
1 Teaspoon Bees Wax
Download label here and here

Mix the infusions together and warm them. Add the bees wax to the mixture and leave to melt in. Ass your arnica oil blend. Pour into jar and leave to set. If you are going to make herbal remedy sticks in lip ice tubes you need to add 100g bees wax to the mixure.

Use this remedy salve on bruises, burns, strains and sprains, sore muscles, stings, rashes - everything. Just don’t use on open wounds.

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100% Natural Herbal Shampoo Bar - Warm Wash - Recipe 25

1kg Myrrh Farmhouse Soap
1 Cup Dried Patchouli (Soap Barn)
1 Cup Dried Marigold (Soap Barn)
Download label here and here

Gently melt your Farmhouse Myrrh soap in a pot on the stove. When it is melted add in the dried herbs and leave them to brew. I left them to soak in the soap for about 4 hours. I added 50ml water to the mixture to prevent the soap from drying out to much. When all the goodness has steeped into the soap you can pour the mixture into a jug through a strainer. Then add 1 tablespoon arnica infusion and mix well. Now pour you soap into 50g moulds

Use one 50g bar to wash your hair. Cut it in half if you have short hair. Melt the bar in the microwave gently. Then use the warm, melted shampoo to wash your hair. This shampoo is kind and gentle to your hair and scalp. No more itchy head once you use this!

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Bug Buster Disinfectant Spray for Hands and Surfaces - Recipe 26


500ml Spraying Alcohol (Ethanol 96%)
5ml Anti-viral 20 blend essential oil
Liquid colouring if you like
A spray bottle or atomiser for your bag
Download label here

Mix the 5ml essential oil into the 500ml ethanol (spraying alcohol) Add a drop or two of colour if you like. Shake well. Decant into a spray bottle or into a smaller atomiser that you can keep in your bag.

Use to disinfect surfaces you suspect are not hygenic. Use to spray your hands if you feel you need to sanitize them.

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100% Natural Disinfectant Liquid Soap - Recipe 27


500ml Liquid castile soap
5ml Anti-viral 20 blend essential oil
Liquid colouring if you like
A pump bottle or atomiser for your bag
Download label here

Mix the 5ml essential oil into the 500ml castile soap. Add a drop or two of colour if you like. Mix well. Decant into a pump bottle or into a smaller atomiser that you can keep in your bag.

Use to wash your hands or body.

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Waterless Handwash Disinfectant - Recipe 28


500ml Waterless handwash
5ml Anti-viral 20 blend essential oil
Liquid colouring if you like
A pump bottle or 50ml flid lid bottle for your bag
Download label here and here

Mix the 5ml essential oil into the 500ml waterless handwash. Add a drop or two of colour if you like. Mix well. Decant into a pump bottle or into a 50ml flip lid bottle you can keep in your bag.

Use to sanitize your hands.

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100% Natural Disinfectant Hand and Body Soap - Recipe 29

1kg Unfragranced Farmhouse soap
20ml Anti-viral 20 blend essential oil
Liquid colouring if you like
A soap mould
Download label here

Mix the 20ml essential oil into 1kg melted Farmhouse soap. Add a drop or two of colour if you like. Mix well. Pour into a mould and leave to set. Wrap and labe when set

Use to wash your hands or body for complete sanitization

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2014 Recipes

  1  Love Soap for Valentines Day
  2  Burners with Wax Melts
  3  Bath Salt Hearts for Valentines' Day
  4  Bubble Bath Snow for Easter
  5  Bath Fizz Suprise Eggs
  6  Rooibos and Vanilla Fizzing Eggs for your Bath
  7  Scrub Cookies For Face, Hands and Body
  8  Bath Confetti
  9  Heart Fizzies with Roses
  10  Cottage Style Fizz Balls
  11  Soap Slices
  12  Soap Leaf Gift Boxes
  13  Bergamot Hand Butter for Chapped Hands
  14  Spearmint and Charcoal Foot Scrub
  15  Heel Balm
  16  Hand Treatment Scrub
  17  Winter Shower Bombs
  18  Soap On A Rope
  19  Rooibos and Vanilla Body Butter
  20  Natural Herbal Hair Conditioner Treatment
  21  Natural Herbal Night Face Cream
  22  100% Natural Herbal Hot Oil Hair Treatment
  23  Natural Herbal Remedy Lotion
  24  100% Natural Herbal Remedy Salve
  25  100% Natural Herbal Shampoo Bar - Warm Wash
  26  Bug Buster Disinfectant Spray for Hands and Surfaces
  27  100% Natural Disinfectant Liquid Soap
  28  Waterless Handwash Disinfectant
  29  100% Natural Disinfectant Hand and Body Soap

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